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Everything posted by nanobot

  1. If not, we need one. I am gonna start playing in Gimp again and I want to make my images more, testmy.net specific. I have a Logo (Thanks to Coknuck, I really appreciate that man!), so I will be remaking my images I made a while back, only better. But back on topic, we need a color scheme/theme. Thanks, Nanobot
  2. Yeah, I took that pic a few mins before the post, after breaking and fixing my camera. XD Thanks, Nanobot
  3. Have a good day man. Hope to see you around here more. Thanks, Nanobot
  4. I am good. So, I made two .exe's. One you can type in, the other is messages. This is the new one. Thanks, Nanobot
  5. I'm working on it! XD It isn't exactly at the top of my todo list. Fixing that "issue" is. And we DO need to talk. Thanks, Nanobot
  6. Thanks bro! You made me feel special inside. And, I had an idea, but I lost power and I lost ALL my work, so I will be redoing most of it. But I am going to make two programs, one for messaging, one for viewing messages. Should have it done soon. A day or so would be my bet. Thanks, Nanobot
  7. I've been working on it. I can do the messages a little different, maybe. But the issue is, I don't know how to tell C# to stop selecting the other area when it refreshes. I tried making a second form but it just selected it when it refreshed. If anyone has any ideas feel free to post them. Thanks, Nanobot
  8. The 4 people who voted did. Thanks, Nanobot
  9. You have to click the box again. It's wierd, when the top refreshes, in order to type again you must click the box you were just typing in to begin with. Cause it selects the other window instead. Thanks, Nanobot
  10. Very bottom: If you have not registered, you may do so here. Click the FIRST here. Thanks, Nanobot
  11. Alright, I got it done. Finally. So, I have the .exe here. You can DL and run it. No install or anything. Just extract the .zip. Post any/all bugs here, and I will work on them. Thanks, Nanobot Att removed per nanobot.
  12. So, since the poll passed, I will have something for you all soon. Prolly a day or two. Maybe tonight. Thanks, Nanobot
  13. Well, it won't be IRC, but it will be similar and Web Based so that any browser can use it. I am currently testing it, but IE doesn't update it. And Opera likes to have a wierd bug where it will show the messages, then show them again, so you have two copies. I don't know why any of them do what they do. I am going to try to fix them, but I don't know if it's possible. Edit: I have found that FF is the best for it. I did fix it's "bug". Thanks, Nanobot
  14. Well, suppose hypothetically that I could get a little IRC server for Testmy.net, how many of you would use it? Thanks, Nanobot
  15. I could probably setup a IRC server. It would be like AIM only without AIM's registration stuff. And more global, meaning not really private. Thanks, Nanobot
  16. nanobot

    Windows Sidebar

    If I were you I would repair Windows with a recovery disk or something like that. It should fix the issue, but if it doesn't you would need to google it or reinstall windows.
  17. nanobot

    Windows Sidebar

    Here, this is how you can find it. I will attach a picture for easier explanation. Start-->All Programs-->Accessories-->Windows Sidebar Picture attached.
  18. Well, Good luck, and god speed! Hope you get back soon and well. Thanks, Nanobot
  19. That is the "issue" in most cases of this nature. Try to look for a "slider" on it and if you find one, slide it in the opposite direction.
  20. Thanks Pixie and Tdawn. It was a good day.
  21. Thanks everyone! It was a good one. Got a brand new iPod Touch...
  22. You gotta start somewhere. Welcome, and I hope you have fun!
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