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Could Obama be the antichrist ?  

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  1. 1. Could Obama be the antichrist ?

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I also believe in god, but consider religion to be brands. Like Marlboro is to cigarettes. You can smoke a cigarette withou a name. An I myself do not put my faith in religion, only the father, son, and holy ghost. I have had a few religions. The closest for me was really the charismatic.  :angel:

...wanna hear my alien theory?
YES  :smiley:

Imagine how the US is going to be in the next 20 years. I feel bad that I brought a child into this mess. I will not go into religion, but this series is an interesting read, if you have not read the left behind series, please do.There are 12 books in the series, and they are very informative.


   Yahaim wrote:

   Obama is the Anti-Christ. This is the evidence:

   1.- He will come as a man of Peace (Obama promises peace in Iraq, defeat for the US)

   2.- He will come mounted on a white Female horse(Obama mother is white who had 6 African husbands)

   3.- He will come to deceive( Obama says he's a Christian but in fact he was born a Muslim, practices the Islamic religion, prays Friday

Barack Obama recently finished a $500,000 total overhaul of his 757. And as part of the new design, he decided to remove the American flag from the tail...

What American running for President of the United States would remove the symbol of his country? And worse, he replaced the flag with a symbol of himself...


What? OMG Coknuk. I wonder if his advisors made that decision, or if Obama himself decided to remove the flag. If not, Obama needs to get new advisors.

Here is some of his staff, I think I will do some reading on who will actually be running the country if Obama is elected. http://www.superobama.com/obama-staff.php



What will he do next???

How sad!!!!

Obama The Patriot - Removes American Flag From His Plane

The Patriot Room

Posted on Tuesday, July 22, 2008 8:11:07 AM by Bill Dupray

Barack Obama recently finished a $500,000 total overhaul of his 757. And as part of the new design, he decided to remove the American flag from the tail...

What American running for President of the United States would remove the symbol of his country? And worse, he replaced the flag with it with a symbol of himself...

Yeah this whole flag pin patriotism bull shit is really annoying.  I don't have an american flag anything in my house, I guess im not a patriot, and hate my own county because of that.....

All of that bs is just designed to be a distraction....

I'll say it a thousand times, if you want to attack him, attack his ridiculous beliefs and leftist record, not the fact that he doesn't wear american flag underwear.

    Yahaim wrote:

    Obama is the Anti-Christ. This is the evidence:

    1.- He will come as a man of Peace (Obama promises peace in Iraq, defeat for the US)

    2.- He will come mounted on a white Female horse(Obama mother is white who had 6 African husbands)

    3.- He will come to deceive( Obama says he's a Christian but in fact he was born a Muslim, practices the Islamic religion, prays Fridays facing Mecca)

    4.- He will make himself the most powerful man on earth, if elected

    5.- He will try to destroy the Jewish People and Israel( Obama has said he loves the Arabs specially the Palestinians, hates Israel and Jews. Admires Hitler, Osama etc)

    6.- He will present himself as good and righteous but in fact he's Satan himself. Violence is in his heart

    7.- Obama will help Al Qaida in its evil projects.

    8.- Barack Hussein Obama is the King of the South predicted in the Bible.(Daniel .11, Kenya is south of Jerusalem)

    9.- Obama comes to implant muslim Sharia Law upon America.

    Obama is the Anti-Christ, beware of him.

    Watch him and don't let you be deceived by Him.

    Supporters of Obama: 1.5 billion Muslims, Oprah, Louis Farrakanh, Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton and all American Muslims.



What kind of right wing nut came up with this BS?

Thanks for leaving out the other picture on that snopes page...

I don't see anyone questioning McCain's partriotism.  He doesn't even have all the colors on his plane...


boo hoo hoo...

Its the same BS from the right every election.  Last time it was the swift boat veterans.  Im not a democrat, I just wish republicans could come up with something other than immaterial bull shit like flag pins...

Ok, all the flag on the plane issue aside. :angel: My question is this. What military experience does Obama have? 0 he never served his country in the military.  And actually, what experience overall does he have. Surely you don't think that 2 years in the US Senate and 7 years in the Illinois senate makes a presidential candidate.I mean, don't get me wrong. He also taught constitutional law for 10 years and was a civil rights attorney. I just don't think he is ready for prime time. But that is just my opinion and I think I gotten way off topic, sorry Mudmanc4. 


By the way, just a quick addendum. I don't think there is any reason to question Senator Mccain's patriotism, he proved it by blood, sweat, and tears. And ghostmaster, please don't think that I am discondoning your posts in any way. I looked back at a couple of my posts and it seems that way. I am just stating an opinion. Thank God we are in America where you can state your opinion. Anyway, this is the last post and all I have to say on the subject.



McCain graduated from the United States Naval Academy in 1958 and became a naval aviator, flying ground-attack aircraft from aircraft carriers. During the Vietnam War, he nearly lost his life in the 1967 USS Forrestal fire. Later that year while on a bombing mission over North Vietnam, he was shot down, badly injured, and captured as a prisoner of war by the North Vietnamese. He was held from 1967 to 1973, experiencing episodes of torture and refusing an out-of-sequence early repatriation offer; his war wounds would leave him with lifelong physical limitations.

He retired from the Navy as a captain in 1981 and, moving to Arizona, entered politics. He was elected to the U.S. House of Representatives in 1982. After serving two terms, he was elected to the U.S. Senate in 1986, winning re-election easily in 1992, 1998, and 2004. While generally adhering to conservative principles, McCain has gained a media reputation as a "maverick" for disagreeing with his party on several key issues. After being investigated in a political influence scandal of the 1980s, as a member of the "Keating Five", he made campaign finance reform one of his signature concerns, which eventually led to the passage of the McCain-Feingold Act in 2002. He is also known for his work towards restoring diplomatic relations with Vietnam in the 1990s, and for his belief that the war in Iraq should be fought to a successful conclusion in the 2000s. McCain has chaired the powerful Senate Commerce Committee, and has been a leader in seeking to rein in both pork barrel spending as well as Senate filibusters of judicial nominations.

McCain lost the Republican nomination in the 2000 presidential election to George W. Bush. He ran again for the Republican presidential nomination in 2008, and gained enough delegates to become the party's presumptive nominee in March 2008.

Mudmanc4, I think you opened up a can of worms, lol.  :?

That was precisely my intention !  I know by now we can have a serious discussion w/o personal attacks, if not, I'll just delete the thing. So far , so good.

Iv'e read several of those lists of why obama is the antichrist, there everywhere, but the thing they make the biggest mistake on is I'm not positive, but satan is not the antichrist. There's more then one player in this thing.

Is anyone familiar with where babel is ? and what it is ? And what role ot will play in this ?

For the plane thing, what the hell, why the new symbol ? Thats not good ! Thats not the change people want, deciet  while being gathered ? wtf !  Look, it's not that Mcane doesn't have a flag, thats not the issue, the issue is , there WAS a flag on obamas plane, the flag we have all known for how many years now ? And it was removed for this red white and blue symbol, doesn't this throw a flag ? Geeze !

How the hell far is this change thing going to go, I suppose we'll find out soon, because IF he is what millions are saying he is, the antichrist , then he'll win no matter the vote . Or can it be stopped?

I won't question McCain's patriotism, as I think he is a great man.  Im just pointing out the fact that if you are going to judge Obama's patriotism by the lack of a flag on his plane, then you should judge McCain in the same way.  I also won't argue your point about his lack of experience, because you're right.  However, you can't always judge how a person will be as president based on military or gov't experience.  Remember Ronald Reagan?     

Lets get off the flag thing.  All he really did remove American Airlines Logos and put his own up there.

You should tell all those A.Holes that got GWB elected in 2000 about the real McCain.  Surely you remember what they did to him then?

As for babel, it is supposedly Baghdad.

I can't believe you guys are arguing over a fucking flag on his plane.

Who cares about that right now. How about you guys argue over something that really truly matters right now, like how he is going to rase taxes on so many things when we don't need taxes raised, especially right now. 

Here are some of obams tax hikes.


MCCAIN: 0% on home sales up to $500,000 per home (couples). McCain does not propose any change in existing home sales income tax.

OBAMA: 28% on profit from ALL home sales


MCCAIN: 15% (no change)

OBAMA: 39.6%

That one really pisses me off. As some who owns some stock, I would have to give over 1/3 of any profit I get from it when I sell it to the government. Thats just wrong.


MCCAIN (no changes)

Single making 30K - tax $4,500

Single making 50K - tax $12,500

Single making 75K - tax $18,750

Married making 60K - tax $9,000

Married making 75K - tax $18,750

Married making 125K - tax $31,250

OBAMA: (reversion to pre-Bush tax cuts)

Single making 30K - tax $8,400

Single making 50K - tax $14,000

Single making 75K - tax $23,250

Married making 60K - tax $16,800

Married making 75K - tax $21,000

Married making 125K - tax $38,750

So if I was making over 60K a year, I would have to pay 1/4 of my income to the government under obama, thats just fucking wrong.

Now argue on this guys, not some plane.

Well sorry we weren't arguing what you wanted us to, I'll try harder next time to read your mind  :2funny:

  We all are aware, or should be that the democratic party want to expand government to no end, and are currently doing one hell of a job at it now, get someone like obama in there, and you'll see a real financial issue in the US, not just a made up one to make the current president look bad.

Well sorry we weren't arguing what you wanted us to, I'll try harder next time to read your mind  :2funny:

  We all are aware, or should be that the democratic party want to expand government to no end, and are currently doing one hell of a job at it now, get someone like obama in there, and you'll see a real financial issue in the US, not just a made up one to make the current president look bad.


Sorry ghostmaster, didn't know that. Its a shame for them both in my opinion.

And yes we already have a democratic senate and house. There would be no stopping him. And it would be dicfficult to impeach him also. Cover up will be so damned easy. 

As to Obama's civil rights work, you might as well say the black movement rights. Which to me does not make presidential candidate experience.

To be honest, you can't really say we have a democratic congress.  There isn't a 2/3 majority in either house, and the Senate is 50/50 I think.  If the parties could work together to get stuff done, I wouldn't care which party had the most reps.

For me, it comes down to this.  I like a lot of Obamas "apparent" ideas on US/World relations (i.e. talking to Cuba), and I think he could mend a lot fences with our allies, but I detest of a lot of his economic, and domestic policies.  And I don't want anymore federal expansion.  Its too big now as it is.  He is a really mixed bag.  All in all, I don't think I could vote for him.

McCain is the same way.  I don't like most of his foreign policies, but I like a some of his domestic ideas, and his environmental ideas.  I also don't like anything about the Patriot act, or our current business in Iraq.  I think our government has lost touch with its people, and has set its own agenda.  I think McCain is focused too much on Iraq.

There is NO candidate for someone like me, and yes that includes Bob Barr.....

This is in response to some of ghostmaster's posts but for everyone to comment on.

I'm going to post some personal beleifs so take or leave them as you like.

First let's start with this although Abraham's sons Isaac and Ishmael had different mothers I see no proof that Ishmael went & started a different religion.I think he did start the Arabic tribes that are now in the Middle East.And Muslim Arabs trace their ancestory back to Ishmael.

The covenent(the old testament) between God also known by the tetragramaton YHWH & pronounced in English as Jehovah or Yaweh .The covenent  Abraham was made 13 years after  Ishmael's birth.So this was passed down through Isaac also known as Israel.This genetic line became known as the Jews.This is the God Christians worship.

I don't beleive Allah is this God but that Allah came from the Egyptian gods.So Christians & Jews worship the same God .

Muslims worship a different god.To me that makes their god a false god that doesn't exist.

Also  Ishmael could not have started the Muslim religion since it did not exist befor approx. 670 A.D.

The Christian religion was started by Jesus the son of God this is the new covenent or testament between God & mankind.Both the old  & new testaments are blood covenents.

Now there are several denominations of Christians & their interpretations of the Holy Bible differ.But as far as I know all hold the beleif that Jesus is the son of God .This is what binds all Christian's together.That would include the Catholics to me just another denomination.

I know the Catholic church was responsible for executing many Protestants as heritics when they had that power.One of the many wrongs done in the name of religion but I don't know how they would justify this form the Bible.

I don't think that jewish people believe that Jesus is the son  on God. There not even supposed to talk about it. Post up Jewish people please.

mudmanc4 ;People whose religion is Judaism do not believe Jesus is the son of God.That is why the members of the religion of Judaism in the time Jesus was on the Earth persecuted him & eventually had Jesus crucified.They did it through the Roman legal system but it was certainly at their request.

You can be a member of Judaism even if you can't trace you ancestry to Abraham.

A person whose gene pool can be traced all the way to Abraham can be a Christian .Many would call that person Jewish .Which would be racially correct but this person's religion would not be Judaism.It would be Christian so that "Jew" would believe Jesus is the son of God.There are thousands of Jewish people that are Christains.

I hope that explains it.

btw mudmanc4 the there you used should have been they're .

To be honest, you can't really say we have a democratic congress.  There isn't a 2/3 majority in either house, and the Senate is 50/50 I think.  If the parties could work together to get stuff done, I wouldn't care which party had the most reps.

You can say that, because harry reid, and nancy pelosi controlling everything. She is the speaker of the house, and he is the Senate Majority Leader. They decided if the house and senate even will vote on something.

Dems. have a large majority in the house so they can pass something even if every republican votes no for it. the Senate is 49/49 with 2 independents.

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