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make your predictions...40K members...on what date??

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:evil6: Shugs I told you I would give you one last chance to pay the money or else ! or it would get nasty  :knuppel2:, and you can tell Ryan the hit man showed , and had a British cup of Tea , and is now my best friend, :evil6:......  :2funny: he comes from Brooklyn, and apart from his acent seems a real nice Geezer,

Best regards

Roco UK ( Troll second Dan ) :evil6:

P.s. I have just found the name Teddy is availible on TMN , so wellcome to new member  "Teddy" member 40 K  :evil6: remember guys , I have the +7 hours jump on you ................................ :twisted:

BTW my daughter has just got Adsl BB, and you think I am evil ?,  :lol: . yeah, she is a Brit. Goth ,

PPS thanks clayjjojo,  :wink2:

Im hiring a hit man to hit the hitman, unless he refunds my money. And then when the hitman is done hitting the hitman ill hire another hitman to hit you.  :2funny:  :uglystupid2:

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Im hiring a hit man to hit the hitman, unless he refunds my money. And then when the hitman is done hitting the hitman ill hire another hitman to hit you.  :2funny:  :uglystupid2:


LOL you guys sure like to compicate things,

just guess I will have to buy some more Tea , from Boston  http://www.let.rug.nl/usa/E/teaparty/bostonxx.htm

it must be dry by now  :evil6:

Not anymore, its yours now.



18th Jan has been taken by Aggr 3 , according to Tdawnaz's list,

so have 15th-21st of Jan ,  http://www.testmy.net/forum/t-17783.0

Shugs , please put that teddy down, and pay attention , just for a moment  :evil6:

P.s. Member 39899 has just signed up Tues 16th  Jan 07.GMT

wellcome to the Forum "charliewill24" hope you enjoy your stay ,

Dang shug and Sparticus.  :lol:  What is with the memory.  :wink:  I remembered both of those. Better start staying out of the short memory ward for a while shug. It apperars to be rubbing off on you.  :azn:

:2funny: :2funny: Of course you can change your answer its all in fun. :haha: :haha: Why is it my fault?

:nono: mama T's original rule was no changing of any of it.

And that would be because you were hand picked among many individuals on here just for that.  :2funny:


VanBuren Jan 15, 2007

me Jan 16, 2007

buntz Jan 17, 2007

Aggr3 Jan 18, 2007

dlewis23 Jan 19, 2007

Ryan314 Jan 20, 2007 @ 3:47 pm

Shug7272 Jan 21, 2007 @ 3:46 pm.

Sparticus Feb 01, 2007

tommie gorman Feb 02, 2007

mogramjo Feb 03, 2007

DjVaGGo Feb 13, 2007

roco Feb 15, 2007

FiberOptic Feb 21, 2007

coknuck (on the day it happens)

Shug its not looking too good for us winning  :undecided:

But it doesnt matter, we still win because were cooler.  :wink:

:2funny: :2funny: :2funny: Damn right, thats why your ma boy.

:nono: mama T's original rule was no changing of any of it.

And that would be because you were hand picked among many individuals on here just for that.  :2funny:

My fault, if Momma T said it I will not argue.  :oops: Im fat and dumb but not stupid.

:2funny: :2funny: :2funny: Damn right, thats why your ma boy.

My fault, if Momma T said it I will not argue.  :oops: Im fat and dumb but not stupid.

are we taking a vote on that, my TMN bucks is on

#1, "Oh yes he is "

other options are

#2  "Oh no he is not "

#3  "look out, he is behind you "

only kidding Bro.  :lol


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