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  • Speed Test

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Everything posted by resijs

  1. Speaking of which, anyone hear about the wifi theif running around in Tampa?
  2. You like helping other people with their computer problems? Do you think you can compare with the big boys? No way to prove it? Do you want to show your "client" or who ever you are helping out that there is nothing to fear, you have expertise here, but have no way to prove it? This quiz will score you on your level of expertise in each area of computer technology, ranging from anything hardware, to network, to being great with overclocking or if you are best with software, etc! This quiz will score you on your general level of understanding of the computer and will display your major in either your signature, or next to your name. Got a short temper with the guy trying to teach you the basics of pressing the power button where you actually are smart enough to hack in to Bill Gates' computer and tell him to up his security? This concept of a quiz to represent your level of knowledge in the subject will help those messy arguments and the I already know about all that now can you tell me something other then the basics? This is just an idea I came up with, and I am definently NOT going to follow through. Maybe the top admins could build this up with their own leet know how to help everyone better understand each other and not expect a noob who would scored an 1 to know how to powercycle or something? Just a thought! xD
  3. Glad to be of service!
  4. >_> No software firewalls... No nothing, it doesn't work that's it, no matter what you do, what you say, it's not going to work past a router, it's just the game.
  5. You're getting there, and number between and is a static IP Address says Linksys, so I'd suggest placing it at .10 now. Also, Linksys reports that if Port Forwarding doesn't work then you may use Port Triggering in the same way, and see if that helps.
  6. Who ever told me to press modify, I think I've mentioned it in a different thread, I'm unable to do that. There isn't anything else besides Wireless B-G-A on the market, and their all compatible, this is certainly an issue with the software, and their not willing to fix it because for some strange reason, they believe that no one uses routers.
  7. Cron, thanks for the suggestions but I've already tried all of those. I have always used CAT6 wires, port triggering, port forwarding etc is no good, and you have that backwards, you need a static ip to use them and not dhcp, this is a WRT54G Wireless G Broadband Router, there's only one router provided that's more powerful, even then it doesn't matter, it wouldn't help the situation.
  8. Yeah, you have the same connection as me, and I'm over the cap just a bit as well.
  9. Were you listening? It's an issue with the program, I used multiple routers from different companies. Chuck a bad router, WRT54G is second to latest technology so I don't know what you're talking about.
  10. resijs


    This isn't perfect security, it's just a big problem fixed, you should just get an ad remover for the cookies issue.
  11. Who's your service provider, and how are your download scores?
  12. resijs


    Tor: An anonymous Internet communication system Tor is a toolset for a wide range of organizations and people that want to improve their safety and security on the Internet. Using Tor can help you anonymize web browsing and publishing, instant messaging, IRC, SSH, and other applications that use the TCP protocol. Tor also provides a platform on which software developers can build new applications with built-in anonymity, safety, and privacy features. Your traffic is safer when you use Tor, because communications are bounced around a distributed network of servers, called onion routers. Instead of taking a direct route from source to destination, data packets on the Tor network take a random pathway through several servers that cover your tracks so no observer at any single point can tell where the data came from or where it's going. This makes it hard for recipients, observers, and even the onion routers themselves to figure out who and where you are. Tor's technology aims to provide Internet users with protection against "traffic analysis," a form of network surveillance that threatens personal anonymity and privacy, confidential business activities and relationships, and state security. Traffic analysis is used every day by companies, governments, and individuals that want to keep track of where people and organizations go and what they do on the Internet. Instead of looking at the content of your communications, traffic analysis tracks where your data goes and when, as well as how much is sent. For example, online advertising companies like Fastclick and Doubleclick uses traffic analysis to record what web pages you've visited, and can build a profile of your interests from that. A pharmaceutical company could use traffic analysis to monitor when the research wing of a competitor visits its website, and track what pages or products that interest the competitor. IBM hosts a searchable patent index, and it could keep a list of every query your company makes. A stalker could use traffic analysis to learn whether you're in a certain Internet cafe. Tor aims to make traffic analysis more difficult by preventing eavesdroppers from finding out where your communications are going online, and by letting you decide whether to identify yourself when you communicate. Tor's security is improved as its user base grows and as more people volunteer to run servers. Please consider installing it and then helping out. You can also learn more about Tor here. Part of the goal of the Tor project is to deploy a public testbed for experimenting with design trade-offs, to teach us how best to provide privacy online. We welcome research into the security of Tor and related anonymity systems, and want to hear about any vulnerabilities you find. Tor is an important piece of building more safety, privacy, and anonymity online, but it is not a complete solution. And remember that this is development code
  13. Bit of an update, but it turns out it is client side that the program can not run through a router, so I just got rid of the game entirely, not a big loss though, I was level 52 out of level 50. (2 levels more then the last level!) Note: you can update your post without double posting...just click the modify button
  14. FiOS is a fiber optic line, if cox is then I guess it's on the same basic technology. If it isn't, FiOS will have superior pings, guarantee'd.
  15. Speed Booster isn't necessary, but hell it puts you 25% over other routers. I have no problems with my WRT54G none SB! =)
  16. FiOS is not DSL so I doubt it'll need filters. Well, if the VoIP VoiceWing service provided by Verizon has a package for the DSL package or with the FiOS package, I'm pretty sure that it'll work with it. FiOS does work, it's the fastest service for a standard cable or DSL service price. The pings aren't too shabby either, reports of perfect 1 ms pings are going around! =D CURSE YOU FIOS USERS!!! I'm stuck with DSL 1.5 386 plan. (sobs)
  17. We'd be stupid if we didn't... So I'm stupid.
  18. Fileplanet uses burst connections, it's all fake. You're really downloading 786.
  19. Empty your cache then try, or use a different browser.
  20. Call them, and while you're at it, post the little box below your test information that says, cut and paste click here to add to your clipboard.
  21. My bet is a corrupt important system process.
  22. Linksys support is just a group of bozos, I have so far gotten everything myself with out any of their help, however now I'm at a platinum plated wall that's needin' a drillin'. Gunz Online requires port 7700 forwarded on routers, however it won't work. DMZ has the same issue. Direct connection with out the router shows no problems. MTU - 1500 Router - Linksys WRT54G version 3 Firmware - v4.00.7 Static IP Address is set at . [move]Help me![/move]
  23. DMZ was ineffective and showed the same results, "You need to bypass your cruddy router!"
  24. My router is overloaded with ports forwarded, I don't have any more space to do more! Does anyone have any idea of how to increase the amount of ports I can forward with my router? Windows XP Home Linksys WRT54G v3
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