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Most people can hear 15-20000Hz sounds. We hear tones best near human speach which is 500-4000hz. So check it out and do tell the highest frequency you can hear.

*Note* If your using SP2 you need to install the ActiveX controller.



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"Computer Speaker may distort Results,"

take note, I don't think this test can be valid , I am 60 y and worked in heavy enginering , and worked on engines with open exhausts in enclosed workshops  till my ears nearly bled, LOL

so I can still hear 22,000Hz ? I doubt it ,

pardon ! did you speak  :D

Roco UK

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i can see why i cant hear past it

i listen to music very loudly with alot of bass for 4-6hrs a day, ipod or my system in my room (no boombox here) :)

hey brock01 , I doubt that you have damaged your hearing at 17y , it takes some years to do that , yeah you could be on your way though ,

take care , you know it makes sense,

regards Roco UK


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does it matter if you wear headphones

im also guessing that the volume lvl makes a huge difference

if you can not hear it with no headphones, that should stay true with headphones volume turned up all the way or am i wrong?

cause i could hear all of them with the headphones compared to no headphones

Computer Speaker may distort Results-yes i read that still wondering

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