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Everything posted by nanobot

  1. Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah, Happy Kwanzaa, and all the others I missed. Thanks, EBrown
  2. Is this your board: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16813131384 ? If so it should DEFINITELY do Quad Core. It supports AM2/AM2+/AM3, I would say you are good. DDRII Dual Channel RAM (Free Shipping): http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16820159021 Thanks, EBrown
  3. The links still go to the display name though. If you click the "Test Stats for EBrown" button, it goes to the EBrown test stats, not the Nanobot ones. (Which are correct.) Thanks, EBrown
  4. Anyone can change their display name. It's in the way he did it. (I know how he did it and why it is broke, he grabbed stats by using your display name, where he should have used login names, I just wanted him to see that it was a bug.) Thanks, EBrown
  5. You wait until I get my Duplex DS3 connection. Then we'll see. Also: Epic fail by me: Thanks, EBrown
  6. If you select "Test Stats for NAME" it bugs up if they have changed their display name. I.e. https://testmy.net/quickstats/EBrown and https://testmy.net/quickstats/nanobot are both me, but all my new tests are logged under the second one whereas my profile links to the first. Thanks, EBrown
  7. I am pretty sure MS still keeps the old Windows 2K updates online. I had an install of it a while ago and it seemed to me that I could update it VIA their website. Just found the PC with Windows 2K on it, so I will let you know soon. Thanks, EBrown
  8. Xbox 360 All the way. PS3 is really overrated, because of the ages of them both, you are going to find more appropriate titles in the Xbox 360 world, than PS3 or Wii. Your younger son would like a Wii, and your older one would like a PS3/Xbox 360, but a good common ground is the Xbox 360. I think you'll find that many of the more common PS3 titles are more 'M' rated, which means the 11 year old would not find them as much fun. On the other hand, much of the Wii games are 'E' or 'E 10+' rated, thus leaving them an option for the younger, but less appropriate for the older. You can find Oblivion, Call of Duty, Lego Indiana Jones, Kung-Fu Panda, and many more for the Xbox 360. It offers a more wide-range of games for the whole family. Personally, I thought the Lego Indiana Jones was pretty cool for the 360. (I'm a teenager, as I think you know.) And I thoroughly enjoy Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2. All in all, I would choose the Xbox 360. You might also purchase a Kinect for it as the 11-year-old would love it. (No I am not an Xbox Fanboy, in fact I hate Microsoft, but they did make a semi-decent console.) Thanks, EBrown
  9. How old is he now? Thanks, EBrown
  10. Happy birthday bud. I made you a cake, but I ate it. (Shipping it costs a FORTUNE.) Thanks, EBrown
  11. Got some Alpha Blending done. (This screenshot is an image overlayed on top of the background, again, 60 FPS) The background image is actually 60,127,255, not the 30,64,128 that the image says. (That's what my Alpha did. ) I have to do a little bit of math to make my render screen 800x600 as opposed to the actual window being 800x600. Thanks, EBrown
  12. I am working on it. I got a few more things to learn about that program before I go farther into it. I plan to make it ENTIRELY native, you can either use DirectX or OpenGL. (I don't know if this is possible though.) Thanks, EBrown
  13. Update, I have gotten it to take an array and render it. char oneA[100] = ""; strcat(oneA, "0"); char oneB[100] = ""; strcat(oneB, "1111111111111111111111111111111111111111"); char oneC[100] = ""; strcat(oneC, "0"); char twoA[100] = ""; strcat(twoA, "0"); char twoB[100] = ""; strcat(twoB, "1000000010001000100100101000100010100001"); char twoC[100] = ""; strcat(twoC, "0"); char threeA[100] = ""; strcat(threeA, "0"); char threeB[100] = ""; strcat(threeB, "1000000111111111100100111111111111110001"); char threeC[100] = ""; strcat(threeC, "0"); char fourA[100] = ""; strcat(fourA, "0"); char fourB[100] = ""; strcat(fourB, "1000001010001000100100101000100010001001"); char fourC[100] = ""; strcat(fourC, "0"); char fiveA[100] = ""; strcat(fiveA, "1111111111111111111111111111111111111111"); char fiveB[100] = ""; strcat(fiveB, "1111110010001000111111101000100010000111"); char fiveC[100] = ""; strcat(fiveC, "1111111111111111111111111111111111111111"); Basically, it renders an image in a certain color if that spot is a "1". In this screenshot FPS is 60. Thanks, EBrown
  14. Well, I have been learning some C++ and DirectX 9.0c (Long story) and I made a program. It loops from 0x00 to 0xBF characters and prints them on the screen. (The Black Box is actually an image I printed a bunch, I was testing FPS.) In that screenshot FPS is 29. (Probably because the code to loop through all those characters is in my Draw sub. Haven't bothered to move it yet.) Here is the code for that text. (Looping through all the digits. I know, I made the numbers in Hex.) Most of this is actually C. I am working on rewriting it. char buffer [10]; char string[1536] = ""; for (int a = 0x00000000; a <= 0x000000BF; ++a) { sprintf(buffer, "%X %c | ", a, a); strcat(string, buffer); } If anyone has any optimization strategies, I would be happy to know them. I can post the rest of the draw code if you want. Thanks, EBrown
  15. 1. Nice PC setup. I would go with 2 4Gig sticks as Dual-Channel = Pro. (Even my Celeron D 4.0 Ghz, with DDRII 533mhz Dual Channel runs fast. ) 2. You have to remember that a LOT of the forums changed in a SHORT time. Thanks, EBrown
  16. Last time I had Hughes, it sucked. THEN once we switch away, it doesn't. BS if you ask me. I prefer MetaLink (My current ISP) as they don't have a FAP limit, and it's always a 1Mb connection, Rain, Snow, whatever. (It's an antenna-based service.) I just pinged TMN 4 times with 1024bytes (1Kbyte), and got an average latency of 66ms. Beats the hell out of the old 300ms Hughes timing. (I can actually play my Xbox 360 online with Metalink.) I tried to test my connection, but FF keeps pausing at 88% on the download test. So it's saying it's slower that it actually is. I'll get one later. Edit: :::.. Download Stats ..::: Download Connection is:: 1395 Kbps about 1.4 Mbps (tested with 1.5 MB) Download Speed is:: 170 kB/s Tested From:: https://testmy.net/ (Dallas, TX USA) Test Time:: 2010-11-03 14:42:45 GMT -7 Bottom Line:: 24X faster than 56K 1MB Download in 6.02 sec Tested from a 2 MB file and took 9.02 seconds to complete Download Diagnosis:: Running at 151% of hosts average (Metalink.net) D-Validation Link:: https://testmy.net/db/NSC5UAMRF User Agent:: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 6.1; en-US; rv: Gecko/20101026 Firefox/3.6.12 ( .NET CLR 3.5.30729; .NET4.0E) [!] (1Mbps Connection, getting 1.4. And that's consistent.) Thanks, EBrown
  17. It seems that the iPod Touch, and probably the iPhone, and I would bet every other mobile browser, use the default TMN site. I think this should be changed to a slimmer version, as this can be a pain, display wise. Thanks, EBrown
  18. Thanks for the opinions guys. I ended up going with Windows 7, as since IIS sucks, I may as well do something fun with my PC. Thanks, EBrown
  19. I gotta buy more, running out of them. :'( Thanks, EBrown
  20. Alright, I will go with Windows 7 Pro then. Since I currently use Vista and I don't use IIS on it, so I will go with Apache then. (As my current setup is Apache, PHP and MySQL. ) Windows is unfortunately, necessary, as I do Visual Studio which is Windows Only. Thanks, EBrown
  21. Sadly Tdawnaz, no. Unless he wants me to. But I don't plan on it. I think I will move out east near my older sister. (North Carolina.) There are some good jobs in my area out there, and I like it there. Thanks, EBrown
  22. Well, it's going to be a development computer for my Visual Studio stuff, as well as for school work, and I plan to use it to administrate the rest of the computers here. (There are only 6. Not a big deal.) And I also use it for misc other stuff. I just don't know if IIS is really worth it? Thanks, EBrown
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