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but will i have to repeat the dl? is the file broken?

oh sorry this is about torrent data files...well you dont have to redl the torrent i have also encountered failed hash checks but when its finished the files are normal, there's no corrupt data... dunno not really sure

do you know what those failed hash checks mean?

A piece failed hash check, re-downloading it

This is a benign message, you can safely ignore it. It means that you received a piece of the file that didn't check out as being correct, so it will be downloaded again. Probable cause of this might be someone incorrectly using the "skip hash check" option. If this option is incorrectly used on a not-yet complete file, the client will send pieces to its peers that are not correct and fail the built-in hash checking routines meant to catch such errors.

source: http://btfaq.com/serve/cache/35.html

i hope this answers your question.

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