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:lol: I got a freebie customer  :evil2: who thinks the hard drive is the computer , she had near on filled up her*10/10GB  hard drive , so I said you really need a bigger hard drive , she said oh no ,it wont fit in my cabinet  :2funny:

she saves nothing to "D" as she dosn't have any floppy disks ,  :evil6:,

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:lol: I got a freebie customer  :evil2: who thinks the hard drive is the computer , she had near on filled up her*10/10GB  hard drive , so I said you really need a bigger hard drive , she said oh no ,it wont fit in my cabinet  :2funny:

she saves nothing to "D" as she dosn't have any floppy disks ,  :evil6:,

Thats hilarious, I know some one who cannot grasp the concept that the HDD is not the big black box w/ the light on it. Even showed them a HDD a dozen times. :2funny: :2funny: :2funny: I love it.
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I think this will get you to a copy of Rod Shelley's documentary evidence of how customers do things ... WRONG!


Had an email converse w/ the man & he is quite nice, but is done with tech support from both directions - supportees & management


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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi Guys just got back from a freebie call out  :evil2: 11pm GMT

the lady in question, had signed up to NTL UK cable  a few weeks back after being on 56K dial up , it was the usual cock up by the installer , and he did not have the sign up details,

on day 2 I got called in , got the details , loaded an antivirus & firewall , did a speed test or 2 , reset the rwin , lite the fuse and escaped ,

a day back I got a call , I cant connect to the internet or mail , and she had phoned NTL , but the guy was a idiot , and no help  :lol: , I think he got some abuse ,

So this evening I went over , she was still complainuing of not being able to connect ,

so I turn on the puter having noticed the modem lights were ok ,

first thing I see is NO SIGNAL on the flat screen moniter , the puter loads up with the correct bleep , with a black screen  :2funny: checked the vid lead it was OK

yeah, the vid card had failed , the puter had onboard graphics as well as the Nvidia card (Asrock m/b ) so I got it up running after a bios change,

:lol: she said you ar clever , why couldnt the NTL Guy have told me that , I told him I could not connect to NTL ,  :2funny: :2funny: :2funny:

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So what else is going to break down???? :smitten:  And are you now on call in an instant?  :wink:

Hi grandpa , yeah,  on call 24 hrs  :evil6: ,

the only cure for this I guess is to  is to start charging , I got caught in this trap working for a charity for the elderly , and bless them they passed on my contact number  to all , but in all fairness it has been a good learning curve for me , and a pay back for all the good things I have gained from computers and the internet , like TMN etc. and friends from around the world , how do you put a price on that ?

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Your right on that price, nothing like something to keep you on your toes thinking and then the satisfaction of a thank you smile.  :grin:  Many I know never thought I would be one to use a computer let alone build my own. Well if you break it you fix it.  :smiley:

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Hi grandpa , I got my first real computer at 54y , so I ain't looking for a Career  in fixing computers, just more than happy with the international friendship that it can give , just like this contact , I grew up in the days of post meaning sticking a stamp on a letter  :lol:

BTW I build my own also, but with the UK prices , the next one will be a while yet  :evil6:


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Hi grandpa , I got my first real computer at 54y , so I ain't looking for a Career  in fixing computers, just more than happy with the international friendship that it can give , just like this contact , I grew up in the days of post meaning sticking a stamp on a letter  :lol:

BTW I build my own also, but with the UK prices , the next one will be a while yet  :evil6:


I got my first one when I was just going on 50. I could bring you one but I don't think my canoe is big  enough.  :icon_pale:

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No, we're old dogs learning new tricks. :haha:

right on there grandpa , :thumbsup:

BTW. how many grandchildren have you got I got 2 (11y & 9y both boys,

thanks for the PM

as we are drifting of topic , it's 12.30 GMT , and I have got to get up at 06 GMT  :lol: late again Roco ,  :evil2: will get back to you at a sensible hour for me ,  :lol: this + 8 sucks for me


Roco  UK

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Hi Guys just got back from a freebie call out  :evil2: 11pm GMT

:lol: she said you ar clever , why couldnt the NTL Guy have told me that , I told him I could not connect to NTL ,  :2funny: :2funny: :2funny:

First off, I doubt there was nothing in line for it being a freebie.  :kiss:

Second of all you were clever.  :wink:

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