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nice case, i got a old one


sounds like a aeroplane  :(

when i upgrade i think ill go for a silent case, like Antec Sonata silent piano

VanBuren :)

My next one is going to be silent too...  I used to have that same case Van, but mine was the white one :) ~~ huge case!  :)

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yea its huge  :lol:

I wanted good cooling and i got it, but 2 fans is enough for my ears and tiny CPU  :haha:

i think there is space for 5, but if i had that my wife would have throw out the computer  :lol:

this is a great case, not very Pimp but silent

Antec Sonata Piano Black Quiet Case - 380W TruePower Silent PSU (CA-003-AT)


and add acusticpack to that


VanBuren :)

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Those are the ugliest cases ever! I mean come on sony... get rid of the crappy plastic! 

Van Burren  An antec fan.. that is a good thing.. yea that case does sound like a 737 taking off..  http://www.antec.com/us/productDetails.php?ProdID=93700

Love it.. it houses my 2000xp+

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HP m1170n Media Center PC..damn nice pc. Need to upgrade the RAM though ;)


hmm...let's see...I didn't get those really cool looking speakers, or that really cool flat panel monitor that fucking HP puts in the picture to make you think you are getting more than you actually are, but then doesn't include when you purchase it....oh, so what. :angry5:

oh, and quiet? talk about quiet with this baby...I can't even tell if it's on without looking at the lighted logo on it's front!  :)

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