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Everything posted by nanobot

  1. nanobot


    Beat me........welcome carlm!
  2. He has a point.........with a search warrant MySpace will have to give this password away or give them total access. Yeah any Updates? And no offense but if you do hack thier MySpace I believe its a ?Federal? offense? Maybe local depending on state.
  3. Back to XP! Unless you have games that require Vista or you could put away your hatred and wait for the Service Pack.
  4. Are we shure everythings fixed?
  5. 16-17 Ya know there's an easy solution. Get yourself some C-4. Attach one stick to each PC and detonate them all at once. Problem blows up! Yay!
  6. Awesome...sounds like a very good thing.
  7. Ok...that answers a few questions...DI 624...what Revision?
  8. It is probably your D-Link router. I use one and have the same problem occasionally. 2 suggestions: 1. Double click the wireless internet icon. click properties. uncheck QOS packet shceduler. 2. Update firmware.
  9. We learned about that in history class. The Magna Carta (1215) was the British document that secured certain freedoms for British Citizens. It secured Trial by Jury and created an advisory group to the King called Parlaiment. Least we were told it created Parlaiment. Overall prettyy cool document
  10. What version are you running?
  11. Verdict: Bad install Solution: Re-Install Location: Move to "Linux Help"
  12. Ubuntu correct? If so go to the Ubuntu Wiki and search there...I had the same issue... https://wiki.ubuntu.com/
  13. Exactly I mean Ubuntu has done quite a few things to enhance VISUAL performence. (They also did a lot of bad things lol) But they could easily catch up by 2010.
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