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Dr. Jonathan Spanier from Drexel University has come up with a novel way to greatly increase data storage density: water. Specifically, they propose using hydroxyl ions to stabilize minute ferroelectric wires. These wires could be many times smaller than what is possible today, enabling data densities in the neighborhood of 12.8 million gigabytes (GB) (or is that 12-13 PetaBytes? (PB)) per cubic centimeter. While there are still many problems to be resolved before drives using these can be manufactured this technology does seem promising. For one thing, it would be non-volatile, but could apparently be made to act as RAM.

The problem has always been with increasing the capacity of whatever filter (lexical, physical, virtual, layered or parsed) that interprets the information.

Much like brains. We certainly get all the info, but that doesn't make everyone smart.

The capacity to process information is what counts.  :tard:

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according to Seagate;

"The technology stands data bits vertically onto the disc media, rather than horizontal to the surface as with traditional longitudinal recording, to deliver new levels of hard drive data density, capacity and reliability. The new data orientation also increases drive throughput without increasing spin speed by allowing more data bits to pass under the drive head in the same amount of time."

according to Seagate;

"The technology stands data bits vertically onto the disc media, rather than horizontal to the surface as with traditional longitudinal recording, to deliver new levels of hard drive data density, capacity and reliability. The new data orientation also increases drive throughput without increasing spin speed by allowing more data bits to pass under the drive head in the same amount of time."

Thats interesting, 750 gigs is a big drive.

It don't work I tried using my hard drive standing up. but it is still the same capacity, but will try drilling a hole in it and ading water, I will post the results, or maybe not 

Iv'e done this, it will only work if you own the new 1034 crossmember phase converter, And have the time to train the nano-machines , there very ornery  ;)

according to Seagate;

"The technology stands data bits vertically onto the disc media, rather than horizontal to the surface as with traditional longitudinal recording, to deliver new levels of hard drive data density, capacity and reliability. The new data orientation also increases drive throughput without increasing spin speed by allowing more data bits to pass under the drive head in the same amount of time."

Yeh yea , also tried this . Sh*t, I had about 36 of the damn things stacked up , and still nothing any faster!!!;););)

Did you use de-ionized water or just plain tap water?  I don't believe the flavored waters will work either. Last option : use heavy water.

No definitely not! I used water from the amazon , it had been blessed by Buddha. Stored in a lost cavern somewhere in the Sahara. A third century monk discovered the vial after being lost in the desert for thirty or more days and had tunneled into the sand for protection, He praised god, and drank it. The urine he passed sustained him for five more days where he stumbled across an oasis. He then saved the blessed urine water that had kept him alive.

        This water was handed down for over two thousand years.

        Yes I drank it when it didn't work!

Ya'll oughta stop messing with the water.. there's a drought you know ;)

... I'm all that's left


Water is my main staple of life, in many ways!

So thats where all the moisture has gone, glad to finally find it:)

BTW yes there has been a drought  tee hee ;)

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