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I just got a gateway lcd 19" flat panel - a pixel at the very bottom was out - a bright blue dot - returned it and got another one (from the same place) and now there is another pixel out on the right side (even worse spot than the first one) and it is a green dot?? IS THIS POSSIBLE - is it possible my computer is doing this? It is a brand new gateway computer.  Has anyone ever heard of this?

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i had a gateway LCD that went bad after 3 years. I got a  free replacement that runs perfectly a year later. I wouldn't think it's common, and a complaint would fix it immediately.

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When i got my 19in LCD screen it had a ice lovely bright green pixel slap bang in the center of it... Only found out later on that my dad dropped it on the way out of the store lol managed to get it changed and my new one works fine :)

I think it is possible for a brand new LCD screen to have dead or loose pixels, i know there was trouble with the PSP LCD screens going bad :(

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there is a policy as per each manufacturer as to how they guarantee their displays.

there are 2 kinds of out pixels. the black ones (which is better because it is not as noticable) and the always on bright pixel. position on screen also plays a role.

figure 1280 by 1024. 1.2 million pixels. some manufacturers guarantee 0 pixels out, some will make you live with a dark or two, depending on the position onscreen, and some cheapo type displays might not be willing to swap unless you have some center pixels out.

swap the gateway again, maybe 3 is the charm.

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Just to let you know I went yet again 3rd 100 mile trip (yep i live in the sticks) to get my 3rd Gateway lcd screne in hope that this one would be ok and no pixels out - tested it AT THE STORE  and it looked good  - got it home and .. well.. it still looks good!  3rd time a charm I guess - HOWEVER the manual says that the pixels being out (amount and location on the screne) is normal and the woman at the store said she called and Gateway only guarantees over 100 pixels out - Can you believe that?  That cant be true but who knows  - anyway looks like im looking good .  Thanks all for listening

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100 pixels is still only a tenth of a percent on a 1280x1024 panel. i bet they have moltipliers for bright vs dark out pixels and for being further in the middle.

glad you found a good panel.

edit is that that 19 inch panel that rotates, the one with the usb hub, tv tuner etc?

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