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Well hello everyone my name is Le Shay and am new to this cool website lol and yes i am female lol u can check my pic out at ffxiplayers.com i love this game and want to know how many people on this site play it!!

please post your server/jobs/crafting lvls and name of linkshell

only post this info if u want




-no crafting>,<

-LS-Elvaan knights!!!!!!!

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Well hello everyone my name is Le Shay and am new to this cool website lol and yes i am female lol u can check my pic out at ffxiplayers.com i love this game and want to know how many people on this site play it!!

please post your server/jobs/crafting lvls and name of linkshell

only post this info if u want




-no crafting>,<

-LS-Elvaan knights!!!!!!!

:( I looked for your pic but with 849 pages my finger broke, and the search engine didnt have your name listed.....How about a hint to the page number or a way to see you since you suggested we take a look:) and yes very cool a girl gamer:)

8) Microwave

Well hello everyone my name is Le Shay and am new to this cool website lol and yes i am female lol u can check my pic out at ffxiplayers.com i love this game and want to know how many people on this site play it!!

please post your server/jobs/crafting lvls and name of linkshell

only post this info if u want




-no crafting>,<

-LS-Elvaan knights!!!!!!!

No.1 :: Your HOT -- :shock:

No.2 :: CALL ME! -- :shock:

No.3 :: I have been too busy to play... -- :roll:

I want to get back into FF XI but I don't know my fuckin' password -- and Square Enix won't give it to me from what I have been told... I haven't called them yet -- sucks balls because me and my best friend had just got on the same server... grrr --- they have been charging me for this for the past 4 months or more and I haven't played!!! BASTARDS! lol ~

The picture attached is the picture I found of 'Le Shay' --- though I find it hard to believe that a girl this hot would be cool enough to be into RPG's --- total dream girl ;-) - So where do you live dream girl? --- you should move into my bed 8)


No seriously, I would need more picture proof to believe you... You know, like a picture of you holding a sign that says "CA3LE is a sexy bitch" *** Call me a sceptic if you'd like...... but I don't think I have ever had a REAL girl join my forums before.

:shock: (looking at the picture again) WAY TOO HOT :whaa:

well lol i was raised with a house of boys that all they did was play the old ff games and they were my brothers of course all of them a lil nerdy chess club and all that, but arent we all creatures of our environment? well i will look for more pictures i think i may have a few lyin around that was takin by my brother seth ^^ lol i didnt want to turn this into a " i dont belive this is really le shay" forumm lol but if i find some i will post them^^

well lol i was raised with a house of boys that all they did was play the old ff games and they were my brothers of course all of them a lil nerdy chess club and all that' date=' but arent we all creatures of our environment? well i will look for more pictures i think i may have a few lyin around that was takin by my brother seth ^^ lol i didnt want to turn this into a " i dont belive this is really le shay" forumm lol but if i find some i will post them^^[/quote']

Ya never answered my question... where do ya live?

How old are you too.

;-) shhhh don't ruin my plan!

And Kiritheif... do you happen to know wmmc, justinlay or ccr1958 --- they seem to have all posted from your same IP... hhuuuuuum :whaa:

CA3LE knows all... and sees all :twisted: --- Master CA3LE OVER and OUT! :?

:) OMG you are HOTT, sorry Im way to old anyway (but what does your granma look like?),and Im like a dog that chases a car dogs keep chasing but would not know what to do if that caught a car......they cant drive...lol.....but it is very cool that you like guy stuff:) and of course my friend CA3LE GUY is young and available....lol and I sure looked for that pic.... :P and you also joined this forum and posted....your just to sweet:):):):)

8) Microwave

OMG that is not good !!! im the only one that uses this computer !!!!

omg!!!!! does that mean my browser is hi jacked or somtin?

well im from Italy but my dad got stationed here in NM when i was 15 so now im attending college at UNM honestly i dont care if u dont think this is me i made this forumm to talk about fellow ffxi gamers....gosh....

Don't worry.... direcway users go through a proxy... therfore it apears that you are sharing your IP with others... Please disreguard my previous post guys ;-) ~~ i audited a few other direcway users and found that many of them showed the same symptoms ;) --- they are almost all "66.82.9.XX" IP block -- and due to the narrow range of IP's.. either direcway has like 100 users or they are using a few shared proxy servers... not uncommon with satellite connections (it basically makes the connection seem faster because direcway caches and compresses data in this proxy... (stupid fun fact :: TestMy.net just happens to use test files that can't be compressed further... therfore your ISP is forced to send EVERY byte... resultsing in higher test accuracy than the other guys.... your score will look lower than some other testing sites..... but at least my test isn't giving you false hope ;-))

sorry :-D about the confusion.

kiri --- post YO DAMN PIC --- :lol:

:) Hmmmmmm ya dont wanna be a newbie,...... maybe CA3LE GUY can make you something like the first TestMy princess or something like that......if it goes to a vote you got mine.....lol and I believe you are who you say you are!!! I always like to give people the benefit of doubt until I have some evidence to suggest something is different, so keep visiting...........:)

8) Microwave

yes this is also the only pc in my house. and can someone plase reccomend me so really good free spyware things i have ad-aware se and spyware doctore^^ any others i should get?

SPybot Search & Destroy is a good one too.

Testmy.net Princess, nice idea for a title MICROWAVE 8)

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