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for one , 768 is not equal to 93 kB/s , it is 96 kB/s and a T1 isn't 188.5 kB/s it is 193 kB/s so therefore it is wrong and shouldn't be on the site anyways.

Get your facts straight, before you start claiming what shouldnt be on the site

To get kB/s from bit rates, you must multiply bits by 8, then divide by 1,024.

quote from http://lyberty.com/encyc/articles/kb_kilobytes.html

"bits and Bytes: 1 Byte = 8 bits; Kbps* 0.1220703125 = kB/s

Internet Speed

File Download Speed

256 Kbps

~31.3 kB/s

384 Kbps

~46.9 kB/s

512 Kbps

~62.5 kB/s

768 Kbps

~93.8 kB/s

1 Mbps

~122.1 kB/s

Kbps = kilobits per second

Mbps = megabits per second

kB/s = KiloBytes per second

To convert from network speed (kilobits per second, Kbps) to transfer rates (KiloBytes per second, kB/s), multiply by 0.1220703125.

To get bit rate (speed) from values given in Bytes, you must devide the total number of Bytes by 8. To get kB/s values from bit rates, you must multiply the total number of bits by 8, then divide by 1,024.

For converting kB/s to Kbps, therefore, the equation is basically as follows:

<K> KiloBytes * 1,024 = <t> total Bytes

<t> total Bytes * 8 = <b> bits

<b> bits / 1,000 = <k> kilobits

And for Kbps to kB/s, you switch the equations: <k> kilobits per second * 1,000= <b> total bits per second; <b> bits / 8 = <t> total Bytes per second; and <t> / 1,024 = <K> KiloBytes per second.

For example: 128 Kbps (k) = 128,000 bits per second (k*1000=B) = 16,000 Bytes per second (b/8=t) , or about 15.6 kB/s (t/1,024=K) .

So a 512128 internet connection would give you about 62.5 kB/s maximum download, and about 15.6 kB/s upload (max).

And a 1500128 service (1.5 Mbps download cap) would give you about 183.1 KiloBytes per second, maxium. [5]

[convert 128 Kbps to kB/s : ((128*1000)/8)/1024 ; ratio 128x=15.625; x= 0.1220703125]

[convert 256 Kbps to kB/s: ((256*1000)/8)/1024= 31.25 ; 256x=31.25; x=0.1220703125]

[convert 512 Kbps to kB/s : ((512*1000)/8)/1024; ratio 512x=62.500; x= 0.1220703125]

[convert 1 Mbps to kB/s : ((1000*1000)/8)/1024=122.070312; ratio 1000x=122.0703125; divide by 1000 and x=0.1220703125] "

VanBuren :)

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lol , exactly why every other site is wrong i guess , my bad :haha: not. That is the wrong conversions and it shouldn't be on the site. I have done countless speedtests and downloading and uploading and that is not the right conversions on the site. My facts are straight.

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lol , exactly why every other site is wrong i guess , my bad :haha: not. That is the wrong conversions and it shouldn't be on the site. I have done countless speedtests and downloading and uploading and that is not the right conversions on the site. My facts are straight.

our fellow van just proved otherwise ;) why argue lol

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Download Speed: 6206 Kbps (775.8 kB/sec transfer rate)

Upload Speed: 713 Kbps (89.1 kB/sec transfer rate)

713 / 8 = 89.125 kB/s

exactly , huh now why would Speakeasy , Dslreports and all the other speedtest out there lie?

O ya , cuz this one is wrong on the site and is a good thing it isnt up to Lie any more!!! :D


2006-01-01 01:59:06 EST: 8001 / 711

Your download speed : 8001 Kbps or 1000.1 kB/sec.


:::.. Upload Stats ..:::

Connection is:: 732 Kbps about 0.7 Mbps (tested with 579 kB)

Upload Speed is:: 89 kB/s

Tested From:: https://testmy.net/ (server1)

Test Time:: Sun Jan 01 2006 02:00:35 GMT-0500 (Eastern Standard Time)

Bottom Line:: 13X faster than 56K 1MB upload in 11.51 sec

Diagnosis: Awesome! 20% + : 106.2 % faster than the average for host (comcast.net)

Validation Link:: https://testmy.net/stats/id-H7IR46UE2

So , huh , if 713 - 89 kb/s , then how does this equal 89 kb/s and it is 732 kbps instead of 713 kbps?

Your upload speed : 711 Kbps or 88.8 kB/sec.

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as van stated in his quote, the correct formula for kilobits to kilobytes is kilobits * 1000 / 8 / 1024

it is of course easier to ignore the small detail of the multiplier in kilobits being decimal 1000 and in kilobytes binary 10000000000 = decimal 1024 and just divide kilobits by eight. this however creates 192 extra bits per kilobyte. sounds negligible. but that is an error of 19200 when the result is 100 kilobytes. the devil in this case is in the detail.

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a lot of the rounding errors are intentional. a 250 gigabyte hardrive has 250 000 000 000 bytes capacity. when shown in windows or elsewhere it "shrinks" to 232.8 "real" gigabytes because there the 1024 is used as the step between the kilo, mega and giga, not 1000.

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FallowEarth, resop, and VanBuren...do u mean that we do the complete calculation and they don't...or they take a shortcut and round it off???...wow...i did not know that...guess scruffy didn't either :haha: ...so scruffy isn't completely wrong since he did not know that testmy is the best and most accurate and why...now he knows and he and i both are also now more educated...thank you from both of us and anyone else that now knows WHY testmy is the best!!! :D...

Thank-You all and Happy New Year :)

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hey resop...aw maaaaannnnn :( ...it was almost 230am and i was well happy from my happy new year... :) i didn't for get u at all..."Thank-You all and Happy New Year"...i'd never forget the troll...ever...he's one of my favs :) ...i thought i did say "Van, FallowEarth and resop"...and i knew something was missing that's why i said ALL...believe me, we all bow to the troll :D...and van buren...well there's nothing he doesn't know...he's the master...my bad...fixed :) ...geniuses...all of u...nuff said...that's what makes this such a great site...is computer mutes like me can learn so much just by surfin around in here...but the truth  is i did know this al long time ago, but i forgot the calculations (i learned it in a probramming class i took in 1979) and i won't remember later...cuz i don't use it...but it's cool that u guys know it off the top of ur heads

edit...hey why hasn't scruffy responded??

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...hey why hasn't scruffy responded??  ~ scruffy was a high-bird last night! ~ lol

. . .he's probably in conversion relaps therapy, now.

scruffy hasn't replayed because he is wrong.

A simple way to do it is take any speed in KBPS and divide by 8.

I have a 3000kbps connection when i divide by 8 i get 375kb/s and thats the max that i can download at.

Its really very simple.

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scruffy hasn't replayed because he is wrong.

A simple way to do it is take any speed in Kbps and divide by 8.

I have a 3000Kbps connection when i divide by 8 i get 375kB/s and thats the max that i can download at.

Its really very simple.

most ppl just divide it in 8, however thats not exact

see my quote in my last post

And for Kbps to kB/s, you switch the equations: <k> kilobits per second * 1,000=  total bits per second;  bits / 8 = <t> total Bytes per second; and <t> / 1,024 = <K> KiloBytes per second.

For example: 128 Kbps (k) = 128,000 bits per second (k*1000=B) = 16,000 Bytes per second (b/8=t) , or about 15.6 kB/s (t/1,024=K) .

We know (k) = 3000.000 bits per second

we find (B)= k*1000

(B)= 3000000

now we need to find (t)

b/8 = t

(t) = 3000000/8 = 375000

now find (K) = t/1.024 = 375000 / 1.024 = 366210,9375 Bytes per second = 366.2 kB/s

instead of a equation like this, make this simple

take 3000 Kbps and divide it in 8.192 thats 366.2 kB/s

VanBuren :)

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scruffy hasn't replayed because he is wrong.

A simple way to do it is take any speed in Kbps and divide by 8.

I have a 3000Kbps connection when i divide by 8 i get 375kB/s and thats the max that i can download at.

Its really very simple.

Considering that is what i posted , lol. Wtf you talking about?

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