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You know I just don't know what to believe what Bush says anymore,, first he tells us we need to go to war in Iraq because of WMDs. The Downing street Memo disclosure says the facts where manipulated to fit the war policy. Bush, states later the intelligence was wrong, "oops sorry 2000 + Americans dead, 300 billion a year price tag for our wrong way war trip". 

NOW, he states the Warrantless domestic spying program were only meant for people with known al Qaeda links.  We find out later he is god damn practically spying on all Americans  with help from American telecommunications companies, and has obtained broader access to streams of domestic and international communications.

He stated that news organizations threatened our National Security by releasing the information regarding the warrentless wire taps and has damaged our intelligent program.  But, what about HIS administration releasing the name of an undercover CIA operative as revenge for her husband's interview in which he stated the facts behind the reason to go to war were being fixed, and in the end he was right! .  EXCAUSE ME, but isn't that damaging to our national security.  Further isn't it known as TREASON when an American discloses information that can get an American agent killed, steal secret information, and/or discloses information regarding the identity of an American agent.  Yes it is and guess what, this information folks was leaked right from OUR President's Administration.

You know we tried to impeach Clintion for having a fling with a White House Aid.  Damn why aren't we doing something about Bush?  Please don't get me wrong I am not a republican or democrat I am a free thinker and vote my conscience.  OK, sorry stepped off the soap box.

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Guest thecableguy

You know I just don't know what to believe what Bush says anymore,, first he tells us we need to go to war in Iraq because of WMDs. The Downing street Memo disclosure says the facts where manipulated to fit the war policy. Bush, states later the intelligence was wrong, "oops sorry 2000 + Americans dead, 300 billion a year price tag for our wrong way war trip".

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You are either very naive, immature, or both.  I have a life I suggest you grow-up.  The FACTs are out there why don't you take the time to read (have grandma help you with the big words) instead of shooting your apparently ignorant mouth off here.  Have a great day.


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Ok debate is great but if the name calling and attacks for spelling mistakes continue the thread will  be locked and all parties warned. In case some new people don't know we don't do that here. This is a fun place to learn and hang out. Now stop it.

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Do you really think the government gives a sh*t about what you talk to your grandmother about on the telephone?

Get a life.

They may very well not, but that doesn't give them the right to do it....and if you're comfortable with the gov listening in on you, move to China, im sure you'd change your mind.....

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Hello, Grandma, ya it's me...listen about that Thermonuclear Warhead I let I left at your place!  Well I need it can I come bye and pick it up tomorrow.  Oh yes, dear please do and the guys form al Qaeda or is it Iraq are here.  Oh I never could get that organization straight dear. 

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With all due respect Shug7272, I  don't believe I was out of line nor any other posts they (and I) where merely stating our opinions.

You want to censor this post that's your decision.  But, I believe that would be an inappropriate response.


Well what alot of message boards allow we do not. Nobody will attack another member or call rude names. That doesn't fly here. I had this same conversation with a member named Hollywood not to long back (bout a week) and he decided to ignore it and keep fighting and arguing. Ask him how it turned out. You want to debate, talk, disagree... whatever thats great, drop the name calling and attacking one anothers intelligence.
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