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I'm not an Astros fan either.I like playing baseball but watching it is like watching paint dry.

On the abortion subject.I consider it murder in all circumstances.This is because of my religion & I beleive life begins at fertilization.That being said it is much easier being a male & having this view.I'm glad I won't ever be the one who has to make the decision.

Right now women have the right to make the choice by law so until that changes I will leave it between them & God.Even legally the unborn child should be considered half the males child & he should have to give his consent also for abortion.Because if she has the child he will be liable for child support even if he wanted the child aborted.With each having 50% say neither could force abortion or birth.

I'm still waiting to see what happens to the first male that just drops a newborn off at the police station under the no questions asked law in some states.So far it was written for women to do this.Completly innoring fathers rights.It seems the only right men don't have a problem with the law enforcing is the right to support their children.

I'm not going to get into the race issue but child support is enforced with a lot more gusto on white men.

Guest philp

I'm not an Astros fan either.I like playing baseball but watching it is like watching paint dry.

I hate baseball, too. Watching grass grow has more exciting moments.

I'll stay out of the abortion debate, though. Because I don't have a uterus, my opinion on the subject doesn't really matter much.  :shock:

I only enjoy baseball if the Royals are playing at home, and I get my hot dog and drink. And only when I have the 2 girls with me, now that is baseball!                                                          

                               [move] GO ROYALS         GO ROYALS [/move]  

Go RedSocks!!!! Woot!!! Boo Yankees. I'm not really a fan of baseball, but living between Boston and New York, you sort of have to choose one or the other or die of loneliness during the baseball season...My boyfriend is an Astros fan, but thats only because he wants to be nonconformist... Well, anyways, I feel like a rant so here goes...

All the problems we have today are the same as they have been for ages. The only difference now is that we are more connected to each other, so we notice them. (plus the extra tech)

-Violence, there has always been violence, but now we have guns. Its a lot easier to kill someone with a gun than your fist. Child abuse has always existed, but only in our current times has it gained that title, before it was discipline. I know there is a difference between the abuse and discipline, but many parents fear that if they give their kid a spanking their kid might tell a friend and someone with too much time on their hands might report them to the DCF.

-Religion is in decline, Not many people in my age group that I know of (including myself) are devout catholics. In an age where we look for an explanation for everything, religions that offer no explanation aren't very appealing. When we didn't have the answers, it was nice to have god as an explanation for everything, but now... Religion offered a guideline for living for many, but with its decline so do the guidelines (I'll save my real rant on religion for another date and time)

-Media, media is new, and with it comes many evils. Media is what drives many in their quests for material possessions, and shapes the lives of many. It exploits insecurities of people and lures them in to lives of unfufillment. Artists, hoping to gain fame,cross boundaries. People too weak to think for themselves flock to emulate the originator. "Music" of today makes thinks like drugs and sex seem generally accepted.

-Someone mentioned living off the government. In most cases I find this to be wrong. I live in a city where up till about five years ago there was a very generous welfare system. Some certain racial groups flooded our city, and ate up the money like it was candy. It was not uncommon for there to be mothers who would take no precautions and have more kids just so their check from the state was bigger. I think that the program is still good when not abused, but for that there have to be regulations. In my old highschool there would be kids who were living off of government money with better things than I had. How you ask? The parents would have jobs, but not file taxes, if the government doesn't know that you are employed, why would they take away your aid?

-Abortion, I see many of you are anti-abortion except in extream cases. Abortion has been in existence for ages, but only now is it readily available. Even if they ban it here, if someone is determined enough, they will find some way around it. Isn't it safer for someone to take care of an unwanted pregnancy by consulting a doctor than consulting a wire hanger in their closet?(sorry for that, but, tis my opinion)

-Mental disorders weren't very common till the common day and age. Kids are over-stimulated, causing stuff like ADHD. Take away the TV and videogames and maybe their attention problems will vanish. Stress is rampant in our lives, and thats what triggers most of the mental diseases. If everyone just slowed down a bit, I'm sure that a lot of the problems would just go away.

Thats enough rant, stupid headaches are starting up cause of looking at this screen too long. In short, we're advancing, morals are crumbling, and I hope something apocalyptic happens so people can realize whats really important on the human scale. (on the cosmic scale our lives are but a grain of sand in  an unending hourglass: our lives are meaningless)

The American dream is to live wealthy. So wouldn't it be better if i care just care about myself and get the reward? Thats how people think now days. The U.S. has been practicing individualism for a while now and it has had benefits and downfalls. I've seen how collectiveism works and it seems really peaceful. It wouldn't work with the u.s. though but I'm kind of glad. I love my country and the way it is we just have to work out the bad things. When something gets stronger and stronger you become your own enemy. People get what they want even if its something bad. If they don't, they'll do something stupid. Thats just how the world is today.

Daiquirii;I don't want to adress all your rant.I'm glad I have a better outlook.I already posted my view on abortion.

For the welfare & having more children to get more.Mandatory sterilization on the first birth the government has to pay for would cure this.That's for the father also btw.

Now to the guns."The history of firearms is the history of freedom"

For you end statement "our lives are meaningless'

We are children of the universe no less the the stars & the trees .We have a right to be here.

While in that mode I'm a Christian & happy to be one.God will take care of things in His time .This end is already written in the Bible.


When something gets stronger and stronger you become your own enemy.

I answer with this quote"When a government has ceased to protect the lives, liberty, and property of the people ... and ... becomes an instrument in the hands of evil rulers for their oppression ... it is a ... sacred obligation to their posterity to abolish such government

and create another in its stead." -- Sam Houston

Government is not reason; it is not eloquence; it is force! Like fire, it is a dangerous servant and a fearful master.

-- George Washington

-Religion is in decline' date=' Not many people in my age group that I know of (including myself) are devout catholics.[/quote']

Yes, it is, but you mentioned religion in general, and then you mentioned that not many people in your age group are devout Catholics.  Catholicism isn't the only "religion", you know.

Yes, it is, but you mentioned religion in general, and then you mentioned that not many people in your age group are devout Catholics.  Catholicism isn't the only "religion", you know.

I mentioned catholicism because its what I am most familiar with, not because I think its the only religion. I was using it as an example.

It's not society's job to make murder safe and easy.

Some people don't see it as murder. Personally I don't think its murder until the brain begins to function (about 6-8 weeks, and thats when the usual abortion pills aren't safe to use any more.) Yes, I'm sure I'll get a reply with some potential for life comment, but then wouldn't you be extinguishing the potential for life by using any type of safe sex. Abstinence is the only way to go *thumbs up*. I don't think the government should have control over what we do with our own bodies, which is why I take this side of the argument.

Daiquirii;I don't want to address all your rant.I'm glad I have a better outlook

Who says my outlook is bad? I live a happy life, and just have a different view. I  favor science over religion, and thats why I have the opinions that I do. I believe that if people were more religious life on this planet would be more peaceful, not because of an afterlife or anything like that, just because of the doctrines.  I will live my life to the fullest, and if there is an afterlife it will just be the frosting on the cake.

In short, we're advancing, morals are crumbling, and I hope something apocalyptic happens so people can realize whats really important on the human scale. (on the cosmic scale our lives are but a grain of sand in  an unending hourglass: our lives are meaningless)


Let me explain that, my belief is that eventually the entire universe is going to collapse in upon itself into a black hole (billions of years from now) If the human race even survives up until then, it will be destroyed in the catastrophic event. From that black hole a new universe will spring forth, and the cycle will repeat. If there is a god, it is he who triggers the rebirth. Our lives are important on the human scale, to ourselves, our families, and anyone else we may affect. If you believe in an afterlife, then let it be so, for all I know there can be one, I have no evidence to disprove it. Thats why I mentioned human and cosmic scale in the first place.

Most of you share similar opinions on many issues, I just hope that by stating my opinion that I have not made an outcast of myself...

Some people don't see it as murder. Personally I don't think its murder until the brain begins to function (about 6-8 weeks' date=' and thats when the usual abortion pills aren't safe to use any more.) Yes, I'm sure I'll get a reply with some potential for life comment, but then wouldn't you be extinguishing the potential for life by using any type of safe sex.[/quote']

It becomes human at fertilization, because at that stage all the DNA coding needed to build the child's physical features is present.  Besides, if you're not absolutely sure whether it should be considered alive or not, give the baby the benefit of the doubt and say it's alive.  Before you bury a person you would make sure they're dead, right?  So why not give the baby benefit of the doubt. 

Yes, abstinence is the best choice, which is part of the reason I argue against abortion.  If you don't want to get pregnant, don't have sex in the first place. 

Your body consists of what you are born with, that is yours. The child inside a womans body is a egg (which you are born with) and sperm from a man (which you are not born with) therefore it cannot be a part of your body if it requires another person to make it exist. A person can have no respirations and have a pulse and at that point they are still considered to be alive (from a medical point of view, this I know as I have pronounced the death of people before). So once the baby has a heart beat it is alive and it is not a part of anyones body but the result of the joining of two parts of two different persons bodies.

our lives are meaningless

This comment above is why I thought I have a better outlook.

I live a happy life, and just have a different view

If the above is true then how can life be meaningless?

Yes, I'm sure I'll get a reply with some potential for life comment, but then wouldn't you be extinguishing the potential for life by using any type of safe sex.

That must come from Catholic doctrine.As far as I know there is nothing in the Bible that says you can't prevent fertilization.

& I may get a comment from the "Be fruitful & multiply " followers.But it doesn't say how fruitful or how much to mulitply.

Most of you share similar opinions on many issues, I just hope that by stating my opinion that I have not made an outcast of myself...

If an opinion would make you an outcast here then me & Shug would have never made it here.

What would make you an outcast would be being a horses ass to people & so far you haven't done that.

So welcome to the forum as far as I'm concerned.

Here is one of my arguements on the child being a seperate being.If the child was just part of the womans body then it wouldn't need the umbilical cord to filter the blood especially if it's a different type.If it didn't do this then the mother would die from the childs different blood type entering her body.

Let me explain that, my belief is that eventually the entire universe is going to collapse in upon itself into a black hole (billions of years from now) If the human race even survives up until then, it will be destroyed in the catastrophic event. From that black hole a new universe will spring forth, and the cycle will repeat.

I really like this point here. Something that I have always believed to be true is that the universe -- time, life, space, matter -- is like an elastic band. It is a constant cycle of shooting forth, and then collapsing on itself. This ties in with the Big Bang theory, something that has never really seemed like a viable explanation for the dawn of everything, to me. There was no absolute beginning; there could not be. The moment of the "Big Bang" was just another node in the cycle. For there to be beginnings and ends, there must be some constant from which these things are derived. I think the simple explanation is that we seem to need to believe that there was an absolute beginning, because that sort of logic works in our mortal world.  But that is not true for all things.

the problem i have with the big bang after the gnab gib is that the big black hole the universe collapses into would be relatively stable like all blck holes. black holes by their nature don't just "pop", they slowly evaporate. so it would be a long collapse followed by a slow evaporation. and the outlying reaches of the universe would likely take very long to fall back into the black hole because the gravity of the black hole would have only a very weak effect on them at that large distance.

I believe God has always existed & had no beginning.The exact method He used to create the physical universe is just theory on our part.

:iamwithstupid: :iamwithstupid: S#!t, you just made a switch from a sensitive subject (abortion) to an even more sensitive (creationism). :haha: and such a smooth transfer. :haha:

this thread seems to be going very smoothly

Yea I am always very proud of how the family at testmy.net (strangers though we may be) can discuss the stickiest topics better than ANYWHERE else. No name calling, yelling, getting pissed. Hell the people that get paid on the news channels to just sit and discuss cant even do it. Families cant do it. Very proud.

Remember the Puerto Rico one shug?

That had me wondering, and right after the Islam one. I barely got to catch my breath before it got started.

*wipes the sweat from his brow just thinking about those*

And then the upside down US flag.

And then the worst president.

Starting to lose count.

Guess we are great debaters after. Sportsman like also. (99% of the time)  :rolleyes:

Twice I have tried to post replies to Cholla and each time I go on after to respond about the kindness of the board I hit a wrong button and the page reloads 0_o. Here you will see my last attempt before giving up and turning off the computer (black keys that are smaller than you're used to plus pitch dark room equal many many mistypes...if only there was an auto-draft thinger like in gmail...

This comment above is why I thought I have a better outlook.

If the above is true then how can life be meaningless?

I think that life in the human scale has meaning. Each of our lives on this tiny blue and green orb affect the lives of others, we live for our families, our friends, and ourselves. I just think that the universe doesn't give a hoot about us, and thus our lives are meaningless on a cosmic scale.  :D See, I'm not depressed, it was all a misunderstanding... ;) Would someone with a bleak outlook on life use all of these smileys :hello:? I think not... :thumbsup::icon_colors::laughing7::icon_thumleft::icon_thumright: (don't mind me, I go crazy sometimes...its normal, especially with the wide array of smileys offered here :icon_jokercolor:)(*cough* ADD *cough*)

That must come from Catholic doctrine.As far as I know there is nothing in the Bible that says you can't prevent fertilization.

& I may get a comment from the "Be fruitful & multiply " followers.But it doesn't say how fruitful or how much to multiply.

Lol, actually its from the doctrine of Monty Python. Have you seen "The Meaning of Life?"

It addresses both of the issues quoted above, they both even have catch tunes to go along with them (which are currently stuck in my head). I don't remember exactly what religion he was poking fun at, it was either all of Christianity or just Catholicism (I think it was the latter) about the "be fruitfull and multiply" thing. Well, if you haven't seen it and are tolerent of British comedy, I suggest it, and if you have seen it good, you know what I'm talking about.

Well, anyways...^_^ I'm happy to have found a place where we can discuss even the most controversial of issues without it turning into a screaming contest. I've seen them in chatboards before and they are not pretty...I feel like giving an example! Here goes...









...Two hours later...


Mod: Your both wrong...*BANNED*

Whats our next controversial topic going to be now... how about polotics?...Never mind... *looks at the original topic of the board* Wow, we are way off track, thats what happens when you're having fun...oh wait, thats time flying, never mind...I'd better stop before I hurt myself, Its late, I'm tired from typing this three times, and I'm in the mood for some Monty Python ...L8r...*goes and watches "The Holy Grail"*

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