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Everything posted by nanobot

  1. Whoa, it's your Birthday Coknuck? Well then: Happy Birthday! (Color coordination is not my strong point.)
  2. Welcome bud...hope you have fun here.
  3. Happy Birthday bud!
  4. Ok
  5. Here's a new one. Same app. java.lang.ClassFormatError: Incompatible magic value 1008813135 in class file Client at java.lang.ClassLoader.defineClass1(Native Method) at java.lang.ClassLoader.defineClass(Unknown Source) at java.security.SecureClassLoader.defineClass(Unknown Source) at sun.plugin2.applet.Applet2ClassLoader.findClass(Unknown Source) at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(Unknown Source) at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(Unknown Source) at sun.plugin2.applet.Plugin2ClassLoader.loadCode(Unknown Source) at sun.plugin2.applet.Plugin2Manager.createApplet(Unknown Source) at sun.plugin2.applet.Plugin2Manager$AppletExecutionRunnable.run(Unknown Source) at java.lang.Thread.run(Unknown Source) Exception: java.lang.ClassFormatError: Incompatible magic value 1008813135 in class file Client
  6. A scan of my system found 1000+ Errors, but it won't fix them for free. Does anyone know of a free program to fix my registry?
  7. I did, it didn't change anything. I'm trying a few Registry Cleaners to see if they work.
  8. Hello everyone, I am having trouble. I installed Java SE JDK 1.6.0u11 and I am having trouble when I try to run ANY Java App. This is just one App that doesn't work: load: class Client.class not found. java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: Client.class at sun.plugin2.applet.Applet2ClassLoader.findClass(Unknown Source) at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(Unknown Source) at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(Unknown Source) at sun.plugin2.applet.Plugin2ClassLoader.loadCode(Unknown Source) at sun.plugin2.applet.Plugin2Manager.createApplet(Unknown Source) at sun.plugin2.applet.Plugin2Manager$AppletExecutionRunnable.run(Unknown Source) at java.lang.Thread.run(Unknown Source) Caused by: java.net.SocketException: socket closed at java.net.SocketInputStream.socketRead0(Native Method) at java.net.SocketInputStream.read(Unknown Source) at java.io.BufferedInputStream.fill(Unknown Source) at java.io.BufferedInputStream.read1(Unknown Source) at java.io.BufferedInputStream.read(Unknown Source) at sun.net.www.http.ChunkedInputStream.readAheadBlocking(Unknown Source) at sun.net.www.http.ChunkedInputStream.readAhead(Unknown Source) at sun.net.www.http.ChunkedInputStream.read(Unknown Source) at sun.net.www.MeteredStream.read(Unknown Source) at java.io.BufferedInputStream.read1(Unknown Source) at java.io.BufferedInputStream.read(Unknown Source) at sun.plugin2.applet.Applet2ClassLoader.getBytes(Unknown Source) at sun.plugin2.applet.Applet2ClassLoader.access$000(Unknown Source) at sun.plugin2.applet.Applet2ClassLoader$1.run(Unknown Source) at java.security.AccessController.doPrivileged(Native Method) ... 7 more Exception: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: Client.class Any ideas?
  9. A Guide to What I Know About: ----------------------------- Running an Operating System inside an Operating System ------------------------------------------------------ Contents: 1....Recommended Specs 2....Finding the Software 3....Setting up the software 4....Installing the Guest OS 5....Enjoying your new toy! --1-- Recommended Specs ----------------- I recommend you have at least a 2.0Ghz Processor and 1GB+ RAM. This is for your safety. If you don't have this, back out now. --2-- Finding the Software -------------------- What do we want? First off there are two programs that I would recommend for doing this: 1: VM Ware (Pricey) 2: Virtual Box (Free) I am going to explain Virtual Box here because it is free. First you must download Virtual Box from http://www.virtualbox.org/ and get the latest version. Second you must install the Virtual Box program. This will set it up with the most useful configuration. Not that you can't change it. Once it's installed you are going to have to run it. Oh my god? Why can't we just let it sit there? Because I said so. Now, if you don't already have your Guest OS on a CD/DVD or on your computer as an .iso then go get one. Some are free (Ubuntu...etc.) --3-- Setting up the Software ----------------------- You think I put the other stuff in the wrong place don't you? No. I planned this out. We must now set up our software to be able to run. First: You obviously have Virtual Box running, if not read the steps above. Second: We must set up "Virtual Hard Drives" for our Guest OS's so without further ado, click file at the top, click Virtual Media Manager. Select the Hard Disks tab (if it is not already) and click New. Click next, then if you want to create the hard disk as a fixed disk (normal disk) select the second radio button, I don't recommend this as it wastes time but use your own descretion. Click Next. Now, you can move your disk, rename it, and select the size. First, if you do not want the disk in "C:/Documents and Setting/Your name here/.VirtualBox" then select the stupid little Icon next to "NewHardDisk1.vdi" or whatever it says, and select the new destination and name. I am going to use "Disk.vdi" as an example. Change the size to however big you want it. From 4MB to 2TB. You can type it into the little box there. For example I will use 5.00 GB. If you selected Fixed-Size Disk in the last step, once you click next it will create a new file as big as you specified. If you selected Dynamically Expanding Image, and you click next, it will make a small (20K or so) file that will expand as big as it needs to get. I recommend this as it is faster and easier. If you selected Fixed-Size Disk then you may as well go get lunch. Click Next. Now we have "Disk.vdi". Next we need to add the Guest OS. Close the Media Manager. Click New under File | Machine | Help Click Next. Type a name. Then for Operating System, select the OS you wish to add. For example, if you have Ubuntu (This will be my example for further on) then for Operating System select Linux. Then for Version select Ubuntu. Do not touch Base Memory Size unless you want to add more to the Guest OS. This software has many of them preconfigured by default so DO NOT make then smaller. Click Next. Now for Boot Hard Disk (Primary Master) select the hard disk we made before. (Disk.vdi) Click Next. Click Finish. Now notice that it says Powered Off under you Virtual Machines name, that is good. Next select your Virtual Machine, and Click settings. Click CD/DVD-ROM Check the "Mount CD/DVD Drive" button. NOW FOR THE INTERESTING PART If you have a burnt CD, don't touch a thing from here except "OK". If you have an .iso then select the Radio button, and choose your .iso. Click OK. --4-- Installing the Guest OS ----------------------- Select your Guest OS in the program. Click Start. YOur good to go, just install your guest OS like you would on your own PC. --5-- Enjoying your new toy! ---------------------- Title says it all. --Credits-- Credit to the Sun xVM VirtualBox program for making this happen. Nanobot for the Guide.
  10. Title says it all. I open a program and the instant my mouse goes over it, it closes. Is there any specific reason for this? Anything I can fix?
  11. If your modem is configured to assign IP's, which it probably is, then you must go into your router, try in you Internet Explorer address bar, and then you must disable IP assigning in your Router. You must also plug the Cable from the MODEM into port 1 on the router. Then the PS3 and PC after that, 2&3.
  12. I do have a few problems with the internet right now...I can see what you are saying about it. Testmy.net doesn't display right unless I use the compatibility mode thing. It's really wierd.
  13. Things seem a little faster for me. But of course that could also be the Satelite.
  14. Has anyone else tried IE8? It seems they're stealing ideas from other browsers. Like Google Chrome's only crashing one tab at a time. It also seems it's mostly graphics updates.
  15. Yep, 14. I take pride in my intelligence.
  16. It's that turkey that bush pardoned!!!
  17. Happy Thankgiving everyone!!! I hope you all have a good day.
  18. Happy birthday CA3LE!!!
  19. FF3 IE7 Opera
  20. I'd been meaning to make one for quite some time, what the heck, I'll give it a shot. Where's the guide at?
  21. Welcome to the forum!
  22. There is no report to moderator button in PM's.
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