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New way to access ur CANOPY Web Page (SMART BRO-ken)

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i find the best way to access your canopy is through the web interface if you have dial up still u can connect to that and then go to your web browser and type in the ip address hope that helps @noble  :- :smiley:

can you possibly do a step by step tutorial on this one? coz a lotta people have been craving for answers. thanks. it would be a great help to others.

guys, i've tried 2 ways of accessing/configuring the canopy page



the first one was from elijahpaul. there is no problem accessing the canopy, and i copy the configuration settings according to the screen shot that he posted. and somehow the speed improves. but im not yet satisfied, it is only 90kbps..

2nd way


the second one was this new way of accessing the canopy.i did the first step,but when im going to get my canopy ip address (arp -a through the cmd.exe),i have 1 extra ip address.the frst one is, then on the nxt line is then on the third line is

and even if i try to retype the arp- a, a list of ip address appears.

why does it happened?

and i cant access on the canopy page even though i put the on the address bar.same on the

what seemed to be the problem? if my canopy MS is blocked, why am i able  to access the canopy config at elijahpaul's way?

guys help..

i think 2 weeks ago, at this time(12:00 mn - 2:00 am) my connection speed is 350kbps but now...


          Smart Bro Subscriber                                                                    Smart Bro Company

:knuppel2::ar15:  :twogun::uzi::angry5:                                                                :buck2:


if you know your canopy ip the best way to configure it is through the web interface

all you do is type the ip into your address bar and hit enter and when you get to the web page if you do not have a side bar go to your start menu and go to run and type in cmd from there type in telnet followed by the ip and once inside you can type in clearwebfile and your sidebar should return  :cool:


retry this:

-> Method 1 (The Safe Way):

1. Go to Start -> Run -> cmd.exe. On the command promt,

type arp -a (take note of the space after the word arp).

The command prompt will display several IP addresses. Example:

C:Documents and Settingsgiluk_no_jutsu>arp -a

Interface: --- 0x2

Internet Address Physical Address Type 0a-00-3e-f7-de-2d dynamic 0a-00-3e-f7-de-2d dynamic

So my Canopy IP Address would be

lets keep things organized.

so for example i'll pretend im the one who can't access the canopy thru my own PC. Here's what im gonna do.

1. Know first my Canopy IP address.

2. Go to another PC with a diff ISP or Dial-up

3. Open IE and put the Canopy IP address in the address bar, hit enter

4. Then the Canopy web interface will show up.


Can I change/configure the setting of my Canopy from there?

yup basically the cmd promt typ is for people that cant access but for ours that we know our ip its not capable to do it again coz we know all the procedures.instruction to tweak canopy and we do know the cycle of the internet sodtware of canopy

yea you can change your config from there if you run a cmd and telnet the ip and then type in clearwebfile you can gain access to your sidebar

to be easily understood, here's how i look at it:

1. From the other PC go to command prompt

2. type telnet 10.xxx.xxx.xx hit enter

3. if canopy already accessed type clearwebfile

4. you have access to your sidebar.

is that it?

hehehe gud for him but i think some of them cant access ther connection until now

hey tamie77 thanks for your guide! my speed increased!  :grin2: so for those still cant access...here's what i did after following steps 1 to 4 from tamie77's guide, in part 2 getting your canopy address, at first when i typed arp -a it showed me only this


edited: not really my canopy

then i was figuring out why it only displayed one ip then tried pinging then arp -a after few minutes it displayed my canopy ip!

arpbeq1.png dunno with you guys but thats what i did i hope you'll figure out other ways or anyone would help you here  :grin2:

huh? wer did u get that?

cant understand it

what is that for?

to be easily understood, here's how i look at it:

1. From the other PC go to command prompt

2. type telnet 10.xxx.xxx.xx hit enter

3. if canopy already accessed type clearwebfile

4. you have access to your sidebar.

is that it?

huh? wer did u get that?

dont understand that

waht is it for??  [nerd]

hey tamie77 thanks for your guide! my speed increased!  :grin2: so for those still cant access...here's what i did after following steps 1 to 4, in part 2 getting your canopy address, at first when i typed arp -a it showed me only this


then i was figuring out why it only displayed one ip then tried pinging then arp -a after few minutes it displayed my canopy ip!

arpbdj3.png dunno with you guys but thats what i did i hope you'll figure out other ways or anyone would help you here  :grin2:

welcome bro!

hop ur hapy now!  :haha: :haha:

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