kedwon Posted April 4, 2006 CID Share Posted April 4, 2006 Everyone, you need to read these papers and see the Loose Change 911 movie: Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
CaptainSauce Posted April 4, 2006 CID Share Posted April 4, 2006 wow.... of how much i read, unbelievable... some of that stuff i cant even comprehend because its just to out of this world for my comprehension. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
kedwon Posted April 4, 2006 Author CID Share Posted April 4, 2006 That's why I posted it. I am pretty much still in shock around all of the information that is gaining light on this cover-up. From what I have been reading, there have been seperate movements all asking similar questions ranging from the eye-witnesses, the fire departments, engineering proffessionals both in the academic and private institutions all asking very valid questions, but the government hasn't been letting any evidence out to public knowledge. Not until this last October when they produced the movie (off of a personal home computer!) has there been a gathering of knowledge from all the different channels of inquiry. This is HUGE. If there ever was a cause for people to come together, this is it. Thousands of lives have been lost upon a pretense that appears to be a top down conspiracy. I feel betrayed. Please don't let this topic die. The questions raised on the website listed HAVE to be answered!!! Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
cholla Posted April 4, 2006 CID Share Posted April 4, 2006 I read the article very informative.The first link is mostly what I read.I have dial-up so I didn't check the videos available.Same reason I didn't do the DL of the second link.The third one had a lot of links What I'm putting from here is MY OPINION.The information in the link just confirms what I already beleived.The Bush administration orchestrated the 911 disaster. Why?To make Americans mad enough to accept a war against Iraq.Even when most of the terrorists were Saudi Arabians.This only makes some difference since they were just there to support it was a terrorist attack. I think the real agenda was Bush & Saudi Arabia wanted to get rid of Sadam.Saudi Arabia feared Sadam might have eventually taken over the Middle East.The Bush family has major money tied up in Saudi oil. So Bush was looking out for his business not Americas.He or his business advisors realized this would drive up the price of oil.Making petroleum companies a lot of money. Chaney the vice-president was involved with Haliburton which has made a lot of money from the war.So have other munitions companies. War is big business & always stimulates the economy at taxpayer expense. Bush places no value on the lives of average Americans or the soldiers he sends into war.You will note his daughters are not in the military much less in Iraq. I sure Bushes service record has been cleaned up .So it no longer shows him not really serving.Basically being AWOL .This should have stopped him from even being President. Then he made sure he was elected the first time even if it took being appointed by the Supreme Court instead of really elected.If he was able to do this when he wasn't even President what was he able to do by the second election.Probably able to fix it a lot better. I think Gore backed down on the election because his & his families life was threatened. I hope posting this doesn't have the feds busting down my door. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
RTB Posted April 4, 2006 CID Share Posted April 4, 2006 The reasons are there, but I don't think Bush was involved. Humans do love conspiracies though. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
kedwon Posted April 4, 2006 Author CID Share Posted April 4, 2006 This link shows the possible "Perpatrators". And the Bush family are very suspect, specifically Marvin Bush, President Bush's brother, who "was Board of Directors at Securacom from 1993 until fiscal year 2000. Securacom, now known as Stratesec, is an electronic security company which provided security for United Airlines, Dulles International Airport, and from the early 1990s up to the day of 9-11, the World Trade Center. Marvin is also former director at HCC Insurance Holdings, which insured parts of the World Trade Center on 9-11. More information on this was supposed to be disclosed and never was. To date the SEC has not revealed what they have learned." Here is the link to the newspaper article: Kevin~ Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
cholla Posted April 4, 2006 CID Share Posted April 4, 2006 The only defense for Bush I can think of he doesn't appear to be smart enough.But the stupid could be an act.It's hard to beleive a conspiracy by someone you consider stupid. I do love to stir up the debate. I do want to add the victims of 911 including the soldiers killed or wounded in Iraq have my sincere sympathy. Btw:I thought I recognized the commondreams site.Here is another link. The topic it was in has been removed. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
wingzero2309 Posted April 4, 2006 CID Share Posted April 4, 2006 i just downloaded this (havent watched it yet), but the file is called 911 Loose Change 2nd Edition with extra footage 2nd edition? what about 1st edition? do i need to watch 1st ed. first or is 2nd ed. just a better and newer version, but overall same content? Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
mudmanc4 Posted April 4, 2006 CID Share Posted April 4, 2006 Good God , what are you thinking? Is this post implanted for political values? Is this the correct forum? Yes we were and all are and will be affected by these things that unfolded on "9-11", If you want to investigate , fine thats what this country's all about . But here? now? why!!!? Don't let this post die? Sounds to me like a liberal , or extreme left view or agenda! I'm not saying there weren't pre-coursers to this atrocity, or even that our own leaders weren't involved, Is this the place? that is what I ask! There is enough of this type of SHIT, on all of your media > do we need it here? No ! In my opinion! HELL NO! Thanks Kedwon, BTW whats KEDWON , Stand for? Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
richcornucopia Posted April 4, 2006 CID Share Posted April 4, 2006 We need someone like David Palmer (Dennis Haysbert) as president, even if he is an actor, he does a damn good job at it, better than Bush can act. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
mudmanc4 Posted April 4, 2006 CID Share Posted April 4, 2006 Really!!!!!!!!!!!!!!??????OMG Fictitious character, or portrayal of fact? Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest thecableguy Posted April 4, 2006 CID Share Posted April 4, 2006 Everyone, you need to read these papers and see the Loose Change 911 movie: This is the same whacko material that has been floating around the web for years now. If you have any class or feeling for the victims or their families at all you will stop circulating this nonsense. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
richcornucopia Posted April 4, 2006 CID Share Posted April 4, 2006 Somebody left their burrito in the microwave too long hence the molten steel. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest thecableguy Posted April 4, 2006 CID Share Posted April 4, 2006 :haha: :haha: :haha: :haha: :haha: :haha: Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
mudmanc4 Posted April 4, 2006 CID Share Posted April 4, 2006 Somebody left their burrito in the microwave too long hence the molten steel. Burrito as in brain? Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
kedwon Posted April 4, 2006 Author CID Share Posted April 4, 2006 Good God , what are you thinking? Is this post implanted for political values? Is this the correct forum? Yes we were and all are and will be affected by these things that unfolded on "9-11", If you want to investigate , fine thats what this country's all about . But here? now? why!!!? Don't let this post die? Sounds to me like a liberal , or extreme left view or agenda! I'm not saying there weren't pre-coursers to this atrocity, or even that our own leaders weren't involved, Is this the place? that is what I ask! There is enough of this type of S#!t, on all of your media > do we need it here? No ! In my opinion! HELL NO! Thanks Kedwon, BTW whats KEDWON , Stand for? Gee, questions about Xbox360, and who play's what song are the appropriate topics on the GENERAL forum for you? Perhaps a little too much dose of reality today? The sole purpose of this post was to get people to look at these sites and draw their own conclusions, and gee, I think that's happening. Oh yeah, and by the way I sell funiture. If I asked you to buy a couch then my agenda would have been slanted. Peace in your Crease~ Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
tommie gorman Posted April 4, 2006 CID Share Posted April 4, 2006 First of all I did not read much, because the news and commentaries, and such are so full of lies anyway. You could read until you die, and not know the truth. Who actually killed John F. Kennedy? Any way, all you will here is what somebody wants you to here, or a twisted story to sell papers. Several instances the paper would print a story, and later when I knew the truth, it was totally backwards. Old saying is: Believe nothing you hear, and only 1/2 of what you see. I once saw a majicician on T.V. make an entire volcano mountain disappear. Does that make it real? A cousin once told me that someone in her chat room told her that homosexuals have not ever had anything to do with the spread of AID's. I asked how they knew. She responded that a research study was read by that person. Being in college, I figured I would give her some food for thought. So I asked if I wrote a study of my own, and researched it with my own rules of how I wanted it to sound, would that be as truthful as the other one? We were given a brain for a reason. To search out the truth! Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Bird Fan Posted April 4, 2006 CID Share Posted April 4, 2006 This is the same whacko material that has been floating around the web for years now. If you have any class or feeling for the victims or their families at all you will stop circulating this nonsense. Which is exactly what the Bush administration would say so America doesn't read this kind of stuff and get suspicious. Is it so un-American to question 9/11? After all, there are a lot of holes in the government's official story... Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
php Posted April 4, 2006 CID Share Posted April 4, 2006 Gee, questions about Xbox360, and who plays what song are the appropriate topics on the GENERAL forum for you? Perhaps a little too much dose of reality today? The sole purpose of this post was to get people to look at these sites and draw their own conclusions, and gee, I think that's happening. Oh yeah, and by the way I sell furniture. If I asked you to buy a couch then my agenda would have been slanted. Peace in your Crease~ Well, this is mainly a internet and technology forum. Xbox 360 questions are technology related, and the song topic was someone asking for help identifying a song if I'm thinking about the same topic as you. Political posts are usually unwanted in a forum like this because people tend to get very involved and start flaming. The same generally applies to religious topics. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Bird Fan Posted April 4, 2006 CID Share Posted April 4, 2006 First of all I did not read much, because the news and commentaries, and such are so full of lies anyway. You could read until you die, and not know the truth. Who actually killed John F. Kennedy? Any way, all you will here is what somebody wants you to here, or a twisted story to sell papers. Several instances the paper would print a story, and later when I knew the truth, it was totally backwards. Old saying is: Believe nothing you hear, and only 1/2 of what you see. Ok, so a lot of what the government told you you shouldn't believe if you think with that mentality... Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
php Posted April 4, 2006 CID Share Posted April 4, 2006 Also, for topics like this about 9/11, what's the point? Are we ever going to know what really happened in detail? No. Are we even going to know what really happened in general? Not likely. Propaganda doesn't help matters, it tends to confuse some people and enrage gullible people who believe anything they see. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
tommie gorman Posted April 4, 2006 CID Share Posted April 4, 2006 Yeah, Religion and Politics. Never get it started! :angry4: :angry4: Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
mudmanc4 Posted April 4, 2006 CID Share Posted April 4, 2006 Gee, questions about Xbox360, and who play's what song are the appropriate topics on the GENERAL forum for you? Perhaps a little too much dose of reality today? The sole purpose of this post was to get people to look at these sites and draw their own conclusions, and gee, I think that's happening. Oh yeah, and by the way I sell furniture. If I asked you to buy a couch then my agenda would have been slanted. Peace in your Crease~ GEE, like PHP said, this is what you wanted and this is what you got ! Stick to the furniture , and maybe a mod will move this to another post! fixed... lol Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
mudmanc4 Posted April 4, 2006 CID Share Posted April 4, 2006 Oops for the mod post screwup Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
resopalrabotnick Posted April 4, 2006 CID Share Posted April 4, 2006 did you see that on it was a special about the space aliens abducting the second gunman from the grassy knoll using black helicopters. pretty neat. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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