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heads up everyone...Tstillery is heading back to Iraq in a couple of weeks...

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lets all show our appreciation...for him and all our troops...they do so much for us...give so willingly and unselfishly...

i'm not sure if we have any other active servicemen in here right now...i know we have in the past...we have a huge following from the mid east...and i'm sure alot of those are our servicemen...please step forward and say hi guys...

tstillery...we here at testmy.net wish you a safe voyage and safe service...and can't say thank you enough for all you do...for all you give...Thank You


this bears repeating...

"Only two defining forces have ever offered to die for you : 1. Jesus Christ 2. The American G.I. ...One died for your soul, the other for your freedom."

edit: spelling cuz i guess i forgot how to spell "all"...hahaha

Well TST,  I hate that you have to go back, so I will just say again.


                YOUR HEAD AS LOW AS YOUR A$$.  May GOD

                Bless and keep you safe.  Keep a smile on your face

                and everyone will be wondering what is up your sleeve.

Hey Thanks for all the kind words !! :smitten:  theysay its just for 12 months this time so it should go  by fast :2funny:  ill try and keep in touch i can post the address if anyone wants to send any goodies [geek] ... i think i need to get out of combat arms I'm getting to old for this stuff lol

everyone be safe ..you all are goods friends



out tstillery

got it...Thx :)

now what's the date of ur ...uh...what's it called??...when do you leave??...and how long does it take for mail to get there??...are there computers in ur company that u have access to??

Yes they will have computers ..mail about 2-3 weeks the 8th is when i deploy so i guess thats my BD present from the Army a few trip to IRQA  ,.....ROTFLMAO

Hmm  only 243 post i never move up in the ranks at this rate  lol


out tstillery

DEPLOY!!! yes that's the word...good thing u know that word er u might miss the boat...i did

now talking about girls scouts....they're okay...i was a girl scout for 2 weeks...i was told there'd be boys in the troop...duh me...they lied...there were no boys...and guess what i went to camp thru the ymca youth group...i thought there'd be boys at a yMca camp...hell no!!! i got ripped off again...so i went to the mall...hehehe...found me some boyz...thank goodness i thought i was destined to be a nun

well today i set with all my bags packed getting ready for bag drop ..hell of away to spend my BD lmao ..you all are good friends i try and keep in touch and post some pics ...everyone take care


out tstillery

                                      Happy Birthday

                                              Hope you have many more to come!

                                                      Take care and be safe

well i just found out today really is his birthday... :smitten:

[move]Happy Birthday tstillery[/move]

cheers2.gif     cake.gif         champagne.gif


                                            :occasion14:occasion13.gif/happy_bday.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':bday:' />:' />  :D

I hope that your day was all that you hoped for and a wish from me to you for many more to come


wow man happy bday.  :grin2:

im glad for teh service that you do for us, and i hope you come back good as or better than you leave. be safe and like was mentioned before, dont volunteer for anything unnecessary  :smiley:

well guys...he's leaving today so say ur bon voyages...

in just a few hours...he will be on his way...

i'm sure he has to stop somewhere first...but this is "D" day D for deployment :)

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