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If you are interested at all in Marijuana legislation and misinformation this is a cool read. Its no secret I smoke from time to time and I learned some stuff here. The guy actually quotes studies instead of just throwing things out there and saying they are fact.

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If you are interested at all in Marijuana legislation and misinformation this is a cool read. Its no secret I smoke from time to time and I learned some stuff here. The guy actually quotes studies instead of just throwing things out there and saying they are fact.


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If you are interested at all in Marijuana legislation and misinformation this is a cool read. Its no secret I smoke from time to time and I learned some stuff here. The guy actually quotes studies instead of just throwing things out there and saying they are fact.

Shug found a good article, MMkay?

everyone should read this. MMkay?

:smiley: i still will never try marijuana

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I would say :thumbsup:, but here they legalized riverboat gambling and it was supposed to help the schools through taxes. We seem to be having more fund raisers since they came here to help out. And the schools are crying broke more than ever.  :angry:

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Legalize it, tax it, and pump the money that was spent fighting it, plus the taxes on it, into the schools...  :lol:

you wanna marijuanize the schools?  :2funny:

"hey mommy how do they get money to make our schools nice?"

mother- "Well they sell marijuana honey"

:2funny: :2funny:

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Shug found a good article, MMkay?

everyone should read this. MMkay?

:smiley: i still will never try marijuana

:kiss: If you have never tried it you shouldnt. There are still health risks to it, just not what people put out there. Mainly lung cancer.

Nice find Shug, here is another link for your reading pleasures..SUPPORT these people...


Yes they are a very professional organization.

Legalize it, tax it, and pump the money that was spent fighting it, plus the taxes on it, into the schools...  :lol:

:iamwithstupid: Could not have pt it better myself. They could make Billions and spend it on worthwhile causes. Get real, they arent stopping ANYONE from doing it now. I have done it for over a decade. Never went on a crime spree or ran over a little girl while pulling off from McDonalds and never came close to getting caught. They are fighting a lost battle. Yes thats right LOST battle
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here is a really funny tidbit here, where i live in indiana,If you buy marijauna you are to buy a TAX STAMP that right TAX STAMP if you get caught with marijauna after state court the IRS can come after you. NO SHIZNIT...read about this illegal taxation..here>>>http://www.norml.org/index.cfm?Group_ID=6670

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here is a really funny tidbit here, where i live in indiana,If you buy marijauna you are to buy a TAX STAMP that right TAX STAMP if you get caught with marijauna after state court the IRS can come after you. NO SHIZNIT...read about this illegal taxation..here>>>http://www.norml.org/index.cfm?Group_ID=6670

:haha: :haha: I would totally buy the stamp if they would decriminalize it. Nice post.  :evil6:
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here is a really funny tidbit here, where i live in indiana,If you buy marijauna you are to buy a TAX STAMP that right TAX STAMP if you get caught with marijauna after state court the IRS can come after you. NO SHIZNIT...read about this illegal taxation..here>>>http://www.norml.org/index.cfm?Group_ID=6670

:haha: Nice...bust em for drugs and make them pay taxes on it....at that rate just legalize it, like they said above it IS  a lost battle and thats been known for YEARS!  :evil6:

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If you are interested at all in Marijuana legislation and misinformation this is a cool read. Its no secret I smoke from time to time and I learned some stuff here. The guy actually quotes studies instead of just throwing things out there and saying they are fact.

Shug....  :haha:

I recently heard on the news that a woman from india just recently died at age 120 and smoked.  :smile2:

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:kiss: If you have never tried it you shouldnt. There are still health risks to it, just not what people put out there. Mainly lung cancer.

Yes they are a very professional organization.  :iamwithstupid: Could not have pt it better myself. They could make Billions and spend it on worthwhile causes. Get real, they arent stopping ANYONE from doing it now. I have done it for over a decade. Never went on a crime spree or ran over a little girl while pulling off from McDonalds and never came close to getting caught. They are fighting a lost battle. Yes thats right LOST battle

Health Risk????

Hey we Eating Macdonald's is a health risk but u don't c any1 complaining

The r risk to anything u do just live with it

besides if u live in any major city its a mirricle we r alive cause of all the polution in the air

They will never stop ppl from smoking

just make it legal besides marijuana is not really that bad

Alcohol is worse

but its legal because we can tax it

any1 can grow weed so we could never keep track of it so we would never b able to tax it all

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Actually anyone can brew alcohol. Legally. And not get taxed. For personal consumption. I know several folks who make their own wine. And a few make beer. You just are not supposed to sell it. And most folks would rather buy it ready to drink.  :wink:

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Health Risk????

Hey we Eating Macdonald's is a health risk but u don't c any1 complaining

The r risk to anything u do just live with it

besides if u live in any major city its a mirricle we r alive cause of all the polution in the air

They will never stop ppl from smoking

just make it legal besides marijuana is not really that bad

Alcohol is worse

but its legal because we can tax it

any1 can grow weed so we could never keep track of it so we would never b able to tax it all

Yes there are health risks. Cancer of the lung and throat, hardening of the arteries, and acute hypertension just to name a few. But it is not a life threatening drug. Anything can be a health risk and if you were smart you would not smoke marijuana because it has risks. But it shouldnt be illegal.

Actually anyone can brew alcohol. Legally. And not get taxed. For personal consumption. I know several folks who make their own wine. And a few make beer. You just are not supposed to sell it. And most folks would rather buy it ready to drink.  :wink:

Your right, in high school my friends dad made moonshine, he sold it though.  :haha:

I cant believe that the government will let you put a bunch of stuff together and let it rot until it is toxic enough to alter your abilities and then drink it, but to dry a plant and smoke it, well no not that. To me if you are having to "manufacture" your drug of choice.... thats probably not good.  :2funny: I can pick mine.  :kiss:

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Yes there are health risks. Cancer of the lung and throat, hardening of the arteries, and acute hypertension just to name a few. But it is not a life threatening drug. Anything can be a health risk and if you were smart you would not smoke marijuana because it has risks. But it shouldnt be illegal.

Your right, in high school my friends dad made moonshine, he sold it though.  :haha:

I cant believe that the government will let you put a bunch of stuff together and let it rot until it is toxic enough to alter your abilities and then drink it, but to dry a plant and smoke it, well no not that. To me if you are having to "manufacture" your drug of choice.... thats probably not good.  :2funny: I can pick mine.  :kiss:

Yeah You Should also b smart enught to not eat out everyday cause your gonna get fat

but the average American does it anyway

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Shug found a good article, MMkay?

everyone should read this. MMkay?

:smiley: i still will never try marijuana

Afraid you'll like it?  ..........you will.    just kidding. .............. ....you will.

But seriously. There are many good health benefits from this potent drug.  Although the law states it's a narcotic, the reality is , the country's hooked on opiates, and there is a lot of money to be made. Am I the only one that has noticed , in the past .say 5-7 years , the amount of your friends that are taking pills? and how easy they seem to get them? Anyone notice a coincidence with the many states putting the medical mariuana on there ballads?  Hmmm, anyone think some people may be realizing the gov mt, drug scam is ending, all the narcotic patents have run there course ,and trying to put out as many narcotic medicines as they can? Eventually it will pass. Not without a fight from the political right. Even some of them are comming around.

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Afraid you'll like it?  ..........you will.    just kidding. .............. ....you will.

But seriously. There are many good health benefits from this potent drug.  Although the law states it's a narcotic, the reality is , the country's hooked on opiates, and there is a lot of money to be made. Am I the only one that has noticed , in the past .say 5-7 years , the amount of your friends that are taking pills? and how easy they seem to get them? Anyone notice a coincidence with the many states putting the medical mariuana on there ballads?  Hmmm, anyone think some people may be realizing the gov mt, drug scam is ending, all the narcotic patents have run there course ,and trying to put out as many narcotic medicines as they can? Eventually it will pass. Not without a fight from the political right. Even some of them are comming around.

No im affraid it will ruin my life. Im known to get addicted to things easily. Such as games, and stupid things. I will never do it. Nor will i do any drug. I want to live a long, healthy and good life.

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Yes there are health risks. Cancer of the lung and throat, hardening of the arteries, and acute hypertension just to name a few. But it is not a life threatening drug. Anything can be a health risk and if you were smart you would not smoke marijuana because it has risks. But it shouldnt be illegal.

Your right, in high school my friends dad made moonshine, he sold it though.  :haha:

I cant believe that the government will let you put a bunch of stuff together and let it rot until it is toxic enough to alter your abilities and then drink it, but to dry a plant and smoke it, well no not that. To me if you are having to "manufacture" your drug of choice.... thats probably not good.  :2funny: I can pick mine.  :kiss:

  hahahaha , thats off the hook. roflfao..................  let it rot til it alters your state and drink it  :haha: :haha: :haha: :haha: :haha:  But im w/ y on that note! I  JUST got done w/ a x-mas batch of my  porter. 

  here look  th_porterxmas06.jpg

  Heck it's not even  "rotting" yet .hahaha  I mean fermenting.

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No im affraid it will ruin my life. Im known to get addicted to things easily. Such as games, and stupid things. I will never do it. Nor will i do any drug. I want to live a long, healthy and good life.

Please dont take that wrong , if thats the way you feel , then very good, a lot of people arent in touch w/ themselves as you are . Kudos

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No im affraid it will ruin my life. Im known to get addicted to things easily. Such as games, and stupid things. I will never do it. Nor will i do any drug. I want to live a long, healthy and good life.

Don't know about you all, but I can respect that.  I do drink..but don't touch weed or drugs period.  Only thing I'm really addicted to is speed (in my car!..what were YOU thinking  :haha:) and video games.  :smile2:

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  hahahaha , thats off the hook. roflfao..................  let it rot til it alters your state and drink it  :haha: :haha: :haha: :haha: :haha:  But im w/ y on that note! I JUST got done w/ a x-mas batch of my  porter.

  here look  th_porterxmas06.jpg

  Heck it's not even "rotting" yet .hahaha  I mean fermenting.

My dad does the same thing..been doing it for years  :evil6:

but I'm not all into that home brew, just give me some budweiser and I'm a happy camper!  :grin2:

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