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Everything posted by resijs

  1. Problems solved. My PSU is an OKIA-420ATX and here's a review with an identical situation with the same PSU, but everything else is different. http://hardware.mcse.ms/archive10-2005-2-152237.html All my problems, even about the voltage. It is a realtek sound chip, so I'm sticking with the driver and the static issue has been quelled as well. Simply put, my old audio was weaker than my new audio. lol Thanks guys!
  2. Now that's what I call a quality reply! Unfortunately, that realtek driver was what I got with the motherboard, and the one from the via arena is what I'm using now. edit: oops, I had the pro version, I'll try the 4in1 one now, lol. What's the differences? Ah the raid driver, if that's all than why should I be concerned with that? k, tried the new realtek, no effect... But I think I like it better for the name.
  3. k, I flashed my BIOS. It fixed alot of stuff, made me faster. I can play Half-Life 2 with no problems now. Half-Life 1 has an issue where I lose my PS/2 components (Keyboard, mouse is on USB now.) and I still lose sound there. And the static is still there, but I think I'll just get a PCI sound card. http://www.tigerdirect.com/applications/SearchTools/item-details.asp?EdpNo=1111756&CatId=107
  4. No, it's 420W and the normal level for those is 3.3V...
  5. Motherboard is a Mach Speed PT88AS. Built in Sound card, thus South Bridge is VT 8237. Less specifically - VIA AC'97.
  6. Okay, so now I'm trying to update my BIOS. So, I make a startup disk, make another disk with the awdflash.exe and the bios file pt88asA4.BIN.. I start it up, no problems, backup my old bios, than I go to program it... It all fails, red bars (which are noted as failed) And 2 bars that say they don't need to be updated.... No error messages, just tells me to restart. What am I doing wrong? Do I need a certain setting in BIOS? Do I need to clear my CMOS first? thankyou
  7. Can anyone tell me what the red voltages pertain to? This might be some of my problems, but doubtably anything to do with sound.
  8. Nope, I'm using the same speakers I used with my old computer... And it effects my headset as well as my speakers. As I said, this is a known issue and I'd like to know if anyone here has a way around it.
  9. Hey, so no one can help me on this one? It's a VIA chipset. In game (HL or HL2) it will be staticy, than goes dead, than I can't move but can see others around me. btw, anyone know how to flash a bios when you're only given a BIN file?
  10. Okay, so this is apparently an issue known with VIA sound and Creative Labs... Great...
  11. I got an another problem now... Although I'm happy to report that I'm using my new computer now, there is a BIG issue with sound. Static STATIC static!! STATIC I updated the chipset and audio drivers, and it had no effect on this issue. The more sound that goes through the more static to cover it up, please... Is this a setting issue, or what?
  12. Case Closed. Thank you everybody! (omg he spams, he just quadruple posted! )
  13. I would just say your guess is "better" than mine.
  14. WORKING 4 pin power cord needed to be in! WOOT k, now I'm getting Floppy disk(s) fail (40) *sobs* I got passed that by pressing continue, but after that I got a memory address error, I think I might want to reformat...
  15. k, can we talk on aim? IMing is so much faster than forums. Thanks man, resetting cmos now.
  16. I am happy to report that the computer is on now, I can hear the fans running, my case fan is going... Now the problem is this, starts up... No video, no lights, no beeps. ram is secure, graphics card is secure, the harddrive might be the problem, but I dunno if it would do that. btw, no I don't have that... I have 4 hd/cdrom plugs, 1 made big one for the mobo, and the 4 pin one for P4s and 2 floppy cables.
  17. I doubt I'll ever understand what you're asking me to do resopal, if I get it wrong than I will ruin it, so I don't want to chance it, even though I'm pretty sure if I get it right than I'll know that I didn't fry my motherboard yet. btw, standoff is the big metal frame behind the mobo? Or are you talking about the round things that go under the screws? Hey, I think you're right, I definently have it messed up... I hope this works! k, I think this is what you're talking about... It's white clearish, looks like it'll work.
  18. Would that mean it's dead? btw, l2 ftw I played on a free server called St0rm gaming.
  19. Yes, there could be a loose screw in there. I actually tried to take pictures before I even started this thread, my cell phone's picture quality just sUx, sorry. BTW, I didn't have enough screws for all the holes on the mobo, could it be possible that would do this?
  20. An Error Has Occurred! Session verification failed. Please try logging out and back in again, and then try again. I'm sure everyone has this because I got it when I was at my school and on other computers... Fix?
  21. Those are some sweet "pre"formance tricks, thanks.
  22. no go.... My old ps did not work on the new motherboard. Seriously it must be the way it's configured. The motherboard has this, PWR LED POWER BTN .... ..... HDD LED RESET The powerled in for the motherboardshould be two pins, the power btn should be "3 pin" HOWEVER the third pin is not there (Not supposed to be according to the manual but it shows the power btn ord with 3 pin holders....), HDD LED should be 2 pins, and the Reset is 3 pins. My case has this, the hdd led is fine. the reset is 2 pins, the power btn is "2 pins" and the pwr led comes in two seperate cords. I am also not sure of the way I should put the cords in, the arrow on the left side, or the right? I have it on the right.
  23. Let's see, my new ps is around 420W while my old one doesn't say much, but I think it's 240W. btw, is a Geforce MX 4000 AGP 8x considered "extreme"?
  24. Tampa, Florida They have the box setup and everything, it's only a matter of them dealing with the DataBase and I have it.
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