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Sorry for the bother but I really dont know what shall I do...

When i ping this what happened

Request timed out.

Request timed out.

Request timed out.

Reply from bytes=32 time=386ms TTL=64

Reply from bytes=32 time=144ms TTL=64

Reply from bytes=32 time=214ms TTL=64

Reply from bytes=32 time=326ms TTL=64

Request timed out.

Request timed out.

Request timed out.

Request timed out.

Reply from bytes=32 time=142ms TTL=64

Reply from bytes=32 time=148ms TTL=64

Reply from bytes=32 time=222ms TTL=64

Reply from bytes=32 time=173ms TTL=64

Request timed out.

Reply from bytes=32 time=123ms TTL=64

My Packets: Sent=26 Received=14 Loss=12 <46% loss>

i think its the problem from the smartbro or antenna

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@ jeng_jeng01

call *1888 from your smart celphone and ask if your base station is ok. may i ask if there is a barrier between your antenna and the base station? was your antenna realigned to bad direction because of strong wind? can you possibly post installed programs in your pc?

@ rich_aled

np. please come here if you have some more querries.

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This is my result.

Pinging with 32 bytes of data:                                                                           

Request timed out.                                     

Request timed out.                                     

Request timed out.                                     

Request timed out.                                                                                               

Ping statistics for                               

Packets: Sent = 4, Received = 0, Lost = 4 (100% loss),

hi. im new here, and i could really use some help  :cry:

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This is my result.

hi. im new here, and i could really use some help  :cry:

Bad antenna to base station connection. You must inform the customer representative about this and ask for a field visit. Send them also an email report with a screenshot of the ping test. :wink:

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The bickering in this thread needs to stop, now. I mean it. Coolbuster and Smartbroken you two need to get along or just ignore each other. Stop acting like 5 year olds. If it doesnt stop I will stop it for you. So I suggest you pm each other, work it out and get over it. Your both good members here, but we dont need drama queens and stiring of the shit pot.

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yes, that's right. anyway,

The bickering in this thread needs to stop, now. I mean it. Coolbuster and Smartbroken you two need to get along or just ignore each other. Stop acting like 5 year olds. If it doesnt stop I will stop it for you. So I suggest you pm each other, work it out and get over it. Your both good members here, but we dont need drama queens and stiring of the S#!t pot.

i apologize on their behalf.

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The bickering in this thread needs to stop, now. I mean it. Coolbuster and Smartbroken you two need to get along or just ignore each other. Stop acting like 5 year olds. If it doesnt stop I will stop it for you. So I suggest you pm each other, work it out and get over it. Your both good members here, but we dont need drama queens and stiring of the S#!t pot.

I apologize for being so meticulous in smartbro technical aspect and in behalf of coolbuster2007's childlike reaction to my criticism and to some made by other members here in TMN... :angel:

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Guest ExtremeFusion

I do not know how to tweak, pls. someone help me  :sad: :sad: :sad:

Hello there beautiful FlashKid

Try this:




BTW, can you post a recent test from your pc, here at tmn...

So we could see if you need to call their uneliable hotline (*1888)...  :knuppel2:

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Guest ExtremeFusion


no its fine already..

is that without the use of tweaks and proxy?

Actually when you call them and report to them that you experienced 250 - 380 kbps

they will tell you this

"Ma'am your speed is above our minimum tolerance, our baseline speed is 100 kbps...blah blah blah..."

Bottom line is, they would not attend to your iNet speed...

Besides, a lot of smartbro user here in testmy.net are experiencing 15 kbps and below DL..

Imagine how slow is that, you could swear to smartbro literally.. geez!

Have you tried tweaking?!

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Guest ExtremeFusion

I don't know how to tweak. I need to read the threads to gain knowledge on tweaking.

you are right about that...

those link i post is written in not to technical terms...

it is easy to understand even for those who does not know more of technical terms...

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