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For the last few months now it is VERY HARD for me to post anything on this site!!

It says "The last posting from your IP was less then 60 seconds ago,etc"


I dunno why no one cares to fix things wrong with thier sites (Its not just here but the net in general)

I may have to try to submit this 10 or more times before it accepts it.....

This started happening a few months ago..... PLEASE FIX THIS!!

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If you log in and wait just over 1 minute(60 seconds) before posting , any change?

This was noted a couple of weeks ago. As there is a delay after logging in before you can post. So helps deter bots. Keep trying to post and the timer resets.

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I have to wonder if this somehow as well as a setting within the forum settings ,browser cache related. I say this because Iv'e only gotten that error one time, and that was when I had changed the settings in a program that acts as a port / data packet / cookie type firewall ( Netbarrier X5) , or when I switch to windows and use IE 8.

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Its quite annoying thats for sure!!

No reason for it really,just continue to filter out the BOTS w/o doing this un-needed stuff that causes more issues than its worth :)

yes the reason for the timing is because a few weeks ago we had a spammer that posted like 17 advertising posts in less than 10 minutes...so we changed the setting...i'll check to make sure that nothing else is changed...but the 60 second wait time will remain...per CA3le...

dude111...so yes there is a reason for it...and the change was made a few weeks ago...not months...

tommie...why would anyone need to send 2 or more PM's within a minutes time?? :haha::azn: whatcha doin??

just slow down and enjoy...life moves to fast as it is...stop and smell the roses...

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If ya really want to tick off the masses......  :twisted:

First time post's have to be 'Approved' by the moderator first, up to 4 posts. But with so many 1 or 2 post members, it is a pain in the off times.  :occasion14:

Some places delay the ability to do a first post, until the new member's membership is moderator approved. And that is above the valid email confirmation. It's nice to have a notice display as well, to tell the new member of the delay.

It slows down the organic bots a wee bit.

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On my end at least, I posted in a pm to my son, then walked away to the kitchen poured myself some icewater, and i don't live in a one room apt. so this was well over 60 seconds ,  and that is just one example.

So I left, and went to email, at least I could say something to him when i wanted to.

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tommie...why would anyone need to send 2 or more PM's within a minutes time?? :haha::azn: whatcha doin??

just slow down and enjoy...life moves to fast as it is...stop and smell the roses...

Hard to do with all those PM's.  :lol: And then off to YIM and emails and .... well you know. >>>>>>>.............

It's probably me. I'm sure there's not that many people that have this problem.

Poll?  :wink:
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You guys can set these settings BY GROUP :)

On 1 VBB site im on for example,NEW USERS MUST WAIT 90 SECONDS BETWEEN POSTINGS ... All other groups is set to 10 seconds between posts..

You could probably do that here also so the posting restriction only affects the NEW MEMBER group (Under 5 posts??)

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You guys can set these settings BY GROUP :)

On 1 VBB site im on for example,NEW USERS MUST WAIT 90 SECONDS BETWEEN POSTINGS ... All other groups is set to 10 seconds between posts..

You could probably do that here also so the posting restriction only affects the NEW MEMBER group (Under 5 posts??)

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