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A certain fairly popular member here had a birthday yesterday. Member #22375. He said that birthdays are not a good thing at this time of life. Now how could that be when he is still so young and full of it. Any idea whom that might be? Well happy birthday anyway, and best wishes. I will let anyone who can figure this out to post his name first. That way I did not give that part away.  :lol: Plus he is not in America. (only clue)  :wink2:

    [move]:bday:occasion13.gif   H A P P Y B I R T H D A Y      occasion13.gif:bday:[/move]

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:oops: Oops, I have no idea how they guessed it Roco. I am so sorry. I am also sorry I meant it was on the 31st. So you guys are right on time. I have been busy since he leaked it out. (  :lol: Like he really did not want us to do this. )So here you go Roco being brought to you by train...with a special birthday cake...and ballons...and never forgetting the all famous clown...and last but not least, the present. You very own, not needed to blow up secretary.  :thumbsup: You will have to discuss job duties and hours and benefits. I told her it was totally up to you.  :wink: So you enjoy that 29th birthday. (again)

:2funny: :2funny: :2funny: :2funny: :2funny:

Thanks Guys , Sorry I missed this one , well not my Birthday that is  :lol: :lol:

but my ISP wasn't feeling so friendly :evil2:

C:Documents and SettingsMr>tracert testmy.net

Tracing route to testmy.net []

over a maximum of 30 hops:

  1    33 ms    24 ms    24 ms  l1.ar04.hx4.dsl.pipex.net []

  2     *        *        *     Request timed out.

  3     *        *        *     Request timed out.

  4     *        *        *     Request timed out.

  5     *        *        *     Request timed out.

  6     *        *        *     Request timed out.

  7     *        *        *     Request timed out.

  8     *        *        *     Request timed out.

  9     *        *        *     Request timed out.

10     * :evil2:

lol 7000 posts for Tommie  :lol:

and thanks Reso.... might just Hijack that transporter !

finally I found a 2CV older than me  :lol:

:lol: I just realized it is a double celebration for me , xx years old  :shock::evil2:

AND I YEAR AGO TODAY, I JOINED  TMN :thumbsup::occasion14:

BTW,  Tommie I was sure I hung my coat over the office security camera !,

the picture caught me in a candid moment discussing my sectaries request for a pay raise , :shock:    :wink2:

Did I forget to mention the other hidden camera in case unwanted persons cover that one up, so we still get vid footage  :?:  :oops: Sorry about that.

Next time I will have to install a camera with color.  :grin2:  She said you only wanted to talk about whatever came up.  :cheesy:

So you joined TMN on groundhog day then. My wifes birthday is today, and my first son was born this day. Busy day then.  :icon_thumright:

Did I forget to mention the other hidden camera in case unwanted persons cover that one up, so we still get vid footage  :?:  :oops: Sorry about that.

Next time I will have to install a camera with color.  :grin2:  She said you only wanted to talk about whatever came up. :cheesy:

So you joined TMN on groundhog day then. My wifes birthday is today, and my first son was born this day. Busy day then.  :icon_thumright:

:2funny:  any chance of a copy ,  it might  liven up the old folks home at their Thursday  cine film night , "and here is a film of my holiday in Brighton in 1948 ", :lol:  no dont laugh , I been there and got the T shirt , bless them ,

Talk about what comes up !,  :lol:  I am heading to the 1 weeks notice and a warm bedroom syndrome,   :lol: but not just yet  :wink2:

anyway guys , thanks for putting up with this Brit over the last year, it was fun for me ,

how was it for you ,  :evil6: 

anyway guys , thanks for putting up with this Brit over the last year, it was fun for me ,

how was it for you ,  :evil6:

anyone that knows what a decent sports car is and adds a little culture to the place is ok in my book.

anyone that knows what a decent sports car is and adds a little culture to the place is ok in my book.

Thanks Reso...... , nice to know somebody apreciates me ,  :smile2:

:lol: I might know what a decent sports car is , but it's a bit like watching football on the TV, I might have watched the world cup , but that don't make me eligible to join the team  :grin2:

My first Brit sportscar was a Triumph Spitfire Mk 1 , it was my key to the open road,

:grin2:, yeah I spent more time lying under it on the road repairing it , than I did driving it :evil6:

I see Aston Martin (owned by Ford ) is lose making , and up for sale , my local dealer has 15 of them , no doubt on sale or return , to make Fords sales look good ,

have a look at http://www.bristolcars.co.uk/BristolFighter.htm a marque I had forgotten

they sell about 10 cars a year ,

Very extinguished car there Sir Roco. I really like that Fighter, even if it is British made.  :wink:

Yeah Ford and GM are redoing everything they have done for years. Which is really about time. I will still prefer American made as it brings my dollar home much faster if it does not go as far. It is easier to get my dollar back from my next door neighbor, than to try and get it from some Japanese Co.  :wink2:

[move]a very HAPPY BIRTHDAY to you from me[/move]



:occasion14:occasion13.gif/happy_bday.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':bday:' />:' />  :D


[move]HAPPY ANNIVERSARY...[/move]

i totally missed both...but my wishes couldn't be more sincere...luv ya roco  :smitten:

Tdawnaz,  Thanks for the card , my Birthday was a secret, but I guess king Spam needed another post or 2  :lol:, only kidding T.G.  :evil6:

Thanks anyway,much appreciated

well,  here is to another year  :occasion14: bottoms up , toodle pip  :lol:( to empty the glass and say goodbye ,)

as we apparently say in the UK  :lol: but not in my local pub  :knuppel2:, I would be called a bleeding Toff wanabe  :2funny:

A certain fairly popular member here had a birthday yesterday. Member #22375. He said that birthdays are not a good thing at this time of life. Now how could that be when he is still so young and full of it. Any idea whom that might be? Well happy birthday anyway, and best wishes. I will let anyone who can figure this out to post his name first. That way I did not give that part away.  :lol: Plus he is not in America. (only clue)  :wink2:

    [move]:bday:occasion13.gif   H A P P Y B I R T H D A Y      occasion13.gif:bday:[/move]

Hey now Roco. I told no one. ^ ^ ^ Coknuck started it, then php. I only gave them one clue.  :laughing7:

From there somehow it snowballed down hill.  :wink:

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