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Everything posted by nanobot

  1. I think my GPU WU's have been coming from Server 50. (Which is odd because the WU fields are blank on that server.) Thanks, EBrown
  2. Hmm...that would make sense. It gave me project 5767 this time. Seems like the -smp flag causes my client to not process anything. My CPU usage is at 100% but no steps actually process. Odd. Thanks, EBrown
  3. I've been getting small jobs apparently then. Because I have a 9800GT. (Albeit overclocked by 100Mhz Core, and like 150 or 200 Memory.) I got the same project twice in a row, lol. [17:45:33] Project: 5766 (Run 1, Clone 287, Gen 824) [19:36:28] Project: 5766 (Run 8, Clone 97, Gen 2724) Both are running extremely quickly. Do you have any tips for optimizing my SMP process when I get those running? I would like to get them pumping folds as quickly as possible. I have been using this GPU Folding to overclock it, using the actual folding process in the median. (Giving it 45-60 minutes between clock modifications.) Thanks, EBrown
  4. I should be when my GPU finishes this first one. I decided to run the GPU3 Client for my card. Working pretty well so far, by my math it will only take 1 hour and 40 minutes total for this job, and it's already at 50%. (I've been getting each percent in about 58-60 seconds. Lol) I'm going to run an SMP client on each of those 2850's when I get them. Thanks, EBrown
  5. They each are Dual Xeon 3.2Ghz, 4GB RAM, 4x146GB SCSI, DVD, DRAC/PERC, Dual PSU. No bezels. Looks like it's going to take two days to complete this Work Unit. Thanks, EBrown
  6. Yeah, I got them at $100/pop with Dual Xeon 3.0 or 3.2, I can't remember. They'll never make a RAM client. Lol RAM only stores data, it doesn't do any math. Thanks, EBrown
  7. I downloaded the console one. (Considering I have enough problematic windows.) I might do the High Performance one later. (Too bad they don't have one to do RAM operations, I have 16GB of that.) I guess I'll find out how well I'm doing after I complete this first work unit. I only decided to start this since I ordered two Dell PowerEdge 2850's the other day. When I get them I will be dumping some Linux OS on and using them for this. (May as well help since they have no other purpose. Lol) Thanks, EBrown
  8. Where do I sign up for this Folding stuff? I may as well try it. Thanks, EBrown
  9. Odd. Seems like my server gets destroyed by internet speeds when testing to EU or DC. Yet speedtest shows I have a perfectly fine connection. This seems fairly odd. Testmy.net shows me at 12%-22% of the Speedtest speeds for download, and at up to 25% of the speeds for upload. I am kind of curious why this is happening. Also, a side note: When doing an Automatic Speed Test I can select the Amsterdam, Netherlands server, but when doing a standard test I cannot. (https://testmy.net/in...-speed-test.php vs. https://testmy.net/auto) Thanks, EBrown
  10. Check which channels they are operating on. Make sure they are at least 5 channels away. (I.e. 1 and 6, 6 and 11, 2 and 7, etc.) Thanks, EBrown
  11. Happy birthday! Thanks, EBrown
  12. I use them simply because if I lose the password to one, only a single DB is vulnerable. Thanks, EBrown
  13. That's what I usually end up doing. Because regardless of my setup admin wise, each DB get's a dedicated user. Thanks, EBrown
  14. I was stating for backup reasons. Use one user to read them all when you are backing them up. Thanks, EBrown
  15. Why don't you just create one user that has read access on all db's? Seems so much faster. Thanks, EBrown
  16. Try '-pXXXX' instead of a space between them. Thanks, EBrown
  17. Someone voted in the poll. Thanks, EBrown
  18. You know, as much as I hate Apple Products, I do confess he was a boss. He's probably not dead. He's probably hiding from us like Elvis. Thanks, EBrown
  19. Who's that handsome man with the beard ponytail going on? Thanks, EBrown
  20. Works great now! Thanks, EBrown
  21. Still looping. Thanks, EBrown I take that back. It's a new issue. Thanks, EBrown
  22. Same as before. Still goes until I end it. Thanks, EBrown
  23. When I get to the 5.8MB test, it keeps repeating. Only when I go Speed Test -> Upload and Download though. Thanks, EBrown
  24. Such a win. Thanks, EBrown
  25. Not since it started crashing every 30 minutes on my PC. Thanks, EBrown
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