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Eh, lucky me. If I take a look at what I scored at several tests, then there's something really obvious. I score higher with a larger test (12 MB vs 3 MB). Must be the ping. If you had a 20 MB test for example, it would be even closer to 500 KB/s, cuz that's my real speed atm.

Be envious of my upload. :twisted:

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Mine isnt working corrrectly. the screen is very jumpy when scrolling over links, and my stats are all mucked up,..

In the database stats for 30 day thingy it says

"My guess would be that these stats are for a 3 Mbps/384 Kbps connection."

in the "new user stats" for 30 day thingy it says

"My guess would be that these stats are for a 1.5 Mbps/384 Kbps connection"



nvm its working now..

Oh and do you think you will be adding the feature for us to remove our own stats ? :)

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That's cool. Just one thing though, it only shows my stats  back to 12/27/04 even when I click on 30 Day stats. Were they reset?

It only shows back that far because that is when username logging was added... comp_id stats still go back far.

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