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imnsho he ain't predicting. this is one of those demon cats that settles near people and sucks out their souls, hence the impression that it is predicting death. that cat needs a good exorcism performed on it.

:lol:, or brick , rope , and river , springs to mind , and cut out the middleman  :evil6:

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According to the author of a study in the New England Journal of Medicine, the two-year-old cat has been observed to be correct in 25 cases so far.
I just have to wonder, 25/ :?: how many? I mean he is 2 years old already. So how many wrong ones in his averages.  [geek]
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I never trusted cats anyway, :evil2: or their  owners  :lol:

excuse me???!!!...i'm a multi cat owner...i won't even tell u how many...or how many stray i tend...cuz now i see how it is...i always wondered why u never trusted me :( ...fine...

i used to have a chinchilla persian (has since passed at the ripe old age of 19) that would tell me when i was going to give birth before the contractions even began...the first time i didn't know what she was doing at first til the contractions started...successive pregnancies it was my early cue. she would come up and put her nose on my belly and just sit there like that purring...if i tried to push her away it was like she was drugged or mesmerized and she'd slither up on my belly drape her legs around me (like she was pinning me down) and do the same nose thing...my family even knew she was right on the money...and if i had false labor that took me to the hospital...i'd pretty well know that it wasn't gonna happen yet cuz mimi hadn't nuzzled me

this is pic of her and me at a cat show...the pic was taken by the newspaper here in phx...wasn't she beautiful :) i miss her

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:oops:Two beutiful cats together nice picture imho , (ok Tommie settle down at the back ,yeah I know it's corny and  :downtown: )  :lol:)

Yeah I have owned 3 cats , and yes they were all charectors , all strays , and whopped my dogs into submision  :lol:,

after the last one passed on my hound looked for her every day for the next 8 years  :sad3:, but cats kinda spook me , they will continue eye contact long after a dog will look away , Guys, try staring out a cat or a woman , looser springs to mind  :lol:

Grrrr. what am I Coknuc ? the warm up artist ,  :lol:

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:haha: :haha: :haha: Not sure why thats just for me, unles you count the fact that im a murse.  :uglystupid2: I know you guys will laugh but this is nothing new. I have seen it in nursing homes myself. If it has a community pet, odds are that pet will spend more time with the sicker residents who are closer to death. Weird.
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:lol: thanks for turning up Shugs I was kinda digging myself into a hole , and with only the Atlantic to save me  :smile2:,

:lol: The post was dedicated to you , so we could share your learned insight into this strange cat behavior , 

BTW whats a murse ?  male nurse ?  .... maybe,  so is a nurse a neutered male nurse or what , and is a female nurse a furse , ?  just curious  :smile2:

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I do recall reading something in readers digest about a dog that did something allong the same line. The woman had a dog that helped the disabled. Seemed like the Dog was tired all the time. She went in for some medical reason. She told the doc the strange story how the dog was so tired all the time. For whatever reason the doc put 2 and 2 together and did a sleep study on her with the dog next to her.

Every once in awhile the dog would whine and nudge her or lick her hand and such. After the doc saw the study they did he found she sufferd from sleep apnea, she would stop breathing, when she did the dog would nundge her to wake her up enough to start her breathing again.

Animals can do some amazing things without any explanation, dogs, cats, and I am sure other animials as well.

I do love cats, I think they taste kinda like chicken myself. Oh settle down. Im kidding. Cats are ok, I am just more of a dog person myself.

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Lets set it straight.

Who does all the wagging when folks get home. (dogs) Cats just give that look of so you are back already?

Who will scratch the furniture the most (cats)

Who will protect your property (dogs)

Who is your servant (dogs) cats think they own you. So why do they not feed us?  :wink2:

I'll take a dog over a cat any day. And I mean a real over 50# dog.  :twisted:

Cats are evil and dogs are mans best friend.  :wink:

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excuse me???!!!...i'm a multi cat owner...i won't even tell u how many...or how many stray i tend...cuz now i see how it is...i always wondered why u never trusted me :( ...fine...

i used to have a chinchilla persian (has since passed at the ripe old age of 19) that would tell me when i was going to give birth before the contractions even began...the first time i didn't know what she was doing at first til the contractions started...successive pregnancies it was my early cue. she would come up and put her nose on my belly and just sit there like that purring...if i tried to push her away it was like she was drugged or mesmerized and she'd slither up on my belly drape her legs around me (like she was pinning me down) and do the same nose thing...my family even knew she was right on the money...and if i had false labor that took me to the hospital...i'd pretty well know that it wasn't gonna happen yet cuz mimi hadn't nuzzled me

this is pic of her and me at a cat show...the pic was taken by the newspaper here in phx...wasn't she beautiful :) i miss her


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Animals have a sixth sense and know when their owners are sick and will stick with them while they are sick. I know this because every time I am sick my cat Tammy will sleep with me on my bed and my dog Boomer will sleep next to my bed. He will even nudge me with his muzzle from time-to-time when I am asleep to see if he can wake me up. They even follow me to the bathroom and lay at my feet together. I think they can feel your distress and are just giving you their love in their own way. Anyway that is how I see it.

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seeeee...neener  neener...i knew coknuck would understand what i was sayin...man's best friend...but i guess it's true some men like dogs...some like both


I agree , many a true word is spoken in jest , 

I married a dog , but I still love pussies , :roll:

Ooops, * no dear, I am not on that forum again,  only checking out the last hope beauty palour for you ,

yes, of course we can visit your Moms :  does her broomstick need servicing , or has her cauldron has sprung a leak again ,* :evil2:

*Hmmm that coknuck is smoother than I thought *, (i knew coknuck would understand !)

maybe my first post was right ? (I never trusted cats anyway,  or their  owners  )  ....  :lol:

the dogs mentality  :icon_thumright:  , can I eat it  :icon_scratch:, if not, can I screw it  :icon_scratch:, no !, OK then,  I will piss on it ,  :haha::,

lol ,I think I have derailed my own topic !

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