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Post ur Mug & Come see all the friendly people at tmn...and post your mug...

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there are some woman shots for ya Shug!

I love em.. but you do realize your no pervs rule has been broken like a fat guys horse right. Glad to have a face to put with name. Gotta ask what is pgm?


I didn't even know that company existed until a friend of mine reffered me...and i had a hard enough time finding it even then...; so no worries here, plus my name is unlisted and my mom works for the phone book makers here!

and to answer your question... PGM = Precision Gathering Management - data collection and processing specialists...

we do surveys over the phone mostly...at least, that is my job

Pervs, there are no pervs left in here. They all got kicked out with the members only forum.  :grin2:

hehe tommie...surely u jest...all that's left is the pervs and techies...i'm still here...some of the perves got trapped in the members only lounge when they barracaded the doors...like romdos...poor romdos...never to be seen again...

hehe tommie...surely u jest...all that's left is the pervs and techies...i'm still here...some of the perves got trapped in the members only lounge when they barracaded the doors...like romdos...poor romdos...never to be seen again...

maybe there is already an answer to this, but what about other members like cholla and people....havent seen alot of regulars in a while...

cholla isn't with us anymore...but what others?...coknuck is on vacation for 2 weeks...who else?

Sorry bout that.  :sad: 

but, cocknuck, romdos, and i think microwave....maybe others that i cant think of...sorry, i havent kept up with much news....

Sorry bout that.  :sad: 

but, cocknuck, romdos, and i think microwave....maybe others that i cant think of...sorry, i havent kept up with much news....

well like i said coknuck is on a 2 wk vacation...romdos hasn't posted in almost a year...and micowave hasn't been here in 2 years...he had to do something with his family business and has never been back

how 'bout just back to pics...post up ur pics...who cares about boobies and babes...'cept the pervs...and there's another thread for them...what's it called??...just post ur pics here and tell a bit about urself...pweeeezzze


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