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I found and really like this free wallpaper changer, no I promise its not spyware, http://www.wallpaperchanger.de/ I have tons of wallpaper for my puter. Now everytime I reboot, (thank you bill gates  :cheesy:) My desktop has a diffrent look

I also found this handy free program http://www.palma.com.au/winroll/ right click on the toolbar and it will roll windows up and you can give your window a transparent look if you wish as well, And this one will make sure your window does not minimuize http://www.snapfiles.com/get/deskpins.html

Any one else with other ideas??

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UXTheme patcher. It requires no resources whatsoever, and will let you apply any .msstyle you like.

You can find it http://www.llbbl.com/data/nw_uxpatcher.zip

You can find .msstyles http://browse.deviantart.com/?catpath=customization/skins/windows/visualstyle/&order=9&alltime=yes

Simply download, unpack anywhere, and double-click the .msstyle to apply it.

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UXTheme patcher. It requires no resources whatsoever, and will let you apply any .msstyle you like.

You can find it http://www.llbbl.com/data/nw_uxpatcher.zip

You can find .msstyles http://browse.deviantart.com/?catpath=customization/skins/windows/visualstyle/&order=9&alltime=yes

Simply download, unpack anywhere, and double-click the .msstyle to apply it.

Thats a new one on me. Thanks for the heads up. Looks like it just like windowblinds from stardock?  Not a big fan of that product but think this visual styles may be pretty cool.

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Thats a new one on me. Thanks for the heads up. Looks like it just like windowblinds from stardock?  Not a big fan of that product but think this visual styles may be pretty cool.

nope, visual styles aren't related to windowblinds at all.  they use the actual microsoft theme system to apply themes, thats the beauty of it :smiley:

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UXTheme patcher. It requires no resources whatsoever, and will let you apply any .msstyle you like.

You can find it http://www.llbbl.com/data/nw_uxpatcher.zip

You can find .msstyles http://browse.deviantart.com/?catpath=customization/skins/windows/visualstyle/&order=9&alltime=yes

Simply download, unpack anywhere, and double-click the .msstyle to apply it.

The dowload is a dead link for me.  :cry:

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Here is the link for the program itslef. http://www.softpedia.com/get/Desktop-Enhancements/Themes/UXTheme-Patch-For-Windows-XP-SP2-Final.shtml .  Gave it a shot and I really like it. Found a few themes I like and useing one now. I really can not tell you about the resouce use. I have a monster computer so it had no affect on mine. Works well. Oh I run 2 gig of dual core ram with a dual core athlon 4200. Xp Pro.

Just a bit off topic but I just realized. Someone asked about the difference between xp pro and home. I think its kinda snooty sounding in a way. WHAT!! You only run xp home. Well I run XP pro  therefore I am truly a computer geek. You must be a geek in training!. Lade Da Lade Da. So Yea saying I run xp pro can be kinda snooty sounding and bragish. Just in case you don't get it. I am making fun of myself and no one else. Meant no disrespect to anyone.

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Once y ou download the theme and open it. Look for the file that had the .msstyles extention. Just open that file and there ya go.

In most of them, your supposed to install the fonts that comes with the theme first do that by going to start>run>fonts and just drag the font file in there. then you can click the .mystyle I believe. Most of them come with a readme that provides instructions so thats what I go by.  :smiley:

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Im not much on changing my desktop all the time with tons of choices. I found 2 diffrent sytles I love, Tempest, and cxp2. I will be darned If I can find or rember where I got them. I do have them backed up though. I use opera browser and with the skin I use for opera which is the black lynix 1.5 Tempest just makes it sweet looking. Really love how it not only changes windows but your browser as well.

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Im not much on changing my desktop all the time with tons of choices. I found 2 diffrent sytles I love, Tempest, and cxp2. I will be darned If I can find or rember where I got them. I do have them backed up though. I use opera browser and with the skin I use for opera which is the black lynix 1.5 Tempest just makes it sweet looking. Really love how it not only changes windows but your browser as well.

Here's the Tempest theme http://www.tucows.com/preview/237837

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