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Is anyone playing with Windows 7?  :smitten:

I HIGHLY reccommend trying it out.  It's a RC but I've been playing with it for about a week and have had NO problems.  It runs like a dream.  It's like what Vista should have been  ;-)

Although I have a powerful system (A Phenom II X3 with 8GB RAM and a Radeon HD4870 with 1GB GDDR5) it seems like Windows 7 prioritizes it's tasks more efficiently.

One thing that I can reccommend doing to speed things up a little more is to set the Affinity on your anti-virus and some other processes to specific cores to leave processing power available to applications that you're using (this of course only works with multi-core systems)

But god damn, CHEERS to MS... this is the most stable RC that I've ever tried.  It looks stunning as well.  And I'm really diggin' some of the new ideas they've implemented.  Very cool.  Give me your thoughts..

If you'd like to try out the Release Candidate for Windows 7 Microsoft will be open for anyone who wants to give it a whirl through this month I believe... go to >> http://www.microsoft.com/windows/windows-7/download.aspx

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It's good.

Don't crash, unless I want it too.

And now Comodo free firewall works with it, to keep the little varmits in Windows from calling home.

And Avast free anti-virus has always worked with it.

I still prefer the XP interface to the Vista/Windows 7 interface. But I also prefer the XP interface over Windows 98's interface.

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I'm running it in a VM on the Mac, and like I said in an earlier post, abut the same as yourself. 7 shocked me, even in the virtual environment , it's smooth as silk, and fast as hell. It appears as if they took MS server and turned it into a standard user friendly OS.

I have the ISO from MS burned, and just partitioned an area specifically for it, so this week I'll install it as a boot device.

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i prefer windows 7 but everytime i have it installed after about 2 or 3 days my resolution drops and even if i try to update drivers, roll back drivers, or any fixes i've read or thought about the resolution wont improve and then after it drops to about 800x600 then it freezes on bootup. so until i can find a fix im with xp and linux

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I just hope its not a big hype as Vista was back in its beta days.

when everyone tried it and then were disappointed after they got the retail version.

I've tried Windows 7 and didn't see much difference other than the new stuff they added.

I defend Vista cause it has never given me any problems with anything other than the

compatibility issues with older software and other computer add-ons.

I always loved XP Pro, but my experience Vista has been better than XP Pro

I will get Windows 7 one year after its release.

I want to read from the masses when they either bash on it like they did with Vista or praise it

as they do with XP.

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I just hope its not a big hype as Vista was back in its beta days.

when everyone tried it and then were disappointed after they got the retail version.

I've tried Windows 7 and didn't see much difference other than the new stuff they added.

I defend Vista cause it has never given me any problems with anything other than the

compatibility issues with older software and other computer add-ons.

I always loved XP Pro, but my experience Vista has been better than XP Pro

I will get Windows 7 one year after its release.

I want to read from the masses when they either bash on it like they did with Vista or praise it

as they do with XP.

What were your previous and present specs? Maybe Vista is faster because of what you upgraded from.  [nerdly]
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Windows 7 is going to be their smoothest and most stable release to date IMO. I ran the Vista beta and it was pretty much unusable. Windows 7 on the other hand was already better than Vista and probably could have been released at Beta 1 and there wouldn't have been any complaints. It was a whole world of difference from the Vista beta. Granted Vista is an excellent OS now Windows 7 is going to be even better.

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This sounds pretty good but I want to wait for the full version t come out.  When is the full version due to release ?

It say's here at MS the release date is Oct. 22 09' , but let them find a nasty bug and I'm thinking they'll delay it until they get it right this time.
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What were your previous and present specs? Maybe Vista is faster because of what you upgraded from. [nerdly]

The specs are sub-par, I wont even post them 'lol

Actually you are right! The machine which I upgraded from is 2003 technology compared to 2009

I kept my computer well maintained and un tweaked. drives up to date and all the good stuff.

I didn't have lots of problems with it as it was very reliable, but XP has never been as reliable as Vista has been for me. That's why I said that my experience with Vista has been great!

If Windows 7 turns out to be the best OS from all previous versions, them I'm in, I can only imagine that if Vista does wonders for me, Windows 7 should amaze me....

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Yea I used the beta for some time. Stable, Fast, Almost all the programs I used worked with it. I think the internet really gave vista a bad rap. Now I never used vista, I was happy with Xp. Reading so many good things about windows 7 and Used the beta for a few months, So far seeing nothing but good things about it.

I think vista users had so many problems, Microsoft should give them a free upgrade to windows 7. IMHO think the die hard Xp users will make the switch to windows 7. I am sure in time I will. Even the Linux geeks are giving Windows 7 some positive comments. Time will tell.

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The only problems I have had unlike XP is sluggish performance really. Other than that ok I guess. But I'm jumping to see if other experiences are true for me too.  :smiley:

And hell yes, Vista users should at least get a huge reduced price for the new OS. Just to be fair. If you give a guy a jar of tainted peanut butter, he might feel better if you give him a new untainted jar. Just my thoughts. But MS as always is greedy.

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Yea I used the beta for some time. Stable, Fast, Almost all the programs I used worked with it. I think the internet really gave vista a bad rap. Now I never used vista, I was happy with Xp. Reading so many good things about windows 7 and Used the beta for a few months, So far seeing nothing but good things about it.

I think vista users had so many problems, Microsoft should give them a free upgrade to windows 7. IMHO think the die hard Xp users will make the switch to windows 7. I am sure in time I will. Even the Linux geeks are giving Windows 7 some positive comments. Time will tell.

Personally I think that the internet WAAAAY over exaggerated Vistas problems. The problem with Vista is the hardware was not caught up with the software yet when it came out. I would NEVER consider going back to XP after using Vista. I can't even remember the last time my computer crashed with Vista.

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Personally I think that the internet WAAAAY over exaggerated Vistas problems. The problem with Vista is the hardware was not caught up with the software yet when it came out. I would NEVER consider going back to XP after using Vista. I can't even remember the last time my computer crashed with Vista.

It goes much deeper then a simple hardware incompatibility, this has been gone over extensively .

If that were the case, would MS have dumped billions more into another OS just a couple years later for a major release ?

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It goes much deeper then a simple hardware incompatibility, this has been gone over extensively .

If that were the case, would MS have dumped billions more into another OS just a couple years later for a major release ?

To each his own I guess. It has been rock solid for me. It might have been a little rough before SP1, but since then it has been smooth sailing for me.

Either way though it is irrelevant now because Windows 7 is going to be great.

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