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"parents. love 'em hate 'em, stuck with 'em"

How do you really feel about your mom and dad?  

39 members have voted

  1. 1. How do you really feel about your mom and dad?

    • great parents, really pay attention to us
    • well, I wouldn't trade them in for goldfish
    • ya know - i could get a new car for the trouble they put me through
    • every once in a while I want to scream
    • Can you say Rachael Waterman - she killed her mom

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All i want to say is that there's no amount of money to pay them back for all they have done for me. They are my heroes and they are PRICELESS!!!

Hi ray ray 909

Nice post ,

Hi Guys ,just a few words from a old timer, you will miss them when they are gone,

what happens day to day will pale into insignificance  , just think on,

don't leave it to late to say THANKS,

I left it to late to repair the broken  bridge between the generations , and now regret it ,

Roco  UK

well you bette get use to the nagging becasue it never stops, it just gets worse when your married.


Yeah, when your wife starts nagging, you can''t just tune her out like you can your parents. Or just take a drive. Parents are glad you left for a drive, and your wife will think you just don't love her anymore if you take a drive. Your parents you can just leave, you can never afford to leave your wife!  And don't even think you can just tune out your wife. That will never happen!  :violent1:


Yeah, when your wife starts nagging, you can''t just tune her out like you can your parents. Or just take a drive. Parents are glad you left for a drive, and your wife will think you just don't love her anymore if you take a drive. Your parents you can just leave, you can never afford to leave your wife!  And don't even think you can just tune out your wife. That will never happen!  :violent1:

I just kept on driving, 15 years back, LOL Yeah I am still road running , but no  regrets,   just living the rock and roll life style, Yeah, it gets harder as each year passes ,I support my family as best as I can , but they know not to push to hard , if they are in deep Sh*t they know I will be there, more than that I cannot promise, 

Oh,  this this is becoming a confesional , :shock:

Rock on guys and gals,  LOL

Roco  UK


Good enough.  :icon_thumleft:

Wasn't trying to start any trouble. Just been in a funk lately. Mom's been in really bad health for over a year now and I fear that if she goes, Dad won't be far behind.  :icon_pale:

*hugs* that's so tough... I'm sorry and I hope that everything happens in the best way possible... as if there can really be a best way....

philp ;Both mine have passed dad in 1980 & mom in 2001 so in my case my mom lived a good many years They were married 35 years.In my grand parents case grandma died just 2 years after my grandpa they were married 63 years.so it works both ways.

btw I would take mine back warts & all.

phillip...i sorry to hear about your mom...i hope she gets to feeling better

say everything u wanna say while u can still be heard...do it right now, like there may not be another moment beyond this moment. live each moment like it's the last...never close a door behind u without expressing your love to those you love on the other side (this is our family rule)

my parents are both gone and tho words were never left unsaid in my family...but i still feel like i needed to say more...do more

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