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Hi all. We have a Golden Retriever which had 6 puppies last Wednesday. One died a couple days after. We have 5 now, but one is on the edge of dying. She barely will move, and won't eat. I have a couple questions, how long does it usually take a pup to eat? I want to know to see if they are getting enough milk from their mother. Btw is there anything we can do to make the one feel better? They all seem to be getting very weak, soon to die it seems like. Please help, anyone. Thanks

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wyantm06.I have had some dogs that had litters.There are emergency vets but these are expensive.Walmart or Petsmart might have puppy formula that is what you should be giving if the mother doesn't have enough milk.Also there are breast pumps I didn't check your age but either your mother or girlfriendor wife will know what these are Walmart might have these also.If the Dog's breasts are plump & full she probably has enough milk if the pups are strong enough to nurse.

Also try the pups on some plain water.If they are dehydrated this will help.

If at all possible put them inside where it;s air conditioned but with the mother. She will keep them marm if they need to be warmer but this will allow them to cool if that's what they need.

Now that I got you some information .Here is more how is the mother dogs condition?

She should be licking & stimulating the pups to nurse.If this is her first litter she may not know & will have to learn.Losing some of the liter is normal & it's a small litter for a Golden Retreiver.My Irish Setter who passed many years ago had 13 her first litter 11 survived.

When I was a kid our mixed breed dog had several litters something I would prevent now.But that was my parents responsibility not mine.

I hope these are purebreds.

wyantm06.I have had some dogs that had litters.There are emergency vets but these are expensive.Walmart or Petsmart might have puppy formula that is what you should be giving if the mother doesn't have enough milk.Also there are breast pumps I didn't check your age but either your mother or girlfriendor wife will know what these are Walmart might have these also.If the Dog's breasts are plump & full she probably has enough milk if the pups are strong enough to nurse.

Also try the pups on some plain water.If they are dehydrated this will help.

If at all possible put them inside where it;s air conditioned but with the mother. She will keep them marm if they need to be warmer but this will allow them to cool if that's what they need.

Now that I got you some information .Here is more how is the mother dogs condition?

She should be licking & stimulating the pups to nurse.If this is her first litter she may not know & will have to learn.Losing some of the liter is normal & it's a small litter for a Golden Retreiver.My Irish Setter who passed many years ago had 13 her first litter 11 survived.

When I was a kid our mixed breed dog had several litters something I would prevent now.But that was my parents responsibility not mine.

I hope these are purebreds.

Btw I am 18, just to get things cleared. But her nipples are fine my dad said, the other 4 seem to be getting milk. The one that seems to be dying is doing a little better, not to much though. My dad said she is constipated, she keeps crapping. Hoepfully that will help her, plus we keep giving her some evaporated milk with a drop of Karo which I read. Hopefully all goes well. Thanks for the info.

My family used to breed beagles when I was younger.  The unfortunate truth is that not all puppies will live.  What I seem to remember being important, on top of what everyone else has said, is that you need to give the mom and her pups some room.  Don't maul them.  The puppies need to establish a strong bond with the mother in order to survive.  Make sure that the mom has lots of food and water, and a warm nest of blankets in a shelter, and be sure to give them all their space.  But be hopeful!  Things will work out, I'm sure.  It's quite a natural process.

I looked up some more information.You may need to take the one pups temperature to see if it is staying warm enough.

Puppies are unable to generate heat by him/herself and need an outside

source. That source is usually Mom. If Mom leaves for 30 minutes or

more, the puppy

wyantm06;Hate to hear she didn't make it .It can always be something internal like a defect .So there might not have been anything a vet could have done either.Still a small litter for a Golden she  could have continued to deliver more pups for two days.Dogs can sort of take a break like that.Was this her first litter?

You probably got some good information for rasing the rest.The reason I put the links on worms is as much for the rest as the one that died,This is important & a lot of people don't realize that most pups have worms.You can really give them a head start by having them wormed at 2 or 3 weeks what ever your vet recommends & probably at 5 or 6 weeks again to make sure.

Not that a mixed breed is worth less morally if they are pure breds the better they look the better they sell.

Good luck with the rest & let us know how they are.

wyantm06;Hate to hear she didn't make it .It can always be something internal like a defect .So there might not have been anything a vet could have done either.Still a small litter for a Golden she  could have continued to deliver more pups for two days.Dogs can sort of take a break like that.Was this her first litter?

You probably got some good information for rasing the rest.The reason I put the links on worms is as much for the rest as the one that died,This is important & a lot of people don't realize that most pups have worms.You can really give them a head start by having them wormed at 2 or 3 weeks what ever your vet recommends & probably at 5 or 6 weeks again to make sure.

Not that a mixed breed is worth less morally if they are pure breds the better they look the better they sell.

Good luck with the rest & let us know how they are.

The 1st time she was pregnant she only had 1 puppy, and it died. Yes 1 pup, very weird. 2nd time they just died before forming, 3rd time is right now. 2 of the 6 died. We think that the people who breed our girl dog inbreed her and its all messed up because of that.

It sounds like a reproductive problem.I don't know that inbreeding would cause but its possible.She might just be a dog that shouldn't be bred for her own heath.

The AKC papers should give you some insight as to what her heredity is to see if there was inbreeding .But some breeders fake these so there not a definate info source.

Since the Golden is such a popular breed there are "puppy mills" that over breed & inbreed.

If you dog is from a reputable breeder then you should be able to contact him to see if there have been problems with litter mates of your dog.But like a lot of people you probably got your dog from a pet store or newspaper add & tracking the breeder might be difficult.

If she was my dog I would have the vet examine her to see if he could find any reproductive problems if I was going to breed her again.Otherwise have her spayed .

It sounds like a reproductive problem.I don't know that inbreeding would cause but its possible.She might just be a dog that shouldn't be bred for her own heath.

The AKC papers should give you some insight as to what her heredity is to see if there was inbreeding .But some breeders fake these so there not a definate info source.

Since the Golden is such a popular breed there are "puppy mills" that over breed & inbreed.

If you dog is from a reputable breeder then you should be able to contact him to see if there have been problems with litter mates of your dog.But like a lot of people you probably got your dog from a pet store or newspaper add & tracking the breeder might be difficult.

If she was my dog I would have the vet examine her to see if he could find any reproductive problems if I was going to breed her again.Otherwise have her spayed .

Yes we are having her spayed. I just hope these last 4 live.

  • 8 months later...

So...Did anyone watch the video? What did you think? I am making a new one in 2 days to show 1 week later progress. I love showing my family these videos. Awesome puppies! Btw I don't remember mentioning but there are 6 girls and 3 boys  :shocked:

i watched the vid...beautiful puppies...i have a soft spot for golden retrievers...but those some pretty puppies...glad u finally got a good batch...but do get her spayed now...she's been thru alot...losing all those litters hurts a momma's heart...and she could end up with internal problems...so enjoy the healthy batch u got and just add the love...can't wait to see the follow up vid


i watched the vid...beautiful puppies...i have a soft spot for golden retrievers...but those some pretty puppies...glad u finally got a good batch...but do get her spayed now...she's been thru alot...losing all those litters hurts a momma's heart...and she could end up with internal problems...so enjoy the healthy batch u got and just add the love...can't wait to see the follow up vid


She was supposed to be fixed last time. I don't know what happened that lol. Anyways I will be making a new video either tonight or tomorrow night. The puppies eyes are almost open now  :grin2:

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