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I believe you broke federal law ,  Being only 16 will help depending on your prior criminal record and the amount of money stolen will weigh in on your sentence.  There are alot of bootcamp programs around the country if your lucky you will get into one of these....if you get caught.    But  I would wait and when they come knocking, invoke your right to remain silent (when you talk you lose all your bargining power)  get a lawyer(or public defender if your parents are poor) .  They will probably make you pay restitution , probation, and hours and hours of community service.........good luck

Crimes done over the internet are federal. What will matter is how much you charged, and how you obtained the numbers.. Might be able to rat s/one out and get off easy.

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wow...........first off............get a life.....get a job....they worked for their money..so should you.

anyways, i hope you get caught, people like you make me wanna puke. Its just horrible.  I Hope you meet Bubba and he owns you. Thats waht you get. F***.

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:( I know this pisses ppl off....but I think its important not to lose sight of that we all have made mistakes in the past and will make more in the future...... First I dont think anyone can say they have never stolen anything (be careful taking a pencil from work is stealing) I believe when ppl steal its about appetite and opportunity, of course this is wrong all stealing is wrong but, I think the important thing is for him or anyone to learn that we are all accountable for our actions. Believe me this is not the end of the world, I think its important for you to have a serious talk with yourself and then pull your head out of your A55 and move on, that means making restitution and admitting your guilt and dont do anything stupid like this again.. If you feel bad well then good because you should...... I was told many times as a kid if it hurts when you do that then dont do that. I think this applies here.As has been said if you dont rethink your actions there is no doubt in my mind that at some point you and Bubba will become very "close" friends, and even if that doesnt happen confinement is not alot of fun,ppl never know how valuable freedom is until its taken away. I'm sure when you make your decision it will be the right one, and if not someone will make it for you. Life is a series of events that we must deal with and no matter if you are ready for this or not, you will have to deal with this......good luck and remember it always gets better....only no one can say when......


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Holy shit Joey. I've done some shit in my time but damn....

My wife works for the U.S. Attorney's office, criminal department. Maybe you'll meet her someday.

Good luck bro Wink

lol.. that is awesome!! maybe she will get to meet him..  you never know

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:( I know this pisses ppl off....but I think its important not to lose sight of that we all have made mistakes in the past and will make more in the future...... First I dont think anyone can say they have never stolen anything (be careful taking a pencil from work is stealing) I believe when ppl steal its about appetite and opportunity, of course this is wrong all stealing is wrong but, I think the important thing is for him or anyone to learn that we are all accountable for our actions. Believe me this is not the end of the world, I think its important for you to have a serious talk with yourself and then pull your head out of your A55 and move on, that means making restitution and admitting your guilt and dont do anything stupid like this again.. If you feel bad well then good because you should...... I was told many times as a kid if it hurts when you do that then dont do that. I think this applies here.As has been said if you dont rethink your actions there is no doubt in my mind that at some point you and Bubba will become very "close" friends, and even if that doesnt happen confinement is not alot of fun,ppl never know how valuable freedom is until its taken away. I'm sure when you make your decision it will be the right one, and if not someone will make it for you. Life is a series of events that we must deal with and no matter if you are ready for this or not, you will have to deal with this......good luck and remember it always gets better....only no one can say when......


ahh bllshit mcwave........i made mistakes to but i never stole a credit card and actually USED IT!!! I mean....Im not hating on you Joey.....but jeez....is there anything up there? Is it THAT bad to where you have to steal someone's CC to get something YOU SHOULD WORK FOR?!?!

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holy shit!! it came in man, some fucking ram memeory came here through ups. 4 more things are coming. i dont think they ll get me because she wont care probably. ill read microwaves posts rifht now

:haha: Nevermind forget what I said in the other post.....What I now think is you should STEAL more credit card numbers and use them as much as you can. also share them with all yout friends, buy anything you ever wanted. Dont worry you'll get away with it..... I'm sorry but iif any of what you say is true I mean what I'm now saying because if your really that stupid we need you off the streets........ so the more you do the quicker you will get caught.......so if this is your idea of joking then go find a job or do your homework but dont post anymore of your Bullshit .

8) Microwave

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First I dont think anyone can say they have never stolen anything

i have a confession....i stole a pack of basketball cards from walmart onces cause it said it was going to have a michael jordan one in it (and it did)

2nd....stealing may seem like ur gettin wat u want, basically getting 'free' stuff....but once they catch you, you'll end up paying more then you ever spent in ur entire life :-P

EDIT:  no...i didnt get caught.  actually...i have another confession...i stole some pokemon cards once too (now i think its the gayest thing ever though...)

ahhhhh leave me alone i was only like 11!!!!!!!!

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Bull fucking shit man. i got pictures. believe what you fucking want. your just trying to get me in trouble

What do you got pictures of? Your dumb ass entering a stolen credit card on line buying some more "random acess memory memory" as you called it. You ass.

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