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ph34r |)@ !337$p34k \o/

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:haha: Microsoft is trying to explain the Hip Hop generation to a bunch of old farts (hmmm kinda like ppl my age...L0L ) and they dont have much of a clue...IMO by the time the lingo is  deciphered ppl have moved on to something else.... but is sure is funny watching  :roll:...

This rain is the worst I have ever seen in Arizona except maybe for the big flood in 1982 that washed out major bridges and jacked up all kinds of houses....etc....I think the only reason it hasn't done that this time is the rain has been spread out over a much longer time period..... but this is really strange..... I'm starting to think maybe that guy on the street corner with the sign saying the end of the world is near may be right....... L0L, I just hope it happens b4 tax time is all....  :-P  I thought we only had two seasons HOT and HOTTER  :haha:

8) Microwave

Yeah, it's almost like "Day After Tomorrow" huh...  People used to type like that back in the day... but not whole sentances and shit, lol.  But by the time microsoft know what was going on the only people that still typed like that were lamers.  Me and my friends used to know a dude that typed everything like that on IRC... whole conversations, and fast.  Fuckin' dork, lol.

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does anyone actually type like that?  other than like maybe 1 word every now and then, i doubt ANYONE actually types like that regularly, so microsoft just wasted that little bit of website space making that page :-P

I wonder how big microsofts databases are... how many gigs of information do you think they have?  And how bad ass are their servers?

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does anyone actually type like that? other than like maybe 1 word every now and then, i doubt ANYONE actually types like that regularly, so microsoft just wasted that little bit of website space making that page :-P

I don't know of anyone who regularly posts like that. It seems hard to remember "net speak" and English. I have noticed that AOhell users like to post LiKe ThIs WhIcH Is  VeRy AnOyInG. Then there is of course people at other boards, fox.com for example, who put everything in one long sentence and don't use punctuation.
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Also, I think the world is ending or something. I am in Arizona.. where it never rains and it's been raining almost constantly for all of 2005. I have lived here my whole life and never seen wheather like this. We are going to have an insane fire season this year (yes, we really do have a fire season. Some places have fall, winter, spring and summer...... we have fall, winter, spring and FIRE * lol) there is friggen fields that were desert that are now weeds that are taller than houses. blah blah blah

Lucky bastard :( we havnt had a good rain here ( aside from the 4 hurricanes last year) in about that long. I cant remember the last time we had a "storm"  hell. 1 month in florida a year its supposed to be "cold" For the past 2 or 3 years the coldest weve seen is 50ish. WIth wind chill mabey 40ish. I remember when i moved here 6 -8 years ago, it used to get COLD. I mean frozen strawberry cold. This year im lucky to see frost on my winsheild :(  Its so weird....

ANd whats all this talk 'bout reportin to isp's. lol You wouldnt be the first ca3le ;)

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