Grambler Posted April 4, 2006 CID Share Posted April 4, 2006 I agree with PHP, this is a Internet and Technology form. There are forums and blogs much more appropriate for this topic. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest thecableguy Posted April 4, 2006 CID Share Posted April 4, 2006 Gee, questions about Xbox360, and who play's what song are the appropriate topics on the GENERAL forum for you? Perhaps a little too much dose of reality today? The sole purpose of this post was to get people to look at these sites and draw their own conclusions, and gee, I think that's happening. Oh yeah, and by the way I sell funiture. If I asked you to buy a couch then my agenda would have been slanted. Peace in your Crease~ EXCUSE ME! But you come here, having never posted anything before and spew this nonsense. How do you expect people to react to you. Your troll like spamming of your political whacko viewpoint under the auspice of this being an open forum and trying to be a contributor is laughable. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
resopalrabotnick Posted April 5, 2006 CID Share Posted April 5, 2006 what i find most entertaining is the way the crackpots, for want of a better term, base their "theories" on the claim that things could not have happened the way they did. one example, the kennedy case. "no way the bullet could have blah, blah, blah....". interestingly enough a tv show managed to recreate the shots fired and the trajectory of the bullets after impact pretty much axactly using replicas of the limo, ballistic dummies and the same model rifle fired from the same angle. (in this case from a slightly shaky cherrypicker platform, making the shot more difficult.) the way the bullet got deflected by the bones and the bodies was exactly what happened in real life. did this do anything to shut the crackpots claiming a firing squad on the grassy knoll up? hardly... oh well. same with 9/11. all the things that are claimed to be faked, wrong, lies etc turn out to have happened in real life. too many points brought up by the crackpots however to debunk them all here, don't feel like writing a book here. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Dark06 Posted April 5, 2006 CID Share Posted April 5, 2006 All i know there is to much of a cover up going on Here in austin there were a few car bombs done in front of the state capital (in an attemp to kill the bush famaly) but i cant find a single bit of evidence to support it The website and newspaper that had this had "an electronical glitch" and those documents are now unaccessible. I know they happen cause i saw it live on local tv and had eye witness reports of it Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest thecableguy Posted April 5, 2006 CID Share Posted April 5, 2006 All i know there is to much of a cover up going on Here in austin there were a few car bombs done in front of the state capital (in an attemp to kill the bush famaly) but i cant find a single bit of evidence to support it The website and newspaper that had this had "an electronical glitch" and those documents are now unaccessible. I know they happen cause i saw it live on local tv and had eye witness reports of it Dark yer a good kid by what I can see and being curious and questioning things is a good thing. Don't fall prey to your teachers or anyone for that matter who spews nonsense like this....there was no conspiracy unless of course you consider stupidity to be a conspiracy...that I can assure you of. You will do yourself a huge favor by considering the source(s) of your information. Traditionally newspapers and media of almost all types are extreme liberal and extreme anything isn't good. Study all sides of an issue before forming an oppinion and always be sure that the information you getting is accurate. Just because somebody says it is doesn't make it so especially anyone associated with higher learning. They tend to be left wing fanatics who will say just about anything to get their points across. Any a google on the Colorado prof. who got himself into big time hot water. I guess my point is....people like the spineless clown who posted this spew in this thread tonight are not to be trusted and you can be sure as the sun will rise tomorrow that there isn't a shred of truth to any of it....have will help you find the way! Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest thecableguy Posted April 5, 2006 CID Share Posted April 5, 2006 what i find most entertaining is the way the crackpots, for want of a better term, base their "theories" on the claim that things could not have happened the way they did. one example, the kennedy case. "no way the bullet could have blah, blah, blah....". interestingly enough a tv show managed to recreate the shots fired and the trajectory of the bullets after impact pretty much axactly using replicas of the limo, ballistic dummies and the same model rifle fired from the same angle. (in this case from a slightly shaky cherrypicker platform, making the shot more difficult.) the way the bullet got deflected by the bones and the bodies was exactly what happened in real life. did this do anything to shut the crackpots claiming a firing squad on the grassy knoll up? hardly... oh well. same with 9/11. all the things that are claimed to be faked, wrong, lies etc turn out to have happened in real life. too many points brought up by the crackpots however to debunk them all here, don't feel like writing a book here. And you know it wouldn't matter to them anyway...they would just claim that you have been brainwashed by right and are part of the evil machine. Cheers! Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
mudmanc4 Posted April 5, 2006 CID Share Posted April 5, 2006 Just because somebody says it is doesn't make it so especially anyone associated with higher learning. They tend to be left wing fanatics who will say just about anything to get their points across. Could not have said it better myself. Kudos Thecableguy Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
disturbed Posted April 5, 2006 CID Share Posted April 5, 2006 man - there is nothing to the truth about 9/11 - u.s. lived thru a terror attack and thats it - i can bet that there are plenty of other countries who would like to do the same to u.s. considering how much bad they have done around the world Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest thecableguy Posted April 5, 2006 CID Share Posted April 5, 2006 man - there is nothing to the truth about 9/11 - u.s. lived thru a terror attack and thats it - i can bet that there are plenty of other countries who would like to do the same to u.s. considering how much bad they have done around the world Bad we've done to the rest of the world?? Are you crazy....tell ya what pal....we'll stop giving money to every Tom, **** and Harry country....while we're at we'll also stop all humanitarian food and medical supply shipments and since we've gone that far aww the **** with it...lets call in every loan that we ever extended that has yet to be paid by the rest of the so called angry world....YOU HAVE 30 DAYS TO PAY UP OR WE'RE COMIN IN....and then lets see how long the rest of ****** off world survives......the rest of the world enjoys a much higher quality of life because of US...and I'm sick and tired of hearing people b^tch about it.....and if you live here you have some nerve whining......may I suggest Canada.....I hear its nice and toasty in the winter.....oh wait...thats Florida.....(how could I forget.....half of Canada invades us for half the year because THEIR country sucks)..... Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
supersteven Posted April 5, 2006 CID Share Posted April 5, 2006 Ahh gotta love liberal propaganda. Bad we've done to the rest of the world?? Are you crazy....tell ya what pal....we'll stop giving money to every Tom, Dick and Harry country....while we're at we'll also stop all humanitarian food and medical supply shipments and since we've gone that far aww the hell with it...lets call in every loan that we ever extended that has yet to be paid by the rest of the so called angry world....YOU HAVE 30 DAYS TO PAY UP OR WE'RE COMIN IN....and then lets see how long the rest of pissed off world survives......the rest of the world enjoys a much higher quality of life because of US...and I'm sick and tired of hearing people b^tch about it.....and if you live here you have some nerve whining......may I suggest Canada.....I hear its nice and toasty in the winter.....oh wait...thats Florida.....(how could I forget.....half of Canada invades us for half the year because THEIR country sucks)..... Amen. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
disturbed Posted April 5, 2006 CID Share Posted April 5, 2006 all this money that u.s. is borrowing to us is borrowed from other countries - u.s. is in debt way over their head - and all that humanitarian stuff you are talking you know that u.s. is the only member of the ever corrupted UN that does not wanna sign a document ending the use of anti personnel mines !? - which is one of the biggest world crises ever....sad.... im not whining, just pointing out the truth that people overlook - u.s. has absolutely no money of their own - it is all borrowed, mostly from china - those debts are so huge they will never be paid back - talk about irony...borrowing borrowed money LOL Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest thecableguy Posted April 5, 2006 CID Share Posted April 5, 2006 all this money that u.s. is borrowing to us is borrowed from other countries - u.s. is in debt way over their head - and all that humanitarian stuff you are talking you know that u.s. is the only member of the ever corrupted UN that does not wanna sign a document ending the use of anti personnel mines !? - which is one of the biggest world crises ever....sad.... im not whining, just pointing out the truth that people overlook - u.s. has absolutely no money of their own - it is all borrowed, mostly from china - those debts are so huge they will never be paid back - talk about irony...borrowing borrowed money LOL I have no idea where you got your facts from but you need to check them....because they are not at all accurate. Borrowed money from thats funny......thanks for the laugh anyway disturbed....I needed it... ps: I'll take all that borrowed money from China that I get and buy another house I make it fair I should probably buy all the furnishings from Walmart that way poor China gets its money back.....oh my how funny. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
tommie gorman Posted April 5, 2006 CID Share Posted April 5, 2006 If you dig back a little farther you will realize that the national debt is owed to none other than the Rockefellers, americans. And they do not want to get paid back, they would rather have the power and the interest. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
j3grizz Posted April 5, 2006 CID Share Posted April 5, 2006 Man this is getting deep! I would like to say to not believe everything you hear! Politicians go to school to learn how to talk out of both sides of their mouths. lol Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest thecableguy Posted April 5, 2006 CID Share Posted April 5, 2006 If you dig back a little farther you will realize that the national debt is owed to none other than the Rockefellers, americans. And they do not want to get paid back, they would rather have the power and the interest. Actually you are very correct in that statement....finally....something based on some fact vss fiction..... Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest thecableguy Posted April 5, 2006 CID Share Posted April 5, 2006 Man this is getting deep! I would like to say to not believe everything you hear! Politicians go to school to learn how to talk out of both sides of their mouths. lol Actually no school can teach's actually a genetic defect much like cleft palette (pardon the spelling). Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
j3grizz Posted April 5, 2006 CID Share Posted April 5, 2006 Ok, I agree with thecableguy. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
disturbed Posted April 5, 2006 CID Share Posted April 5, 2006 okay....2 of you - please, research the topic before making any assumptions and actually trying to prove me wrong - as hard as it is to believe, U.S. does indeed owe a big sum of money to china - if you do not believe me, research it my hate to get into an argument with you guys and get appologies later regarding the misinformed posts that were written i spent 2 semesters now studying the economics of the u.s. and I have discussion groups every monday for 3 hours about potential world crisis (part of my upper division classes I have to take in my CSE program) - we talked about the way u.s. money is spent - and trust me on that fact, they did indeed borrow a crap load of money from china....if you do not believe me, again...research it Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
disturbed Posted April 5, 2006 CID Share Posted April 5, 2006 want supporting articles So what is so disturbing about this is since 2001 the debt held by non-governmental agencies has increased by $1.4 trillion. Now, if that were not bad enough, you know how much of it we borrowed from foreigners? Almost 90 percent: $1.16 trillion has been borrowed from foreigners, primarily Asia, China and Japan, who together own over $1 trillion worth of IOUs from Mr. Matheson's little boy and others, me, everybody else in this country that is a citizen. Quoted from: will post more as soon as I find sources from my readings. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
peepnklown Posted April 5, 2006 CID Share Posted April 5, 2006 This is the same whacko material that has been floating around the web for years now. If you have any class or feeling for the victims or their families at all you will stop circulating this nonsense. We should bury our heads in the sand for the victims and their families. Please, this is nothing but using an emotional tactic to distract from the information. It Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
j3grizz Posted April 5, 2006 CID Share Posted April 5, 2006 I wasn't trying to prove you wrong, just trying to come off on a lighter note. Not trying to offend! Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
cholla Posted April 5, 2006 CID Share Posted April 5, 2006 disturbed ;I haven't studied the economics like you have but I know the USA has the largest national debt.This supports what I have said before.The USA is the poorest country on Earth.So why does everyone always have their handout to the USA for money,physical help during disaster.sometimes military help ,etc.Why do so many want to imigrate here I guess to help us pay the debt. If the USA does owe it all to the Rockefellers the solution is simple burn all the Rockefellers at the stake .They are in the USA ;no heirs; debt eliminated .Problem solved. Personally I like some political debate between the tech & internet topics.Don't mind some religious discussion either.If a topic flames then it is removed. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
supersteven Posted April 5, 2006 CID Share Posted April 5, 2006 I see that they believe a jet didn't hit the Pentagon. I found this article attempting to prove that a plane did indeed hit it in this conspiracy site. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
disturbed Posted April 5, 2006 CID Share Posted April 5, 2006 there is also a theory that a ufo actually hit the building - and a video to show for it lolz Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
richcornucopia Posted April 5, 2006 CID Share Posted April 5, 2006 Don't forget about my burrito theory . Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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