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new to forum (hi) question about torrents

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Hey guys, like the title says, I'm new here and want to DL a torrent, so i thought I'd ask for help (totally new to torrents).  I downloaded "utorrent" and i have the tiny file I think i'm supposed to use in conjunction with utorrent to download the file i want... but i dunno how to combine the two.  help plz?

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Ahh hell man I dont remember. I wrote it a LONG time ago, before I was a mod. I had horrible trouble finding help on setting up BT especially for a router. Once I got it down I decided to help everyone else out all I could. And of course my tutorial went to testmy.net, where else would I put it?  :grin2: :grin2: I have got alot of positive feedback from it. One of the most worthwhile things I have done. This was before BT became so big so guides where hard to find. They are a dime a dozen now.

We aren't usually this nice, just ask shug he has had is term of abuse.  :2funny:

Nahh, we love to be nice and have fun at the same time! :grin2:

When me and shug arent in war with sparticus because hes on the other side of the pond.  :2funny:

Anyways Welcome to the forum metathran!!!

You two are turning into Moe and curly.  :haha: Comedy duo extrodinair.  :2funny: :2funny:

When me and shug arent in war with sparticus because hes on the other side of the pond.  :2funny:

oh my gosh...sparticus lives in the uk??...i did not know that...we quite a few others over ther too...we even have a moderator over there...

hey sparticus...maybe u can meet up with roco and just- and help them line up the cruis ship to come and get us for the for the TMN cruise??...huh?

I don't even know who moe and curly are!  :oops:

moe was the straight man...curly was the big bald guy...two of the three stooges...

ive never seen it as well.

hellfire...no way...everyone's seen the three stooges...unless u've been livin under a rock...or r from another rock...fibber u...tsk tsk...

ive never seen it as well.

I call BULLSHIT on YOU not seeing it.  :shock: :shock:

There were 4 brothers and an alternate. This page is the Bios of the Stooges.


Now dammit you know only Moe Larry and Curly count... none of that Shemp BS. Curly died didnt he, isnt that why Shemp took over?

ive never seen it as well.

All I can say dlewis is, it would well be worth seeing all you could rent. They are so famous it stinks. The curly shuffle is one of the most famous dances around. The Moe *smack*. You have just got to rent or buy all you can. If nothing else so you can share it with your youngens. Really.

Now ask your new bride if she has seen any?  :?:

There has got to be a little 3 stooges in every relationship.  :grin2:


I thought there was only one Larry too.  :?:

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