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what is meant a modem i learnt that uncapping a modem increses the speed of the connection is it true ? is it legal?

yes it makes it faster much faster, and its very illegal, and very hard, on most docsis 1.0 modems it can be done. on docsis 2.0 modems its near imposable.

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site edited* a good buddy of mine works there.. custom firmware and yes u can ride around with a laptop and get other peoples mac ids and come home WITH YOUR CUSTOM firmware input the mac id and serial off u go dont say it cant be done ive done it..  :evil6:

Don't link to a website like this again while explaining how you can commit crimes. Shug7272

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www.testmy.net a good buddy of mine works there.. custom firmware and yes u can ride around with a laptop and get other peoples mac ids and come home WITH YOUR CUSTOM firmware input the mac id and serial off u go dont say it cant be done ive done it..  :evil6:

Don't link to a website like this again while explaining how you can commit crimes. Shug7272

yes, I'm sure Alltel would love to hear of your exploits...

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