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Are we going to get 1000 members before the end of the year?

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Hi Ca3LE, I just want to say Thanks for making this an awesome site for all of us to come too, and test our speeds.  :D  You have done a remarkable job updating it and what not. I know this site is going to be something that you have never before imagined.  We all get caught up in everything around us and sometimes we never (hardly) give credit where credit is due. So, you deserve it man :!: You have made this one hell of a site, and my hat goes off to you. It's not easy making and maintaining a site, especially one that's to this degree.  :D :D Keep up the Awesome work :!:

Why thank you, I always love the feedback :)  -- you guys are as much a key to the success of this site as I am, you all make a huge contribution to the content of this site.

Thank you everyone!

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My prediction was off... I thought there would be 720+ newmembers total for January. One more day left this month and we have gained 909 new members, yesterday alone was 56 new members, we should end at 950-970 -- man I was off :evil6: --- Almost 2X our total users guys! Thank you everyone for making this site a success.

I was on here Saturday at around 8:45AM EST and there were over 300 guests online.

From the stats page:

Most Online:  329 - January 29, 2005, 19:09:05

OK, so how many members will testmy have by the end of 2005?

We all know it will be a gazillion, how many is a gazillion?

Today, I noticed 350 users on this site, a month ago it seemed like it was running more like 100.

CA3LE is creating a monster, because he does too good of a job and all the helpful Moderators keep pouring coal on the fire.

Won't be long and the site will need its own backbone to handle the traffic.

CA3LE you are the man....GO...GO....GO..

And thanks for bringing this very valuable resource...


3 more to 2000. Also here are some other stats.

Average registrations per day:  27.08

Average posts per day: 205.98

Average topics per day: 18.28 Total Boards: 46

Average online per day: 59.65

Male to Female Ratio: 19.8:1

Total Posts: 20517

Total Topics: 2018

Total Categories: 4

just wanted to test the little picture thingy at the left...

hopefully, if it works, it's my little boy... HE ROCKS!!!

if it doesn't work, i guess i just look like a dork.

not a puter nerd, though i wish i was in this day and age.

i do enjoy looking at all the people offering help on this forum and think it's pretty cool that those of you who are in the know are willing to help out those of us who arn't.

i use the term "puter nerd"  jealously... no offense intended!!! like i say, "wish i was one"

the old dog thing, don't ya know

peace out.....  Almost  :twisted:

thanks for the reply swimmer, don't really have any tech questions as of yet, pretty satisified with my net surffing experience, been on cable about 2 months and sattelite before that for a short time, before that i was on ao-hell dial up, so needless to say, i am smoking compared to what i was surfing at...

down loads are between 5000 and 5500

up is in the mid 600


thanks for making all feel welcome and cheers to all!!!

    Almost    :twisted:

i would just like to thank everybody for joining my forum, and due to popular demand, a shop will be set up including all your geeky stuff and drugs.

ohhh i cant take all the credit CA3LE only made a small contribution but he will be rewarded ;)

thanks for the reply swimmer, don't really have any tech questions as of yet, pretty satisified with my net surffing experience, been on cable about 2 months and sattelite before that for a short time, before that i was on ao-hell dial up, so needless to say, i am smoking compared to what i was surfing at...

down loads are between 5000 and 5500

up is in the mid 600


thanks for making all feel welcome and cheers to all!!!

    Almost    :twisted:

Welcome Almost... don't worry, most of us take pride in being geeks.  Calling us geeks actually strokes our egos.  :evil6:

Well.....pretty impressive......1000 members through last year.......1000 new members in Jan. alone.......and averaging 50 a day this month.

Sure wish my stocks were do that good :haha:

Congrats CA3LE.........you're doing something right here!! :lol:

  Yea you are right there reno!!! But I think cable should put a affiliate ad on his site because some of the ones for hosting companys pay like 100 dollars or 60 dollars for everyone that signs up for there hosting that came from you site!!!

  ;)  --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Why thank you for the praise.  I am very glad you are happy with the functionallity and the fact that this site will ALWAYS be free.  To tell you the truth I pick up more than ten times the cost of the dedicated server in ad revinue and also to tell you the truth I do this for fun and even if I broke even I would be happy.  ~~ though my site has text advertising I have promised never to have pop-up or anoyance ads on ANY of my sites, I feel those are making the internet a stressful place.  Hell, I felt bad for those couple of months that I had some casino ads... the internet should be a place were you can kick off your boots and not have to be bombarded by advertising... blah blah blah

This is a quote from CA3LE from 2 years ago....

8) Microwave

Google pays you to have it on your site, you get so much money on how many people click the links.

Yes, but clicks that don't result in conversions (sales for the advertiser) may lower my overall payout in the future.  So I don't encourage people to click the ads unless they are interested in the ad for real.

i think its growing exponentially

ca3le are u paying for a google add on their main page or waht?

No, I don't do anything but word of mouth marketing... it's worked thus far.  I don't want to spend money on advertising a site that will grow just fine without advertising.  If the site has good enough content and tools, it will grow reguardless.  The traffic that google sends me now (just google) paying at the lowest rate ($0.05 per click) would cost me almost 4000/month to advertise.  Google is already sending me almost $4000/month of traffic for free, why would I pay for more.. in a few more months when the site has even more content Google may be sending 2X that. 

If my site sold a product or service though, I would pay for advertising... because I would be able to offset the cost per user that I paid for.  My site right now only makes money from shear volume and advertising.  It's not worth it in my line of service to pay for ads.

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