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hi Riean. i think if im not mistaken that its an old canopy, settings are different from mine which was installed 5 months ago. but it doesn't mean it has to have a different setting. try my setting instead and see if theres a difference.


hi Riean. i think if im not mistaken that its an old canopy, settings are different from mine which was installed 5 months ago. but it doesn't mean it has to have a different setting. try my setting instead and see if theres a difference.


Hi gourame!. i compared ur Canopy Settings to my Canopy.. and it is obviously different.. uR maximum Sustained Data Rate is 1000 compared to me which is 7000.. do i need to upgrade it?. how?. thx! :cheesy:

we have the same advertised speed Riean smartbro in my area didnt upgrade their homebase aswell. so how was it? is there a difference? i bet you haven't tweaked it yet via registry like cablenut. as far as i know i only got the speed i wanted when i used the cablenut and that setting on my canopy. feel free to look up to other guides and you might try other approach to it.  :-|

try this.


my settings are those from WinXP_2K_CABLE_DSLMSS1460Cable & DSL 5000 768.ccs just like ca3le's. works for me. or this one


i also used what coknuck gave for aronic.

make sure that you empty your firefox cache. ctrl+shift+delete before doing the  speed test. and make sure you only run the programs you want in the background. give it a try.

And yes im running on their 384kbs limit. let me know the results after.

I cant access my canopy it says page cannot be displayed even if I already do what ur steps says. Is there any other way? if it involves to look for numbers printed in canopy I think I cant do that because the field man put it in a high position. before I have good speed connection but when we change our cpu from pentium III to pentium dual core it became slower but I dont think its because of the cpu's performance coz I think the it will need to setup something pls help heres my connection speed now:

Download Connection is:: 132 Kbps about 0.1 Mbps (tested with 386 kB)

Download Speed is:: 16 kB/s

Tested From:: https://testmy.net/ (Server 1)

Test Time:: 2007/05/31 - 3:21am

Bottom Line:: 2X faster than 56K 1MB Download in 64 sec

Tested from a 386 kB file and took 23.985 seconds to complete

Download Diagnosis:: May need help : running at only 9.04 % of your hosts average (238.2)

please help!!!

hi there chinitaneth. welcome to the forum.

where you aware if the tech guys that installed your canopy locked out your canopy settings? where you able to access your canopy setting using your browser before? is your smart canopy the old one or is it the canopy lite version? hope you can give us some info on this and well see if we can find a way to help you out.

before when the fieldman sets our connection I saw them accessing canopy but I dont know if they locked it or not. I never tried accessing my canopy in my old cpu before and i tried the steps above but when i try to go to i says page cannot displayed. I am a new subscriber of smartbro since last april,2007 and I'm 75% sure that were using canopy lite. you see my connection? above its too slow ohh!

I think theres a new steps in accessing my canopy? coz I think the steps above was for older canopy's? ryt? please help I want to tweak my canopy too bcoz I've tried calling customer service and they were useless and cannot call tech support to go here bcoz the problem must be valid, they said my connection was ok and also the basestation and when they try to ping in my pc there was no lost all 0% loss but I have poor connection. I does not reach 7x faster than dial up pls. help


heres my test now again in speedtest I dont have constant speed. In morning like now I got that speed but when evening I got very poor connection pls. help help help! Ive tried also tcp/ip optimizer but it does not speed up my connection now I'm sure were using canopy lite. If u have guides to tweak my canopy pls. post it here or email me at [email protected] but its ok if u post it here tnx gourame :)

:::.. Download Stats ..:::

Download Connection is:: 89 Kbps about 0.1 Mbps (tested with 97 kB)

Download Speed is:: 11 kB/s

Tested From:: https://testmy.net/ (Server 1)

Test Time:: 2007/06/01 - 3:41am

Bottom Line:: 2X faster than 56K 1MB Download in 93.09 sec

Tested from a 97 kB file and took 8.844 seconds to complete

Download Diagnosis:: May need help : running at only 36.18 % of your hosts average (204.198)

D-Validation Link:: https://testmy.net/stats/id-AEUM168XT

User Agent:: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 7.0; Windows NT 5.1) [!]

By the way here's my download stats.. now it hit 89kbps so far. Please help me on how to boost my connection speed. I was thinking of changing my ISP from SmartBro to DSL(up to 512kbps),but I can't because of that 12month contract. I really need someone's help regarding to my problem.

hello gourame its me again, ung nahingi ng help kng paano iaccess ang canopy

canopy lite gamit nmin and I'm a new smartbro subscriber our location is from signal village, taguig city here in metro manila.

sa tingin ko hndi xa nkalock kc sa tingin ko were using new version kc po hndi 169.xxx.xxx.xxx ang ip address nmin ay starting with 192.168.xxx.xxx pls. help help help! :)

ok im sorry, Im the one who needs help in accessing canopy

Im a new smartbro plan 999 subscriber here in taguigcity metro manila

and I think our canopy lite was not locked its because I may just using the new version of canopy so that's why. My IP was not 169.xxx.xxx.xxx it starts from 192.168.xxx.xxx please help I want to access my canopy

at the first few pages of this topic it discussed how you can access your canopy lite version. if you tried that and it didn't work out perhaps it is that they have a new way to access it. you can  ask the tech guys that installed your canopy, furthermore i cant help you out that much because i only tried mine that works for 169. but don't worry i will try to dig some info with your current canopy version. in the meantime you might want to try out some tweaks to improve your speed. i got similar speeds like you did when i first came here.

hello, Now I finally access my canopy but theres a big problem:

when the canopy page was fully loaded in the control box I cannot see configuration and my level was only guest but I see in the screen shots in the first page it should be administrator owww what I gonna do now... pls help

heres the screenshot:

<img src="http://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q204/prettykeneth/canopy.jpg">

What do u mean I will go next to portal?? pls. elaborate your answer When Im in smartbro portal what will I do next? after logging in? Do I need to reset the connection? pls. help I accessed my canopy page when I try again to do the steps in the first page but I cant see the configuration because my level was only guest.

U mean I will go to http://portal.smartbro.net ?? but when I change my ip to and go to my mozilla browser it cant displayed I guess its because I change my ip manually but u said after viewing my canopy page I should try going to smartbro portal. And as u can see to my screenshot above there was a login there I try to click it and type my smartbro portal user name and password but It says unauthorize etc. pls.. give me a detailed steps thank you


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