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go into your profiles and change your theme to the new one titled "CA3LE" if you liked it.... a bunch of mods are talking shit to me after my hard work. :undecided:

Eh, what do mods know.

I did that and did not see any difference. Did I miss something? Look and layout preferences right? And at the top for current theme?

Edit, I played with it a bit and I like it. Thanks.

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go into your profiles and change your theme to the new one titled "CA3LE" if you liked it.... a bunch of mods are talking S#!t to me after my hard work. :undecided:

If your having problems with the mods send them to me CA3LE , I can give them some S#!t back if you'd like, :knuppel2: have lot of experience at that  :argue:

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So...Why don't the mods like the forum look now? i like the new features and stuff...it is sometimes too light with the theme i have but hell not your fault its mine.

Seriously though i like the new look with the new features and stuff.  and those little post raters just give a kick when you read something funny and get to put in a little cheesy smiley as a rating  :haha: :haha:

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