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:roll:I Need help. I have d/l  Utorrent as well as VLC video player 8676. I am attempting to d/l current movies. However when I try I get error codes when I tell utorrent to start the dl. These are the errors:

DHT  ...                       not allowed

Local Peer discovery... not allowed

Peer exchange.........   not allowed

site where d/l exists....Failure

I have been reading info from the net and I am so confused now, that I don't know where my front door is .


Edit: removed email address for the safety of your account.

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Heres a Google answer from Utorrent .

Private torrents don't allow DHT, Local peer discovery, or Peer Exchange as far as I know.

And I suppose you would have to subscribe to the private Torrents to be able to download from them.

And you are supposed to say, You are trying to "download public domain movies".  :angel4:  :wink2:

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Looks like you guy's are handling this well enough on your own though, I just have to do the disclaimer thing  :roll:, this site does not condone, or help out any illegal activity when it comes to , well, any illegal activity,  :haha: or even discuss it. If there is a relevant question about a torrent issue, thats one thing.

Please read through the forum rules

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It is a good time to ask one question. Is it illegal in all countries? Just curious.  :smiley:

If you can set utorrent to not upload anything, it is legal in at least one country (Holland). China probably won't care either way, but in most Western countries you'd be breaking the law. Of course, only in America can you then be convicted for 150.000 dollar per file.

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It is a good time to ask one question. Is it illegal in all countries? Just curious.  :smiley:

soooo tommie you planning on moving so you can be able steal legally??

i hear in some countries they chop your hand off for stealing...only a matter of time they do that for this kind of stealing since you have to use a keyboard to steal what others have worked hard for...

so where you moving to?? we'll find out if you be beheaded or caned for your crime...

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soooo tommie you planning on moving so you can be able steal legally??

i hear in some countries they chop your hand off for stealing...only a matter of time they do that for this kind of stealing since you have to use a keyboard to steal what others have worked hard for...

so where you moving to?? we'll find out if you be beheaded or caned for your crime...

Now who's funny.  :2funny: :2funny: You just hear so much, I was just curious. And thanks RTB. I did hear somewhere the U/L was the bad part.
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:haha: :haha:

well this is a funny topic...why not just go to the movies or go rent the dvd??

but yeh i would think that the guy distributing would be punished harsher...just like the guy selling the drugs is gonna do more time than the guy buying...and i hear that's legal in some countries too...to buy but not to sell hahaha but hell if there's a buyer then there's a seller and if there is a dl'er then there's gonna be an ul'er :)

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I can't remember any countries in which drugs of any kind are explicitly legal. Holland has condoned small amounts for a while now, and Mexico has started to the same recently.

Also, due to control freaks the movies may not be available in his country, or sold at such a rediculous price that you might as well throw money away.

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I can't remember any countries in which drugs of any kind are explicitly legal. Holland has condoned small amounts for a while now, and Mexico has started to the same recently.

Also, due to control freaks the movies may not be available in his country, or sold at such a rediculous price that you might as well throw money away.

he's in the US...high price isn't a reason to take what isn't yours to take...that's all i was saying...

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Heck its usually cheaper to buy or rent than to go to the movies anyway. And forget the munchies. Ain't no way I'm gonna give $5 for a nickels worth of popcorn kernels.  :2funny: :2funny: Same for the over priced soda. And I can pause it when I please and go tinkle in the boys room.  :wink:

Also it would help if they brought back the drive in, and some decent G movies for kids.

I wonder how many people would admit to hiding in a trunk of a car (or at least involved in ) to get in the drive in for free.  :2funny: :2funny:

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So according to the story. If you don't upload and then get your 'Share' files from an actual copyright holder, who is putting the files out in the file sharing community........ It's a legit free copy???? In the story, someone got his IP for just downloading the copy, so it must be the file owner or his agent distributing the copies.

Oh and pay the ransom note or go to court.


Are Copyright Holders Seeding Own Files To Find, Sue Downloaders?

from the a-bit-of-a-twist dept

Last year, we talked about some language in a contract being used by a company that was supposedly trying to help copyright holders track down content being shared online, for the purpose of sending out threatening "pre-settlement" letters. The contract appeared to indicate that the copyright holders were giving the tracking company permission to put their works on file sharing programs, for the sake of "catching" people downloading the content:

   To achieve the purpose outlined in clause 1, LICENSOR grants DIGIPROTECT the exclusive right to make the movies listed in Appendix 1 worldwide available to the public via remote computer networks, so-called peer-2-peer and internet file sharing networks such as e-Donkey, Kazaa, Bitorrent, etc. for the duration of this agreement

This seemed highly questionable. Considering that this was in association with a law firm that had been known to send out a large number of these pre-settlement demand letters, but never filed a lawsuit, one could make an argument that the companies had worked out quite a system: purposely put your own content online, watch who downloads it, then send threatening letter demanding payment. Of course, there were denials all around, and people insisted that this sort of language was really only necessary so the tracking company could download the content themselves.

And yet... Michael Scott points us to a lawsuit in Germany that indicates someone may be using this very trick. It's unclear from the writeup if this is the same company (probably not), but a guy who's been accused not just of copyright infringement, but a criminal charge of distributing pornography, is claiming this is what happened to him. His explanation is rather compelling. He claims that he was using a modded version of file sharing software that did not allow upload capability. In doing so, it means that he never distributed anything (which might make the "distribution" charge pretty hard to prove). But, of course, if he never shared anything, then how would his IP address get flagged? The only real option is that whoever he downloaded it from provided the IP address back to the copyright holder -- or was the copyright holder itself.

Of course... if that's the case, one could make a pretty strong argument that the content itself was also authorized, since it was put up on the file sharing network by the copyright holder. And, on top of all this, the guy claims that the files he downloaded had misleading titles, and he didn't intend to download pornography. Whether or not you believe any of that (or his intentions), it certainly suggests that at least some content owners may be putting their own content up in order to catch downloaders and hit them with lawsuits or settlement letters. It's difficult to see how that's legal.  


And an interesting comment section discussion.  A sort of Civil entrapment. As opposed to the cops doing entrapment.  Kind of like the Cop dressed up as a Hooker, looking for tricks. Does the man have to ask for prices, or does the Cops actions constitute being a Hooker with a badge, to arrest all the johns he/she picks up. Get out of jail free, not valid in Texas.

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If it sucks, why bother watching?

You wouldn't know until you started watching it. It would be like one of those movies you thought it would be enjoyable to watch but turns out to be a really crappy movie in total. At that points i just walk out and go into another movie playing next door or across the hall. If nothing good is playing i ask for a refund but they don't give it cause the movie already started.

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You wouldn't know until you started watching it. It would be like one of those movies you thought it would be enjoyable to watch but turns out to be a really crappy movie in total. At that points i just walk out and go into another movie playing next door or across the hall. If nothing good is playing i ask for a refund but they don't give it cause the movie already started.

Thats true, and no way to make it more honest I suppose. But you have valid points. And a lot of money gets spent. Been in a few myself.
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Some of the better movies now a days come from the Independents.  It's not about a massive budget and how much crap you blow up. It's more the story that is important, with the occasional things blowing up.  Make a movie for 30 million and actually get a profit at the end of the movies run.  

I also just watched Idiocracy , And they had this fabulous movie in it called the Bum Movie(or was it the azz movie?). 90 minutes of a rear end doing stuff.

I haven't actually lived near a movie theater in years, but if something gets a good review or is worth watching, I'll rent it. And theres none of the loud mouth jack 'n apes in the theater to Frack up the movie watching experience.  And if I want to fart, I can, without horrified sounds from around me.  :evil6:  

We are the Digital Generation and old farts in suits are not keeping up with the times(meaning they keep doing the same thing over and over again, without being able to move forward to new business models).

And hopefully DRM will go away soon(forever). Imagine buying your music, to only have the servers shut down in a few years. And then the recording industry has the balls to tell you that buying the music is not a lifetime deal. It's no wonder people file share.  And file sharing increases when only one or two songs on a album are worth listening too.

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We should go back to 8-track Tapes ! No FF or track skip just listening to the whole tape. Now that would mean that the whole album would(should) be good! And be worth buying, not jsut 1 or 3 songs and the rest just filler crap. If you cant make a whole good album with all good songs why should i buy it !

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