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Hello all! First time poster here...    =)

I removed a bunch of spyware and now cannot browse the Internet using IE or Firefox. It began as not being able to see HTTPS sites despite all troubleshooting. When Win XP was reinstalled, we lost all browsing period.  First the symptoms, then the troubleshooting we've done.

I have Win XP

Firewall is disabled

I can ping

I *cannot* ping my own IP

I can ping gateway, DNS, and rest of world, including by site (i.e.: www.fark.com)

I cannot otherwise 'see' the Net: can't browse the internet, cannot download via auto updates

*** edit: also getting 'Microsoft Tun Miniport Adapter  #2'  problem in Device Manager (show hidden) , error Code 10)

Some steps we've taken:

Standard Network troubleshooting (Check network settings, release/renew IP, cables, etc.)

Remove/reinstall network adapter & TCP/IP (cannot physically remove net card, ethernet port is integrated with motherboard grr)

Firefox un/reinstall

IE un/reinstall (using ms.com registry editing method)



netsh int ip reset resetlog.txt

netsh winsock reset

Remove/Reinstall Winsock & Winsock2

Win XP reinstall

Nothing, and I mean nothing, is fixing this. Does anyone have any further insight to share?


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Ok this seems to be a problems for some reason with IPv6.. The only thing that I can recommend would be to pull out your network card, then reinstall windows.. There is no cure out there of this as of right now.. It does seem that SP2 takes care of this if you can get this on to the computer some way.  When you install dont quick format do a full format with ntfs file system.. 

Ok you might want to try this.. http://forums.windrivers.com/showthread.php?p=571460


Hi orange: you might try this site http://www.mdgx.com/web.htm#98SE

I used their unofficial windows 98 se 2 & it fixed a problem I was having after I installed IE6.This probably wouldn't work for windows XP I don't know but this site also has a lot of info about XP too.You might have to look around the site for awhile to find what you need.  Cholla

This device 'Microsoft Tun Miniport Adapter ' seems to be causing hardware & internet connex problems of many types.

This component is part of IPv6. IPv6 appears to be available with SP2, but may also have been available via an earlier service pack or hotfix.

If you're not using IPv6 (I assume you wouldn't be), you can uninstall it by executing the following command at a command prompt:

ipv6 uninstall

If IPv6 was installed at the time of execution, you will see...


A reboot is required to complete this action.' Restart your PC to complete the process, as advised.

With IPv6 uninstalled, you may be able to remove 'Microsoft Tun Miniport Adapter ' from Device Manager.

To prevent the service from starting up during Windows' boot, delete the following registry keys:




Let me know if this helped  ;)

shoutout to old friend stebie for help on this


  • 1 month later...

A simple solution to removing the Microsoft Tun Miniport Adapter #2 is to go into safemode and move or delete the drivers

tunmp.sys c:windowssystem32drivers

netip6.pnf c:windowsinf

nettun.pnf c:windowsinf

once the drivers are out of their orignal location restart,go to device manager and uninstall,and then move the drivers back to where they came from

  • 3 weeks later...

How do I Remove/reinstall network adapter & TCP/IP? Maybe it will also cure my problem. I have a thread running above, because after I ran the home network wizard from WInXP I cannot connect to the internet anymore with one of my machines, which is wirelessly connected to the Belkin router. (the computer hardwired to the router is fine) The Belkin router is still seen by this computer, the wireless network adapter is working also, but still suddenly no more connection to the web. So maybe Remove/reinstall network adapter & TCP/IP will help?

right click on the my computer icon, click properties, click on the hardware tab, click on the device manager button, expand the network adapters group, right click on each adapter you want to uninstall, and click uninstall on the context menu... after uninstalling, reboot... windows should automatically detect and reinstall the adapters... tcp/ip is also uninstalled and reinstalled when you do this...

  • 1 year later...

Hello all! First time poster here...    =)

I removed a bunch of spyware and now cannot browse the Internet using IE or Firefox. It began as not being able to see HTTPS sites despite all troubleshooting. When Win XP was reinstalled, we lost all browsing period.  First the symptoms, then the troubleshooting we've done.

I have Win XP

Firewall is disabled

I can ping

I *cannot* ping my own IP

I can ping gateway, DNS, and rest of world, including by site (i.e.: www.fark.com)

I cannot otherwise 'see' the Net: can't browse the internet, cannot download via auto updates

*** edit: also getting 'Microsoft Tun Miniport Adapter  #2'  problem in Device Manager (show hidden) , error Code 10)

I had what appears to be the same problem, and I tried just about everything you did (and then some). I could connect to my MMORPG, but neither browser (Opera and IE6) worked, widgets could not connect, etc.

I figured it had to be something to do with the way my system was looking to resolve DNS addresses (since I could ping everthing). I even had my 'professional' computer friends give it a shot.

I was doing a couple last minute things before wiping the drive and reinstalling when I found (ok, noticed) something. When Opera could not find a page, it told me so....and then listed some options for correcting the problem. Duh, the last one had to do with turning off proxy settings.

I had never turned proxy settings on, but I took a look, and sure enough, they were turned on - to (sound familiar).

Once I turned of the proxy settings for both Opera and Explorer everything was again connecting fine.

Now I just need to get rid of the darned tun miniport :).

Hope that helps,


Welcome to the forum Quicksilver  :wave::welcome:

Nice info for others to see. I do remember this being true whenever calling my ISP after a reformat to get back on the net. (satelite, hughes.net)

Again thanks.

And you had better come back and post sometimes.  :grin2: You hear??

  • 4 months later...

I too had problem for Microsoft tun miniport adaptor but now it is solved  :cheesy:

Ok, hope the following will help those who might run into the same problem.

(1) Cause: Exact cause is unknown, maybe is caused by corrupted registry

files due to remove and re-install applications.

(2) Symptom: Yellow exclamation mark for Microsoft Tun Miniport Adaptor #2

in Device Manager.

(3) Short-term solution: Removing TCP/IP version 6 may also remove the

adapter, and thus the conflict.  But this is not a "solution" per se.

(4) Long-term solution as follows:

Thanks for the tips and discussion in here: http://www.testmy.net/topic-2373

by Bazza25  who mentioned related driver info: (tunmp.sys


netip6.pnf c:windowsinf

nettun.pnf c:windowsinf)

Note: My solution involves "delete" registry files so use it at your own


Step 1: Remove TCP/IP version 6 protocol and reboot.

Step 2: In Normal mode, move tunmp.sys from its current location and another


Step 3: Boot into Safe Mode (without Network)

Step 4: Run "Regedit" and search for every reference to Microsoft Tun

Miniport Adaptor and delete them (backup first)  Note: You may also find

some entries in ControlSet2, ControlSet3... and you may not delete some of

them, but it's ok.  The most important thing is to delete those entries in

the current controlset.

Step 5: Go to Device Manager and remove Microsoft Tun Miniport Adaptor

(Note: If you did not delete registry entries and did not move tunmp.sys to

another location, you can not remove this adapter as it will be preloaded).

Step 6: Boot to Normal Mode

Step 7: See if you have other conflicts and all other Network adapters have

been properly recognized.

Step 8: If so, Move tunmp.sys back to its original location.  Note: Just for

precautious, turn off your AV and Firewall and disconnect from the net.

Step 9: Now you can add TCP/IP version 6 protocol back without any error.

Additional notes:

I guess the issue is that, unlike other network adapters, Microsoft Tun

Miniport Adaptor can only have one entry and cannot have #2, #3, and so on,

or otherwise, it will mess up the driver version even using both are

pointing to the same file - tunmp.sys.  I also noticed that at one time,

Adapter #2 did not have conflict but it was the first Microsoft Tun Miniport

Adaptor that had the yellow exclaim mark.  So based on those, I decided to

take a more drastic approach to delete all registry entries and to "cheat"

Windows that there is none in the system.  So when I added back TCP/IP

version 6 (which will automatically created this adapter entry), it will not

have #2 but only one.

Hope this helps.

I've used this multiple times on friends computers after they lost connectivity due to spyware removal/infection...

WinSock XP Fix offers a last resort if your Internet connectivity has been corrupted due to invalid or removed registry entries. It can often cure the problem of lost connections after the removal of Adware components or improper uninstall of firewall applications or other tools that modify the XP network and Winsock settings. If you encounter connection problems after removing network related software, Adware or after registry clean-up; and all other ways fail, then give WinSock XP Fix a try. It can create a registry backup of your current settings, so it is fairly safe to use. We actually tested it on a test machine that was having a Winsock problem due to some Adware removal, and after running the utility and rebooting, the connectivity was restored.

I've used this multiple times on friends computers after they lost connectivity due to spyware removal/infection...

  This works ! You saved one of my machines a while back w/ this. Sometimes you may have a winsock issue and it doesn't cause problems for a while. I only know this because I remember seeing winsock problem on the descriptions on a NTD server.Yet I could connect, for some time until who knows occured. Good app Voltageman :)

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