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Everything posted by resijs

  1. That's how a dynamic IP Address works, don't disconnect the modem and you should be fine.
  2. Does it make beeps, if you can at least hear something... This can happen if you don't install ram properally, which is DIMM. If the processor fits then usually it works, you must make sure that the ram is fully secure by just simply pressing down on the ram sticks. Jumper settings are not important anymore, how old is this machine exactly?
  3. a quote from Bill Gate's mind, "I have been recently swamped with suggestions for a firewall... I know! I'll go steal some worthless fool's firewall, don't even bother to fix it up... Release it! The fools will just believe a firewall is a firewall and will be content with just that! EVIL LAUGHTER "
  4. wow, that was a bust... Literally, laptop was dropped and he didn't help me at all, and left the laptop at school. (Locked the door when I told him not to. ) blah
  5. Yup, SP2 = Better than SP1 still
  6. resijs

    New Modem

    Wouldn't it be USB or Ethernet connectable? Usually they are.
  7. Security and durability is the business modo when selling their products, you can make it faster, but that's your own decision once you recieve the device.
  8. Read carefully, he did it intentially. You just have to retest over and over again, the results can be random.
  9. Nothing much changes interms of the windows firewall and performance between SP1 and SP2, if you want to make the choice to be more insecure with SP1 that's your problem, but you won't gain much from doing so. You basically have only one or two options in terms of free firewalls, and I know that zonealarm is one of them, you will be much better off with SP2 firewall than with that imo.
  10. Download and Upload is the same, something is wrong. Possible solution: -Turn off your firewall -Empty your internet files through Internet Options or cache with Firefox -Call your provider
  11. Left the laptop for the PC Support teacher, for now he might be removing Service Pack 2 or trying out a unheard of Service Pack 3 fix to SP2 to get better support with drivers. Something distictly tells me... I'm going to have to use Windows 98SE again.
  12. It's not them, it's you. You're cap is off, you should be getting 3.0MB/s/786KB/s. Don't complain about it when you're still above the cap. btw, the DSL line is only shared with up to 4 people while the cable lines are like shared with everyone.
  13. I'd like to, again... Point out that the Pro said it was a gonner, yet Microsoft (The bigger leet pro.) Says it was just a driver problem, maybe if I went back to 98 it'd work? Dunno, I'm bringing it in for PC Support Class to see if I can get this into a class project or something.
  14. If you live in Tampa check again, because we're running on 3MBs package on full power, yea... That's right I test for 2.8-2.9MBs sometimes instead of the usual 2.7crap. My upload is over the cap, I'll post soon enough.
  15. First one I'll try, second one turns out to be a windows 95 driver, and the third one is a generic driver, the same one that just simply said no driver installed on it. First one is a no go, it was just an updated version of one of the drivers seemingly, still code 10 there.
  16. The two files are ineffective, the xpsuppliment doesn't include any sound fixes and that PW3041 is the driver that simply said "No driver installed" When I looked at it, but hey, that's close... Maybe I'll need a thirdparty driver from sourceforge? Before anyone says it, BIOS is updated.
  17. roflmao, a friend of mine actually recorded two entire games of what he thought to be the opposite team cheating with the same effect. I just simply said, "Guess you've never played Counter-Strike, huh?" h
  18. resijs


    Donating a compliment. Cool dog! Wrap it up so that we can get this topic on the World Records book for longest tech support issue dealt with!
  19. You could try a lower latency there, I get around 60 to 80 with a proper latency test.
  20. Charter sounds like cable actually, and that gets very hectic, as long as it doesn't reach around 500, you should be fine.
  21. resijs


    cak46 better be getting payed for helping this guy for this long. Goodness, he has more posts than me in a single topic, nice!
  22. Hehe, it's running faster than it was when I had Windows 98 SE on it, so be impressed. http://www-307.ibm.com/pc/support/site.wss/document.do?sitestyle=lenovo&lndocid=MIGR-4CYN8Z It's all stock besides the ram which says at 196MB. Taking a closer look at that page I realize what a loser my Compaq main PC is to it, this laptop supports more memory by a whole estimated 64MBs, rofl.
  23. As you may know, I have a knack for posting a problem, and answering it on my own before the next person makes a post for me, well not this time apparently. I am the proud owner of a Thinkpad 600X that was made back in the 90s and to this day, would be considered trash. System specs are not necessary except this, it's running on Windows XP when it was first installed with Windows 95, and as such... A driver doesn't work properally. I have considered the 95/98/98SE/NT releases of the driver provided by both the manufacturer (IBM) and the maker of the sound device itself (Crystal SemiConductor or Cirrus today.) Let me explain what the problem is. The default driver provided by Windows XP, I am hit with the "Code 10" or "This Device did not start" error in Device Manager. (Note: The professionals I showed this to for mere amusement came and said it was trash, however Microsoft or anyone else has not mentioned anything besides it's either a driver problem, or a BIOS problem.) As I stated above, the XP version of the driver seemingly does not exist, not even NT worked, although it was closest with the error window only saying "Missing Driver File". and no warning symbols next to the device. The Sound Device's name and model shown by Everest Home Edition reads this, "Cirrus Logic CS4614/22/24 CrystalClear SoundFusion Audio Accelerator - PCI" All information said, I would like to ask if anyone knows of a way to get my sound card to work with Windows XP and how, possibly, a way to modify the NT or 2000 drivers, or someone provided the driver third-party, etc... Please help. Currently, the only way I can get sound out of this thing is by using a Creative Travel Sound device(Dunno what it's actually called.), it is ALOT of wires to make me worry of, and my USB plug is loose, so I need to get the main sound working if I'm to use this thing effectively again. Thank you, and godspeed if someone can find the answer before this topic is locked due to I've already found it.
  24. resijs

    Got Sound?

    I have the same problem with my laptop, it makes the system beeps, can't do nothing else, I was told that the device itself was to blame, but if that's true, wouldn't my whole motherboard be fried? So, in order to get sound, I had to get a external sound device called Creative Travel something, headset doesn't work either.
  25. Only do that if they tell you to.
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