Blunted 2 Posted December 7, 2006 Author CID Share Posted December 7, 2006 That's pretty much all I do. I drink alot of soda so I can recycle those. its a start right Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Storm311 Posted December 7, 2006 CID Share Posted December 7, 2006 Mostly I go thru soda cans and a TON of beer bottles So with the way I consume I need to start recycling and if anything it would count as doing my part, plus the trash company recycles and they will hook me up with those bins Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Roco Posted December 7, 2006 CID Share Posted December 7, 2006 Mostly I go thru soda cans and a TON of beer bottles So with the way I consume I need to start recycling and if anything it would count as doing my part, plus the trash company recycles and they will hook me up with those bins I would be happy to help with the beer bottles , just send them over , FULL Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Storm311 Posted December 7, 2006 CID Share Posted December 7, 2006 Honestly, what I think, is more states should do what Michigan and those others do and put the deposits on the cans/bottles. I mean if you pay 10 cents thats 2$ per 20 pack of whatever..wouldn't you want that 2$ back rather than trashing them? I know I would Maybe I should write a congressman for my state or something Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
tommie gorman Posted December 7, 2006 CID Share Posted December 7, 2006 Watch the movie. All facts. Where, other than buying the movie can it be seen Xx Mazza xX ? I did not see any where. All I saw was a trailer. the government is the one that has to deal with this. With the level of destruction we are on, citizens can only do so much. Imagine if Gore won over Bush, where would we be today??? Probably hiding in fear from terrorism under our beds. Stop it! The earth will take care of itself .When we've pissed her off enough , or our time is up here ,the earth will simply exterminate us. Our job as individuals is to keep the place clean. Pick something up when you see it. I hear this rhetoric constantly, and the extreme leftist views being pumped into our young peoples minds from the time there toddlers and even before. Nice video mudmanc4 I rather enjoyed it myself. my vote goes with Mudmanc4 , well said , over population is the main cause IMHO, and just to wind you guys up , can you ease up on the hydrocarbon usage ?, you are using X 20 more than the average Brit , just wait to you are paying $7.50 for a gallon of petrol , yeah it hurts I believe in Roco's own words, " you guys have so much space". Well take over some somewhere. Not my fault. Yes we need to take care of mother earth. But I believe a little different than the Democrats are trying to paint it. But still we need to take better care of it. People will shine their new car and spend lots of $$ on it, but then they will not take the time to make sure their own personal trash makes it into a trash can. Now how does that work Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
mudmanc4 Posted December 7, 2006 CID Share Posted December 7, 2006 Where, other than buying the movie can it be seen Xx Mazza xX ? I did not see any where. All I saw was a trailer. Probably hiding in fear from terrorism under our beds. Nice video mudmanc4 I rather enjoyed it myself. I believe in Roco's own words, " you guys have so much space". Well take over some somewhere. Not my fault. Yes we need to take care of mother earth. But I believe a little different than the Democrats are trying to paint it. But still we need to take better care of it. People will shine their new car and spend lots of $$ on it, but then they will not take the time to make sure their own personal trash makes it into a trash can. Now how does that work Simply put imo, vanity , greed , and selfish hatemongers!People pushing there "feelings" in your face, and passing laws telling you so. I'm in Ohio, (so what!) These morons (look up the definition of a moron for me), passed the freakin no smoking in a public place. Now I could care less of the smoking me? ..If I dint like it , hell make it simple , I will leave , or dint go there ....DUHHHH! The part that kills me is the fact where the hell is this gonna stop ? Seat belt, who would have thought? Helmet ? Gimme a break!, no smoking in a bar WTF? yeah , the brain dead voters screwed themselves again , now the locals need to hire more , this means you pay more taxes, ahahahahah.....There all freakin out because theres no one to watch you and what your doing in a privately owned place of business. So the will ask the local police to ticket you . So , while this guys givin me a ticket for my slow suicide, the thief or whatever is lovin it all the while the got there backs turned ...... .ok ill stop . Hey just pick up after yourself and mind your own flippin business ? , what do ya say America? Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Voltageman Posted December 7, 2006 CID Share Posted December 7, 2006 This will give you an idea of how much energy you use...I believe it also will tell you how many acres you would need to sustain yourself. What kind of food you eat, where you buy it, and many other factors determine how much energy you use... -- Your computer parts also require a ton of oil and water to be produced.. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
mudmanc4 Posted December 7, 2006 CID Share Posted December 7, 2006 Good thing I got 6 acres nice one VM Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
tdawnaz Posted December 7, 2006 CID Share Posted December 7, 2006 :2funny: Nah I do it in the nude with bare feet. I take nothing but pictures and leave nothing but footprints..... yep that's the way i do it too shugar...naked...barefooted...and take lots of pics and leave a smile...oh what were u talkin about?? mudmanc4...u have a great way of lookin at things...i like the part about cleaning up...when my kids were little...if they littered...they not only had to pick up what they tossed ...they had to pick up three more pieces...even if we were driving i'd pull over turn the car off and walk with them...once a cop stopped to see if we were broke down...and made like he was gonna give my son a ticket for littering...then "let him go...they learned pretty quick not to litter... Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
mudmanc4 Posted December 7, 2006 CID Share Posted December 7, 2006 Acually Tdawnaz, I'm very jaded, I do much more listening , and observing than talking, (most of the time).And sometimes I gotta let it go . Sorry if I get to insane , But thats the second part of my screen name ............... Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
tommie gorman Posted December 7, 2006 CID Share Posted December 7, 2006 I am not sure, but I believe with my 2 daughters I have quite a bit of oxygen in my yard. I have 32 mature trees taking care of us. Grow your own. Your test does not rate me fairly Voltageman. "IF EVERYONE LIVED LIKE YOU, WE WOULD NEED 3.9 PLANETS. " I am a landlord and have not found a way to carry sheets of plywood to a job on a bus. Any idea?? Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
MttFrog13 Posted December 7, 2006 CID Share Posted December 7, 2006 like i said we citizens cant do that much. the government needs to call a manhattan project to find an alternate resource of energy. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
mudmanc4 Posted December 7, 2006 CID Share Posted December 7, 2006 like i said we citizens cant do that much. the government needs to call a manhattan project to find an alternate resource of energy. Not to be rudemttfrog13, this type of thinking is exactly the opposite of the constitution says.And the main rerason this country has many deep issues right now. BTW us "citizens " are , the govmnt, all of those people you see in suits and ties, guess what.....they are citizen of the USA. And when you get old enough, you will be voting-in those suits, or maybe even more so ,be voted into an office.So you see, we are the people, we are putting people in office that make the things happen that we want .So if you dont like things the way they are , you vote ! Not only that , you vote for Citizens, NOT a party. Please dont get messed up w/ a "click". rep/dem. IMO , you should vote fro who you think will do more of what you believe in . Keep an open mind , be an individual , and fro PETE SAKES, pick up your trash!and a little more Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Le_Murphant Posted December 7, 2006 CID Share Posted December 7, 2006 Mudmanc4, I would agree with certain of your points, including the one where you go insane, but I must say that I don't understand what questions concerning the future of earth your youtube video should bring us. Maybe its the fact that I'm studying astrophysics, but that doesn't stop me from being a treehugger. And btw, I havent made the calculations, but I doubt that the number of possible planets that we see is greater than the multiplication by two (random number) of every cosmological/physical constant (22, says Brian Greene in The Elegant Universe) divided by the margin in which life such as we know it on our planet is possible. Thus, life as we know it probably would not be possible on another planet within the actually visible universe. That being said the video was pretty cool in its own respect. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
tommie gorman Posted December 7, 2006 CID Share Posted December 7, 2006 I am not a tree hugger. But in the same breath a tree is a wonderful thing. Why do older homes (definately not newer ones) have several trees around them? Never mind. I will make a thread on this one. I think mudmanc4 is saying we are definately going to finish screwing up this planet. So we should be getting ready to move. But in the mean time we should clean it up for the new tenants. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
mudmanc4 Posted December 7, 2006 CID Share Posted December 7, 2006 Mudmanc4, I would agree with certain of your points, including the one where you go insane, but I must say that I don't understand what questions concerning the future of earth your youtube video should bring us. Maybe its the fact that I'm studying astrophysics, but that doesn't stop me from being a treehugger. And btw, I havent made the calculations, but I doubt that the number of possible planets that we see is greater than the multiplication by two (random number) of every cosmological/physical constant (22, says Brian Greene in The Elegant Universe) divided by the margin in which life such as we know it on our planet is possible. Thus, life as we know it probably would not be possible on another planet within the actually visible universe. That being said the video was pretty cool in its own respect. I thought I made it clear as to the reasoning for my insanity on the subject .At any rate , nice wording........The tie-in of the video , was to try and insert a small amount of (natural thinking), What I mean is if your in astrophysics., you should have the mindset , of just how "insane" some of these ideas are of global warming.I wont get into why they are inserted, for now. Well, no kidding the earth is somewhat warming .Simply look at the great lakes, the basin, the lakes were created by what? The last ice age.....look at some of the local islands here . There are "Glacial Grooves" , you can see the rock, the grooves,that the ice pushed some 100+ foot. don't quote me on the length . There are many other obvious regeons in the area that prove this theory as well.We are still on the end of a freeze! This should tell an expert like yourself, the earths orbit is a bit closer to the sun. Now as a physicist , just imagine the speed increase due to the orbit of the planet. As we get nearer to the sun , well thats obvious . The sun is also expanding, as all stars do, a larger mass will create more gravitational pull. I am by no means in the science field, so please feel free to correct me. BTW the hole in the ozone , I believe , not caused by the billions of can of hairspray in the 60's ------and seventies, but the earth , by natural process , cooling off.As well as the weather patterns and thats a whole new discussion, which does apply to the "emissions gasses / OMG were all gonna die theory. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
mudmanc4 Posted December 7, 2006 CID Share Posted December 7, 2006 I am not a tree hugger. But in the same breath a tree is a wonderful thing. Why do older homes (definately not newer ones) have several trees around them? Never mind. I will make a thread on this one. I think mudmanc4 is saying we are definately going to finish screwing up this planet. So we should be getting ready to move. But in the mean time we should clean it up for the new tenants. Not really, but in some ways thats what I'm thinking. Mudmanc4, I would agree with certain of your points, including the one where you go insane, but I must say that I don't understand what questions concerning the future of earth your youtube video should bring us. Maybe its the fact that I'm studying astrophysics, but that doesn't stop me from being a treehugger. And btw, I havent made the calculations, but I doubt that the number of possible planets that we see is greater than the multiplication by two (random number) of every cosmological/physical constant (22, says Brian Greene in The Elegant Universe) divided by the margin in which life such as we know it on our planet is possible. Thus, life as we know it probably would not be possible on another planet within the actually visible universe. That being said the video was pretty cool in its own respect. I left something out of this one, IMO one would have to be very closed minded to give an opinion that there could not be life as we know it anywhere else.Use your imagination together w/ you knowledge (only as a child would) to try and understand the beginning.---or was there one?The possibilities are endless , and my whole point is , the human race will not band together, to investigate anything other than whats in front of there face , we have VERY short memories.So we quibble over obscure thing to try and feel important and gain meaning the entire time we miss the whole point of life.To deep? Too bad. Just my thoughts, just as meaningless as some of those propaganda movies and discusions. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
tommie gorman Posted December 7, 2006 CID Share Posted December 7, 2006 You mean the sky is falling again Damn it. So you have to ask, did man also cause the ice age in the first place?? Hell no. It was natural. So why can global warming not also be natural. Politics says they prefer to brain wash us everytime we turn around. Eggs are bad for you, eggs are good for you again. Some of the old hotrods with high compression were much more efficient than todays auto mobile. But they had to raise the price of cars to get fixed, so they went and brainwashed us once again to think they had to have computers and such to be more efficient. The media is in the pocket of big business. So is the gov't. GET REAL. Money always makes the wheels go round. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Le_Murphant Posted December 8, 2006 CID Share Posted December 8, 2006 Money always makes the wheels go round. well, yes, but there's no money gain involved here, mainly money loss. There are no companies saying: buy or product, it saves the environment! So it is indeed quite satisfying to say that every problem is created by the media to make us buy, and I would agree with you on a different topic, but this time, there is no money to make on it. Although the predictions might be wrong, there isn't any money to make on that. Well, no kidding the earth is somewhat warming .Simply look at the great lakes, the basin, the lakes were created by what? The last ice age.....look at some of the local islands here . Just to make things clear, I'm not an astrophysicist, I don't know everything about the subject. What I know is that an ice age is a natural cycle for the earth, a cycle that happens even without human activity. What we are doing right now is accelerating the cycle. I can't tell you when the next ice age will come, probably not in our lifetime or our children's, but when it comes, if there's a human being left on this earth, he will wish he could find a patch of grass somewhere under that half mile of ice. As for life within the universe, I wouldn't call myself closed minded (but who would call oneself close minded?) Its not that I do not want other lifeforms to exist, its just that I wouldn't count on it. I find it foolish to base the survival plan of our specie, if such a plan exists, on the assumption that "there's gotta be someone else". I guess its a problem similar to the one of the existence of God. There seems to be no way to irrefutably know if God exists, so from an agnostic point of view, I say: "Ok, well, I don't know if He exists, but I won't jump off a bridge to check if he saves me." I just realize now that this example may irritate some people, and for that I am sorry. So if you firmly believe within your heart that there are living species on other planets that will save us from our own destruction, you have faith, and no argument that I might say can deter faith. Even if I were to produce irrefutable proof that there are no other life forms than those on this planet, thought I doubt that such a proof would exist even if my premise were true, someone with faith would not understand me. Thus I think that us arguing is pointless, for we stand in different truth referentials. Okay, I might have gone a bit over my head here, please do not reply by burning down my house, but by constructive arguing if you think that such is possible. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
tommie gorman Posted December 8, 2006 CID Share Posted December 8, 2006 I guess to sell might need clarified. Selling politics is not returned in dollars. It is returned in votes. Which in return brings money. Sorry for the confusion. Isn't Gore a Democratic?? Might he not be selling Democratic idea's?? Maybe if he was selling abortion a little more it would then show up as a political campaign tool Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Blunted 2 Posted December 8, 2006 Author CID Share Posted December 8, 2006 well, yes, but there's no money gain involved here, mainly money loss. There are no companies saying: buy or product, it saves the environment! So it is indeed quite satisfying to say that every problem is created by the media to make us buy, and I would agree with you on a different topic, but this time, there is no money to make on it. Although the predictions might be wrong, there isn't any money to make on that. Just to make things clear, I'm not an astrophysicist, I don't know everything about the subject. What I know is that an ice age is a natural cycle for the earth, a cycle that happens even without human activity. What we are doing right now is accelerating the cycle. I can't tell you when the next ice age will come, probably not in our lifetime or our children's, but when it comes, if there's a human being left on this earth, he will wish he could find a patch of grass somewhere under that half mile of ice. As for life within the universe, I wouldn't call myself closed minded (but who would call oneself close minded?) Its not that I do not want other lifeforms to exist, its just that I wouldn't count on it. I find it foolish to base the survival plan of our specie, if such a plan exists, on the assumption that "there's gotta be someone else". I guess its a problem similar to the one of the existence of God. There seems to be no way to irrefutably know if God exists, so from an agnostic point of view, I say: "Ok, well, I don't know if He exists, but I won't jump off a bridge to check if he saves me." I just realize now that this example may irritate some people, and for that I am sorry. So if you firmly believe within your heart that there are living species on other planets that will save us from our own destruction, you have faith, and no argument that I might say can deter faith. Even if I were to produce irrefutable proof that there are no other life forms than those on this planet, thought I doubt that such a proof would exist even if my premise were true, someone with faith would not understand me. Thus I think that us arguing is pointless, for we stand in different truth referentials. Okay, I might have gone a bit over my head here, please do not reply by burning down my house, but by constructive arguing if you think that such is possible. some of us are going to live through some nasty storms and other things that we have no control of. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Sparticus Posted December 8, 2006 CID Share Posted December 8, 2006 Has anyone seen "The Day After Tommorow"? Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Blunted 2 Posted December 8, 2006 Author CID Share Posted December 8, 2006 lol i hope that doesnt happen i live in ny :shock: Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
tommie gorman Posted December 8, 2006 CID Share Posted December 8, 2006 History is full of storms. Varying types also. Life opens a different door everyday. A movie I assume?? No. I don't think so. Why what happened in it?? Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Blunted 2 Posted December 8, 2006 Author CID Share Posted December 8, 2006 how about you rent it so we dont spoil it for you tommie pretty cool movie and maybe it could happen but who knows. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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