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Sometimes you really never know, or til it is too late.  :wink:

I do hope you got paid well coknuck, for what might come up later.   :undecided:

Yes I got health problems from working there. Because it was under a Pilot Plant status the Company was exempt from Laws. Thats how it got away with it for so long.

They did pay well 36-40K back in the '70&'80s was a lot of money then. I would give all that back to have my lungs working good again. :angry:

Yes I got health problems from working there. Because it was under a Pilot Plant status the Company was exempt from Laws. Thats how it got away with it for so long.

They did pay well 36-40K back in the '70&'80s was a lot of money then. I would give all that back to have my lungs working good again. :angry:

Your lungs would have still been as bad just from living in that area

or second hand smoking

at least you got paid 4 it

cause nobody is paying me for the damege these companies are doing to my lungs

Is global warming a natural effect? Or is it just the earth doing what it was going to do anyway? How do we really know?

I say it is still political and we will never know for sure. We did not cause the Ice Age in the first place, and we may well not be causing this either.

Not at all saying it is not happening, but truly saying that this does not mean we can stop it, or even slow it down.

When the politicians leave on a special plane to outerspace, we will then know what is up!  :wink:

Is global warming a natural effect? Or is it just the earth doing what it was going to do anyway? How do we really know?

I say it is still political and we will never know for sure. We did not cause the Ice Age in the first place, and we may well not be causing this either.

Not at all saying it is not happening, but truly saying that this does not mean we can stop it, or even slow it down.

When the politicians leave on a special plane to outerspace, we will then know what is up!  :wink:

:2funny: :2funny: :2funny:

it might do that some time or another but its a fact that we a putting it into superspeed

With all due respect ........do you really think this? Or you are simply going by the "drive by media"? You hear all kinds of #'s on how many degree's the earth has warmed, hell the other day , I heard it accually cooled 2 degress in the last 200 years.What are we to believe? And why would you decide to believe the worst? Maybe because people like to hear bad news?

All I know is I really wanted to know if global warming was an issue , so I ate a lot of icecream this year , and I did'nt see any speed increase in melting thruought the summer , As I think of it , maybe .....just maybe......the beer was'nt as cold .hmmm

we are polluting the air and ocean way worse than if we weren't here and cutting down all the trees that clean out the air so how isn't that making it worse.  we are also using every natural resource on the planet so yes i believe we are making it alot worse than it could be and science proves it.

yeah just more good conversation :haha:, has this been happening to anyone else , or is it just my simple luck? :computer:

Thanks to CA3LE, I now know it was just my simple luck(browser issues) Thanks CA3LE.

  S for the Post bump.

  To get back to the global warming , I watched a program this morn ,on the sun. Seems there is an 11 year cycle of sun spots may be a culprit.Scientists  over the past roughly 50 years, have been measuring the temps, during the peak sun spot activity, and found a direct correlation between the two.  IE: peak activity , there was a minimal temp rise overall, on the earth. And low activity of sun spots , seemed to be a minimal fall , in temps. Pertaining to magnetic flares, and the atmosphere. But  not enough to support the global warming.

Here's the link

edit: to fix ur link  :-P

Thanks to CA3LE, I now know it was just my simple luck(browser issues) Thanks CA3LE.

  S for the Post bump.

   To get back to the global warming , I watched a program this morn ,on the sun. Seems there is an 11 year cycle of sun spots may be a culprit.Scientists over the past roughly 50 years, have been measuring the temps, during the peak sun spot activity, and found a direct correlation between the two.  IE: peak activity , there was a minimal temp rise overall, on the earth. And low activity of sun spots , seemed to be a minimal fall , in temps. Pertaining to magnetic flares, and the atmosphere. But not enough to support the global warming.

        Here's the liknhttp://dsc.discovery.com/news/2006/09/14/brightsun_pla.html?category=earth&guid=20060914140000

You can see the sunspot cycle in the avg global temperature graph...If you notice though, instead of going up and down in equal increments, the temp just goes up, peaks in 11 years, then drops a little, then back up even higher, etc... Stick that temperature graph on top of the co2/methane chart, and you will see a ~30 year lag in temperature increase after co2/methane increase.

What a lot of people don't understand is that co2 lasts for an extremely long time in the atmosphere...The co2 we emitted 25 years ago is just starting to have an effect..The stuff you are spitting out your exhaust pipe now, won't be felt for up to 40 years..And, the co2 released will last in the atmosphere for 50 - 200 years.

Methane is actually a much more powerful greenhouse gas than co2(10x more), but the reason it is not as much of a problem is that is only lasts about 12 years in the atmosphere, and its concentrations are not nearly as high as co2, but have been rising at a similar percentage.


By burning fossil fuels, we are taking thousands of years of stored carbon, and tossing it into the atmosphere, while at the same time cutting down forests and trees that help to absorb that carbon.  And when the trees are used as firewood, you are releasing that carbon as well.  Hence, global concentrations of co2 have risen extremely fast.  If you look at the co2 concentration graph, you will see little dips down every year.  That is the spring/summer absorption of co2 by vegetation.  If the cycle was balanced, the level would go up and down with the seasons, but would stay at one general concentration level.

Perhaps we are in a natural "warm cycle", but I also believe we have greatly added to the warmth of this warm cycle, and IMHO, we have just begun to see the effects...

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