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McAfee VirusScan: the most pirated software on the Internet!

According to the Software & Information Industry, anti-virus McAfee VirusScan is the most pirated software on the Internet. Accuracy of importance, are considered as software members of the SIIA.

The association Software & Information Industry brings together professionals in industries software and digital content. Recently, the SIIA issued for the year 2007, two ratings applications most often pirated. For example, last year, is the anti-virus McAfee VirusScan, which was most often pirated on the Internet, while the corporate view, the choice was more pirates focused on his counterpart at Symantec.

Top 10 2007:

    * McAfee VirusScan

    * Symantec Norton Anti-Virus

    * McAfee Internet Security Suite

    * Intuit TurboTax

    * Adobe Photoshop

    * Adobe Acrobat

    * Intuit Quicken Home and Business

    * Symantec Norton pcAnywhere

    * Symantec Norton Ghost

    * Adobe Creative Suite

Top 10 2007:

    * Symantec Norton Anti-Virus

    * Adobe Acrobat

    * Symantec PC Anywhere

    * Adobe PhotoShop

    * Autodesk AutoCAD

    * Adobe DreamWeaver

    * Roxio Easy CD / DVD Creator

    * Roxio Toast Titanium

    * Ipswitch WS_FTP

    * Nero Ultra Edition

Some surprises in these rankings as simply the fact that the software for data security trustier the top spot. Similarly, most

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If less people stole, the items would cost less for the rest of us..

Stores/companies charge more to cover theft.  So basically the people who buy items instead of stealing are paying for their own item and for a percentage of one that is stolen.

If less people stole, the items would cost less for the rest of us..

Stores/companies charge more to cover theft.  So basically the people who buy items instead of stealing are paying for their own item and for a percentage of one that is stolen.

No they wouldn't. Items cost less, that is.

It's all about greed.

Both on the seller's and the buyer's / pirate's side.

If there was no piracy company CEOs would be flying around in a different lear jet for each day of the week instead of owning just one and you would not see any lowering of prices.

Proof that there are many many people of low intelligence out there?

Norton anti-virus is on the list.

Why would anyone want their system running at a snail's pace?

No they wouldn't. Items cost less, that is.

It's all about greed.

Both on the seller's and the buyer's / pirate's side.

If there was no piracy company CEOs would be flying around in a different lear jet for each day of the week instead of owning just one and you would not see any lowering of prices.

If there is any kind of competition, being able to offer a lower price and make the same profit would be beneficial to a company.  Less theft=less cost=more profit=being able to offer the item at a lower price, while keeping the same profits.  If you offer the same item at a lower price than the next guy, you will sell more, and therefore make even more profit.

If there is any kind of competition, being able to offer a lower price and make the same profit would be beneficial to a company.  Less theft=less cost=more profit=being able to offer the item at a lower price, while keeping the same profits.  If you offer the same item at a lower price than the next guy, you will sell more, and therefore make even more profit.

That would not be true. Photoshop is one of the most pirated peaces software, and it has actually gotten cheaper in recent years. Final Cut is the the most pirated software for the mac, and it use to cost around $2000, its only about $1300 for the newest version now.

People stealing software especially pro apps does not eat into there profits at all, because the pro's still buy it, they have too.

What people will pay sets the price for anything. Not the theft.

Whether it be housing, shoes, computers, or what ever. It being stolen is worth as much in reputation points as it is in profits. Why else would they want to be at the top of that list otherwise.

In my mind McAfee and Norton are not either one worth even paying for, much less stealing when their is better freeware instead.  :evil6:

If each person who stole it had bought it, they would make more profit, therefore, IMO, it does take away from their profits.

No it doesn't because companies like adobe, autodesk, etc. go, Ok we are going to have X number of pirated copy's don't put those the expected revenue. If they never expected to get the revenue then its not a loss in profit. 

Hmm , IMHO opinion Xp pro is the most pirated software , only seen 2 out of 50 computers that I have workred on, that were legit , and one of them was mine , :evil6:

Funny how of the 6 computers I admin, only two of them have pirated copies of XP (with one which actually came with a legit copy, I'm just too lazy to go through the sp2 installation and application removing process again) even though I consider myself a pirate. I am surprised to see that Photoshop has a much larger user base than, say, The Gimp, which is similar but free of charge.

Hmm , IMHO opinion Xp pro is the most pirated software , only seen 2 out of 50 computers that I have workred on, that were legit , and one of them was mine , :evil6:

So they got theirs from you then Sir Roco?  :evil6: (you know I'm joking)

I am surprised to see that Photoshop has a much larger user base than, say, The Gimp, which is similar but free of charge.

Its always more fun when you can steal the expensive stuff instead of just D/L the free stuff.  :wink:


I bought adobe photoshop 8 on Ebay for $10 USD inc.postage ,

but what bothers me is why did I have to disconect from the internet when installing it, and run a small aplication to get it to register ?

I tried asking the sellar but he had left Ebay rapidly by then ,

sometimes I wonder if it was fully legit ,  :evil6:

no problem , as I dont use it , and removed it fropm my puter ,

I am happy enough using adobe photodeluxe 3 that came with my scanner ,  or the free photofiltre, 

I got photoshop 5.0 lite with my canon camera a few years back.

Of course considering how much I paid for the camera the software was far from  free.

It doesn't have all the bells n whistles but it has everything I need.

And it  made my box completely pirate free.

piracy costs , no 2 ways about it ,

Take a food superstore , their loss through theft is 1.8 % ,

on a profit margin of 4%, nearly half their profit gone through theft , so the honest shoper makes up the differance ,

so next time you buy a tin of caviar , remember it could be

1.8% cheaper without the theft margin ,

now to my mind stealing from a store is far riskier , than sitting  at home on your computer chair , covering your back ,

so I would guess the loss due to theft, of programs are much higher than the superstores ,

It is estimated that 30-35 % of windows Xp is pirated , now that amount of theft must hurt somebody , to my way of thinking ,

I don't think piracy can be stopped totally.  Everything can be pirated nowadays.. hehe China can pirate everything... who knows, maybe tomorrow they will be pirating Americans :2funny: You'll just see someone who looks exactly like you on the streets LOL

the sad thing is that it really is not a laughing matter.

to be honest it is not so much the act of stealing that bothers me about piracy.

it is more the nonchalance if not sense of entitlement with which it is done.

go out in the street and ask a car thief wether or not he has a right to he car he is ripping off. he will likely say n o. he will explain it by having to feed his family, his drug addiction or simply because it is easier than getting a real job.

ask a software/audio/video pirate and the odds are good that you will hear something along the lines of:"i am entitled to this, the record companies/labels/studios are stealing from us. information should be free. noone should be forced to pay for xxx. (no, get your mind out of the gutter. not porn. just item x.)

if you want free software, fine. go and grab yourself a linux or freebsd or whatever. but if you want software that people are getting paid to create, market and maintain then pony up the cash.

sorry about getting into this rant. again. but this isn't communism, it is capitlism. there are rules you have to play by for the system to work. and there is no such thing as a free ride.

as for the rate of theft roco quoted, i believe it. i worked in the fairly well observable computer department of a circuit city type store and we had everything of any value at all locked away or heavily outfitted with anti-theft devices. we still had a 1.5 percent rate of attrition for the department.

the sad thing is that it really is not a laughing matter.

to be honest it is not so much the act of stealing that bothers me about piracy.

it is more the nonchalance if not sense of entitlement with which it is done.

go out in the street and ask a car thief wether or not he has a right to he car he is ripping off. he will likely say n o. he will explain it by having to feed his family, his drug addiction or simply because it is easier than getting a real job.

ask a software/audio/video pirate and the odds are good that you will hear something along the lines of:"i am entitled to this, the record companies/labels/studios are stealing from us. information should be free. noone should be forced to pay for xxx. (no, get your mind out of the gutter. not porn. just item x.)

if you want free software, fine. go and grab yourself a linux or freebsd or whatever. but if you want software that people are getting paid to create, market and maintain then pony up the cash.

sorry about getting into this rant. again. but this isn't communism, it is capitlism. there are rules you have to play by for the system to work. and there is no such thing as a free ride.

as for the rate of theft roco quoted, i believe it. i worked in the fairly well observable computer department of a circuit city type store and we had everything of any value at all locked away or heavily outfitted with anti-theft devices. we still had a 1.5 percent rate of attrition for the department.


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