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Everything posted by nanobot

  1. Of course. Why wouldn't they be happy? Thanks, Nanobot
  2. nanobot

    Hey hey

    Ah, ok. I can understand that. Thanks, Nanobot
  3. I gave you another Applaud. Because I still love you. Thanks, Nanobot
  4. nanobot

    Hey hey

    I'm game. Let's start this party. Thanks, Nanobot
  5. I don't think CA3LE will be adding more for the forum, we must wait for him to update the forum with the site themes and whatnot. Which, is easier than it sounds. <iframe src="forums/index.php" width="100%" height="100%"><p>Your browser does not support IFrames, either upgrade to a newer one, or a different one, or click <a href="forums/index.php">here</a>.</p></iframe> That would work, if you put it on a page like forums.php with all the Theme stuff for the main site. Thanks, Nanobot
  6. nanobot

    Hey hey

    Which is? Thanks, Nanobot
  7. I gave you an Applaud. Because I love you. Thanks, Nanobot
  8. nanobot

    Hey hey

    I know it went up. I may have done it. XD Thanks, Nanobot
  9. nanobot

    Hey hey

    I don't think so. If anyone here was my teacher, I would be screwed. Thanks, Nanobot
  10. nanobot

    Hey hey

    *tear* *tear* That's all testmy.net is. One big, happy family. Thanks, Nanobot
  11. Little advice, no advice is useless. Thanks, Nanobot
  12. nanobot

    Hey hey

    Yee. That's what be happinen'. Thanks, Nanobot
  13. Lol Nice With those scores, who could complai.......oh...yeah...dang. Thanks, Nanobot
  14. nanobot

    Hey hey

    [quote author=☻ ◦
  15. nanobot

    Hey hey

    Not bad. Been chillin', killin'. I though you were banned? Lol Thanks, Nanobot
  16. iPod Touch's are nice. I don't know about the Zune, but my iPod is sweet. Epically awesome. Thanks, Nanobot
  17. Thanks Shug! And watch out Ca3le, shug is on my side. O.o Thanks, Nanobot
  18. Small update, I have the base of the system done. Login, logout, registration. All that fun junk. I will be creating the game soon enough. Thanks, Nanobot
  19. I can do all of that, and it all sounds good. I think I will make it a little competitive with multiple mobs. I should have a working Alpha tonight or tomorrow. Maybe a little later. Depends on how much C&P I do. XD I gotta make a few more parts to it, but, it will be neat when it is done. Thanks, Nanobot
  20. Perfect! My game will sit perfectly with you! I have the base of it prepared, I need to get ready to add some basic features. So I need ideas as to what 'type' of game you all would like best. Thanks, Nanobot
  21. Unfortunately, I cannot do graphics very well. It will be more like Mafia Wars, just a different style. But same basic look. Mostly textual, but in a good way. Thanks, Nanobot
  22. Alright, I was reading through the board, (Now, stop here, YES Mudman, I can read, resume), and I saw a suggestion for "Games", now, I think, with a little help (Maybe, I may not need it), I could make a game for testmy.net. Something simple, it would be similar to all the face book games and whatnot. But, I would like to know whether it would be used or not, and what type of niche you would like, (By niche I mean theme, style, genre), so post them up. If I do make it, it will be a simple text based game, but it may grow into something more.. Thanks, Nanobot
  23. (Not exactly, I have a personality completely opposite of how I look.) And, thank you for the compliment Momma T and Tommie. And, Momma T probably gives me a lot of crap, about little things, but then I fix it and I become a better person. Slowly but surely. In conclusion, we all love you Momma! Thanks, Nanobot
  24. That was what I was asking for. Good thinking! Thanks, Nanobot
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