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Hi Guys and Gals, I'm a Newbie here and would like to ask a simple Question about the Wild Blue Customers on this forum. Here goes, I have been with Wild Blue for several years and like most of you it is about the only game in town short of dial up. And like all of you when I first joined got speeds that were as advertised till after the back out period was over. I have the Pro Pack, What I would like to know is there anyone out there that is getting over half the advertised speeds which for the Pro Pack are 1500kbps/1.5mbps/ 150kbs. I have ran speed tests for the last 5 or 6 months and about the best average I can come up with is between 500 and 800kbps. I live in OK and have talked to a lot in the same boat, How about some of you guys kicking in and let me know how your speeds are overall, I have went through all the calling tech support and getting equipment checked ect. There was never anything wrong with the equipment so they started changing parts trying to lay it on anything but there slow speeds. I am no whiz when it comes to Sat. Internet. If anyone has any fixes that work I would like to know about them. Thanks for your time guys.

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Well no offence to anyone on this side of the fence but you could switch to Hughesnet now. It isn't like these speeds will last forever but I just upgraded to the new KA band system with the elite plan which is supposed to be 2Mb down and 300Kb up and I am staying around 2.3 to 2.6 Mb down and 250 to 300 Kb up with avg pings running from 550 to 700. Hughes is just another satt. system with bad tech support but I have been with both companies and I have to say that if you press them hard enough when you have trouble they usually try to resolve the problem and their over all policies with the new fap system and free download period show they are trying to make their systems customer friendly. Just something to look into if you don't have any other option. I would do some serious research into cell service if I were you though if you havn't already because I live in Oklahoma as well and I thought that just my little corner here by Grand Lake was the only spot in this state that wasn't covered by Sprint and Verizon 3g and I am still not sure Verizon doesn't cover me but not going to pay a $500 deposit to find out for sure.

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Well no offence to anyone on this side of the fence but you could switch to Hughesnet now. It isn't like these speeds will last forever but I just upgraded to the new KA band system with the elite plan which is supposed to be 2Mb down and 300Kb up and I am staying around 2.3 to 2.6 Mb down and 250 to 300 Kb up with avg pings running from 550 to 700. Hughes is just another satt. system with bad tech support but I have been with both companies and I have to say that if you press them hard enough when you have trouble they usually try to resolve the problem and their over all policies with the new fap system and free download period show they are trying to make their systems customer friendly. Just something to look into if you don't have any other option. I would do some serious research into cell service if I were you though if you havn't already because I live in Oklahoma as well and I thought that just my little corner here by Grand Lake was the only spot in this state that wasn't covered by Sprint and Verizon 3g and I am still not sure Verizon doesn't cover me but not going to pay a $500 deposit to find out for sure.

I've been with Wild Blue about 5 years, at first the speeds were as advertised, but after about 30 days the speeds started to slide down hill, they got so bad the I couldn't even open my browser, I called and raised hell and the speeds went back up for a few days and right back down, that's been the scenario for the past few years, I thought about Hughes but after reading some of the war stories from their users it is doing the same thing Wild Blue is, I hear about the fine print in the contract saying they do not guarantee theirs speeds from the git go, but like a lot of people I didn't even get a copy of the contract, all I got was the copy of the page I signed, Like I said in my post I have recorded my speeds since last Sept. which I plan on sending to the BBB in Denver, it seems that is the only way people get any results, my average speed was about 550 kbps which is about 1/3 their advertised speed. That is terrible speeds for the $88.00 a month they charge, and no there isn't a equipment rental added in there, I bought my equipment when It was installed, big rip off if you ask me. You would think they would just confess that they have way oversold their bandwidth but instead they just lie to everyone and claim your equipment is to blame. Wait until you have had Hughes for a while and see if your speed holds up, I hope it will but from what I've read in the Hughes parts of this forum it is just a clone of Wild Blue. Of course where I live there is nothing available except dial up and phone service alone where I live is $70.00 a month and then you have to pay AOL or some other provider and you end up with over a $100.00 a month just for internet service. Also it is long distance to call anywhere outside the small area so there is more charges. I guess the people who choose to live in the country just don't need internet service according to the providers. Sounds like you don't live far from me, I am out in the country about 15 miles west of Muskogee. Thanks for the invite but I think I will stay with Wild Blue, If you quit them and try to reconnect later they make you pay rental on the equipment you bought to begin with, I checked with them and they said it was because they don't sell the equipment anymore it is all rented, not fair but that is their policy so they say. Thanks for the post guess you are in the same boat I am and it has a bad leak in it.

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I've been with Wild Blue about 5 years, at first the speeds were as advertised, but after about 30 days the speeds started to slide down hill, they got so bad the I couldn't even open my browser, I called and raised hell and the speeds went back up for a few days and right back down, that's been the scenario for the past few years,

There are people who deny the factual 30 day of good speeds for a new user and then things slow down, but it happens.

The other one you mentioned is the call in to complain and get proper speeds for a day or so and then back in the dumper. Especially noted when support asks the user to do multiple speed tests over 24 hours. Or the other one is when WildBlue sends the installer and for the time around when the installer is supposed to be there, speeds are great. Must of been that awesome 'repair' that did NOT need to be done, nudge, nudge, wink, wink. And the user gets to pay $95 for the service call and the Installer gets work, for wages to eat daily, on a closed beam.

The HN9000 units for the spaceway3 KA band have decent bandwidth available still, but for the high use areas that could be changing. Hughesnet is tweaking that satellite every few months by posts I have read.

The KU band satellites are hit or miss for decent speeds.

So next satellites launching are for mid 2011(viasat1) for WildBlue. And for mid 2012 for Hughesnet(by the name of Jupiter, similar components to a Viasat1).

Note that in-orbit testing of the new satellites will be a few months before full deployment. http://www.viasat.com/broadband-satellite-networks/viasat-1

http://www.tooway.com/ in Europe will be launching a viasat1 in mid 2010.

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WildBlue has all of the tools needed to proactively identify each one of the legion of poor installations, SVT/modem history and uploaded Pulse data, and those files are bursting with data. WildBlue is interested in servicing the minimum number of squeaking wheels only.

Remember the requirement suggestion that all new installations be photographed? How much would it cost to evaluate all those incompetent photos?

The ISS contains adequate requirements for a fine installation but it has no teeth.

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I've been with Wild Blue about 5 years, at first the speeds were as advertised, but after about 30 days the speeds started to slide down hill, they got so bad the I couldn't even open my browser, I called and raised hell and the speeds went back up for a few days and right back down, that's been the scenario for the past few years, I thought about Hughes but after reading some of the war stories from their users it is doing the same thing Wild Blue is, I hear about the fine print in the contract saying they do not guarantee theirs speeds from the git go, but like a lot of people I didn't even get a copy of the contract, all I got was the copy of the page I signed, Like I said in my post I have recorded my speeds since last Sept. which I plan on sending to the BBB in Denver, it seems that is the only way people get any results, my average speed was about 550 kbps which is about 1/3 their advertised speed. That is terrible speeds for the $88.00 a month they charge, and no there isn't a equipment rental added in there, I bought my equipment when It was installed, big rip off if you ask me. You would think they would just confess that they have way oversold their bandwidth but instead they just lie to everyone and claim your equipment is to blame. Wait until you have had Hughes for a while and see if your speed holds up, I hope it will but from what I've read in the Hughes parts of this forum it is just a clone of Wild Blue. Of course where I live there is nothing available except dial up and phone service alone where I live is $70.00 a month and then you have to pay AOL or some other provider and you end up with over a $100.00 a month just for internet service. Also it is long distance to call anywhere outside the small area so there is more charges. I guess the people who choose to live in the country just don't need internet service according to the providers. Sounds like you don't live far from me, I am out in the country about 15 miles west of Muskogee. Thanks for the invite but I think I will stay with Wild Blue, If you quit them and try to reconnect later they make you pay rental on the equipment you bought to begin with, I checked with them and they said it was because they don't sell the equipment anymore it is all rented, not fair but that is their policy so they say. Thanks for the post guess you are in the same boat I am and it has a bad leak in it.

I live east of Jay a bit. I have had Hughesnet for 8 years off and on so I am aware of what could potentially happen to my speeds and probably will sometime in the future. I cruise these forums alot and I havn't read anything about Hughes having any problems with oversold beams yet so I think I am safe for a while and I am a small business customer so hopefully like with my KU equipment that will help hold off the demons for a while longer than most and maybe even till the new satt go's online but we will see. Spaceway is another option from what I have read about them. They don't have crowding problems and they have nearly the same free times and faps as Hughes does and their monthly prices are comparable with U.S. only support. The only catch I have read about them is it will cost upwards of around $250 or so for an install. They charge $99 for equipment and most installers charge around $150 for the install. Anyhow Verizon is working to cover everyone and there are alot of fixed wireless providers popping up all over Oklahoma so that there might be other options for us someday. I wish you luck with wildblue if thats where you are staying and if I hear of anything else in the Muskogee area I will post about it because I cruise alot of the fixed wireless providers websites and there are a couple down your way that are expanding their coverages all the time.

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:::.. Download Stats ..:::

Download Connection is:: 324 Kbps about 0.3 Mbps (tested with 512 kB)

Download Speed is:: 40 kB/s

Tested From:: https://testmy.net/ (Main)

Test Time:: 2010-04-13 21:22:37 GMT

Bottom Line:: 6X faster than 56K 1MB Download in 25.6 sec

Tested from a 512 kB file and took 12.929 seconds to complete

Download Diagnosis:: May need help : running at only 38.3 % of your hosts average (wildblue.net)


This is actually better than I usually get with Wildblue. Very Unfortunate. At this point I am just waiting until I can get a good broad-band connection where I live or some other company to come close to where I live so I can switch.

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:::.. Download Stats ..:::

Download Connection is:: 324 Kbps about 0.3 Mbps (tested with 512 kB)

Download Speed is:: 40 kB/s

Tested From:: https://testmy.net/'>https://testmy.net/ (Main)

Test Time:: 2010-04-13 21:22:37 GMT

Bottom Line:: 6X faster than 56K 1MB Download in 25.6 sec

Tested from a 512 kB file and took 12.929 seconds to complete

Download Diagnosis:: May need help : running at only 38.3 % of your hosts average (wildblue.net)


This is actually better than I usually get with Wildblue. Very Unfortunate. At this point I am just waiting until I can get a good broad-band connection where I live or some other company to come close to where I live so I can switch.

I know where you are coming from I have a lot of those speeds, I have been testing my speeds since last Sept. and no the calls to tech support don't help, the last repair tech that came out changed the stinger on my dish and said that would fix it, I had him come in and ran test my, guess what still getting speeds of around 500 kbps, on a good day it might get up to a screaming 700 kbps, that is just wonderful for a pro pack that is supposed to deliver 1500 kbps. or 1.5mbps. It just blows my hat off that they will stand there and lie to everyone. I should only be paying 1/3 of the $90.00 per month, and yes I had to buy my equipment, after all I am just getting 1/3 the speed they claim they have. Guess it dosn't do any good to gripe, Wild Blue and Hughes are the only game in town around here, a friend of mine said here a while back that he fixed his problem by changing to Dish Networks internet service, I laughed all the way home, Dish internet is wild blue, but I let him think he did good LOL.

Here's a test I just did, man I'm moving now, so fast I can't get my eyes to close LOL now that is fast.

Download Connection is:: 398 Kbps about 0.4 Mbps (tested with 512 kB)

Download Speed is:: 49 kB/s

Upload Connection is:: 139 Kbps about 0.1 Mbps (tested with 386 kB)

Upload Speed is:: 17 kB/s

Tested From:: https://testmy.net (Main)

Test Time:: 2010-04-15 02:04:51 GMT

D-Validation Link:: https://testmy.net/'>https://testmy.net/stats/id-YFLJ1T9HN

U-Validation Link:: https://testmy.net/'>https://testmy.net/stats/id-9A3BPX481

User Agent:: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 6.0; en-US; rv: Gecko/20100316 Firefox/3.6.2 [!]


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Did WildBlue get their accreditation back for a couple of months? Well it's expired now.

And WildBlue tried so hard to ensure that they were providing a reliable product to their customers and ensuring all problems were resolved within a short amount of time.. :rolleyes:

Not a BBB Accredited Business

This business has not been accredited by BBB.

Businesses are under no obligation to seek BBB accreditation, and some businesses are not accredited because they have not sought BBB accreditation.

To be accredited by BBB, a business must apply for accreditation and BBB must determine that the business meets BBB accreditation standards, which include a commitment to make a good faith effort to resolve any consumer complaints. BBB Accredited Businesses must pay a fee for accreditation review/monitoring and for support of BBB services to the public.


BBB Reliability Report for

WildBlue Communications, Inc.

BBB Accreditation expired on 03/26/2010

Original Business Start Date: 05/20/1999

BBB Rating D+

Ratings Explanation

BBB issues Reliability Reports on all businesses, whether or not they are BBB accredited. If a business is a BBB Accredited Business, it is stated in this report.

Find out more about this business:

BBB Accreditation

BBB Rating

Business Contact and Profile

Business Management


Customer Complaint History

Arrow Government Actions

Advertising Review

Industry Tips

BBB Copyright and Reporting Policy

BBB Accreditation

This business is not a BBB Accredited Business.

BBB Rating

Based on BBB files, this business has a BBB Rating of D+ on a scale from A+ to F.

Reasons for this rating include:

* 1258 complaints filed against business

* Advertising issue(s) found by BBB.

WildBlue Communications encourages consumers to contact WildBlue's designated Executive Escalations team at WildBlue's corporate office prior to filing a complaint through the Denver BBB. This Executive Escalations team may be reached via email at [email protected]. WildBlue has committed to address these emails by providing consumers with a response within three business days. Please include the following in the email:

First and Last Name on the Account

Phone Number on the Account

City, State and Zip on the Account

Account Number (if possible)

Detailed Description of the Issue

Business Contact and Profile

Name: WildBlue Communications, Inc.

Phone: (866) 945-3258

Fax: (720) 554-7500

Address: 5970 Greenwood Plaza Blvd Ste 300

Greenwood Village, CO 80111-4735

Website: www.wildblue.com

Original Business Start Date: May 1999

Principal: Ms Rosalind E. Stauthamer, Consumer Affairs Manager

Customer Contact: Ms Rosalind E. Stauthamer, Consumer Affairs Manager - [email protected]

Email Address: [email protected]

Incorporated: May 1999, DE

Type of Business: Internet Access Providers, Internet Services

BBB Accreditation: This company is not a BBB Accredited business.

Business Management

Additional company management personnel include:

Mr. Tom Moore - CEO


Many local municipalities, townships, and counties have registration, bonding and/or licensing requirements. The BBB encourages you to check with the appropriate agency to be certain any requirements are currently being met.

Permit and license requirements for regulated industries in the state of Colorado can be viewed at the following website: http://www.colorado.gov/oed/industry-license/

Customer Complaint History

When considering complaint information, please take into account the company's size and volume of transactions, and understand that the nature of complaints and a firm's responses to them are often more important than the number of complaints.

BBB processed a total of 1258 complaints about this company in the last 36 months, our standard reporting period. Of the total of 1258 complaints closed in 36 months, 270 were closed in the last year.

These complaints concerned :

41 regarding Advertising Issues

2 - Advertised price not honored

5 - Advertised terms not honored

1 - Advertisement did not disclose all conditions required to take advantage of an offer

6 - Advertisement misrepresented a product

23 - Advertisement misrepresented a service

2 - Bait & switch advertisement

1 - False or unsubstantiated claims in advertisement

1 - None of the Above - Advertising Complaint Issue

250 regarding Billing or Collection Issues

70 - Failure to correct billing errors

4 - Failure to provide itemized billing as requested

11 - Failure to substantiate charges

20 - Improper collection practices

46 - None of the Above - Credit, Billing or Collection Complaint Issue

47 - Unauthorized bank debits

52 - Unauthorized credit card charges

138 regarding Contract Issues

52 - Failure to honor a contract or agreement

13 - Invalid or false contract

67 - None of the Above - Contract Complaint Issue

6 - Unauthorized changes to the contract or agreement

188 regarding Customer Service Issues

104 - Failure to provide promised assistance or support for products or services

39 - Failure to respond to phone calls or written requests for assistance or support

2 - Inappropriate behavior by customer service personnel

43 - None of the Above - Customer Service Complaint Issue

6 regarding Delivery Issues

1 - Late delivery of products

1 - Non-delivery of products

4 - Non-delivery of services

4 regarding Guarantee or Warranty Issues

1 - Failure to honor money-back guarantees

3 - None of the Above - Guarantee or Warranty Complaint Issue

37 regarding Product Issues

5 - Defective, damaged, or incorrect product received

32 - None of the Above - Product Quality Complaint Issue

107 regarding Refund or Exchange Issues

56 - Failure to honor promised refunds, exchanges, or credit

16 - Failure to honor refund, exchange or credit policies

35 - None of the Above - Refund or Exchange Complaint Issue

42 regarding Repair Issues

25 - Delayed completion of repair

2 - Failure to honor a repair estimate or agreement

2 - Failure to provide invoice or estimate for repair upon request

1 - Improper or inferior repair

9 - None of the Above - Repair Complaint Issue

3 - Repairs resulted in additional damage

84 regarding Sales Practice Issues

8 - None of the Above - Sales Complaint Issue

17 - Sales presentation did not disclose complete pricing information

13 - Sales presentation did not disclose key conditions of the offer

8 - Sales presentation misrepresented the product

23 - Sales presentation misrepresented the service

2 - Sales presentation not consistent with advertisement

2 - Sales presentation not consistent with the written agreement

11 - Sales presentation used dishonest sales practices

361 regarding Service Issues

21 - Delayed completion of service

22 - Failure to honor service estimate or agreement

245 - Improper or inferior service

71 - None of the Above - Service Complaint Issue

2 - Services resulted in additional damage (exp. Damaged product during shipping)

These complaints were closed as:

970 Resolved

453 - Company resolved the complaint issues. The consumer acknowledged acceptance to BBB.

509 - Company addressed the complaint issues. The consumer failed to acknowledge acceptance to BBB.

4 - Company resolved the complaint issues, but not within BBB's timeframe.

2 - Company offered a partial (less than 100%) settlement which the consumer failed to acknowledge acceptance to BBB.

2 - Company offered a partial (less than 100%) settlement which the consumer accepted.

288 Administratively Closed

243 - BBB determined that despite the company's reasonable effort to address complaint issues, the consumer remained dissatisfied.

24 - BBB determined the company made a reasonable offer to resolve the issues, but the consumer did not accept the offer.

14 - BBB determined that while the company addressed the complaint issues, the complainant was dissatisfied and the matter was outside BBB Rules of Arbitration.

7 - BBB determined the company provided proper verification that indicated there was no obligation to resolve the issues of the complaint.

Government Actions

BBB has no information regarding government actions at this time.

Advertising Review

BBB has no information regarding advertising review at this time.


Report as of April 14, 2010 20:06

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I have been with Wildblue for 3 years. I have gone to the BBB and Ohio Attorney General with complaints recently. Wildblue responded to my complaint. Here is their response and my reply. Customers with Wildblue are being stolen from each day. We need to document this and each file a claim with the BBB and your state's AG. They may not guarantee speed but false advertising is still a violation of the law. I believe there is a possibility of organizing a class action lawsuit as they have really dug their hole pretty deep this time. See what follows for an idea of their attitude and what yours should be:

Wildblue legal dept:

"Thank you for bringing Mr. Donia's complaint to our attention. Upon investigation into the

account, the customer is in a suspended beam. We apologize for the problems that Mr.

Donia has had with speeds of the service during peak usage times. We are aware of

technical problems in the spot beam serving Mr. Donia's area, and are working to improve

service in that area. We have closed this area to new sales and are implementing measures

to address issues customers may be experiencing. We emphasize that WildBlue engages

in a continual process of adapting the management of our network to meet the expanding

broadband usage by our customers, including exponential use of streaming video and other

data intensive activities. As noted, we have closed Mr. Donia's beam to new customers, but

if the current customers on that beam continue to increase bandwidth usage month over

month, it may take longer than anticipated to resolve all issues. In light of this, we are willing

to release Mr. Donia from his contract (due to expire in March 2011), waive all early

termination fees, and refund amounts paid by Mr. Donia over the last 60 days. We note that

this refund is in addition to the $550 in account credits and free service calls provided to Mr.

Donia during his tenure with WildBlue. Thank you for the opportunity to respond."

My response:

"This response does not satisfy WildBlue’s obligation to address my complaint, nor does it

help the customers on Beam 125, and all the other overcrowded beams on the WildBlue

network. How many Beams does WildBlue have at this time and how many are

oversubscribed with new sales suspended? I want answers to these questions and the

other questions asked in this response.

First, the speed issue is not just during peak usage times, it is a constant problem which no

doubt effects all subscribers on Beam 125. Second, each customer has bandwidth speed

and usage limitations imposed by WildBlue in their agreement with WildBlue, whether under

contract or not. If WildBlue’s business plan does not do the math and make projections to

anticipate when a beam will be at full capacity, they are guilty of neglecting their obligation

to meet advertised and promised bandwidth speeds and usage for each existing customer

on a given Beam. Few is any customers on Beam 125 are successfully streaming video as

it is not possible with the limited bandwidth speeds we currently share on Beam 125. To

blame customers for WildBlue’s malfeasance, compounds the insult to my intelligence and

anyone else with the technical background to understand how WildBlue is ripping off current

subscribers. A Google search of the Internet for “WildBlue overcrowded beam” easily

demonstrates this customer abuse has been going on since their inception.

I have spent in excess of $2500 on WildBlue over 3 plus years. The claimed $550 in

account credits were only given to me after I proved to WildBlue technical support staff that

they were at fault and owed it to me. WildBlue has my credit card and they take from me

what ever they feel entitled too.

WildBlue’s remedy for me is not a remedy at all. There is no contract between WildBlue

and me. The renewal of our agreement was contingent upon WildBlue resolving the

technical issues related to my account. On 3-23-10 @ 9:20 AM Cameron in WildBlue’s

Customer Retention Dept. at: 888 278 6858, agreed to waive the $119 service call fee if it

could be demonstrated that this was not a customer equipment problem but a problem with

WildBlue’s service. I agreed that IF, the problem with my service was fixed with the

replacement of my equipment or improvement of my local installation, I would pay the $119

and agree to a one year contract extension. On 3-25-10 @ 9:30 AM On site WildBlue

certified installer John Larrison arrived, tested the equipment and checked the installation

quality. He was able to document to his satisfaction and mine that the installation was

nearly perfect and the equipment at my location was in good working order. He indicated to

me that he has been on many local service calls of late. The problem he has found in each

case is related to the overcrowded Beam and is not due to faulty installations &/or faulty

equipment. WildBlue customer service habitually blames faulty installs and/or homeowner

equipment; most customers lack the technical ability to refute those faulty conclusions.

Many of these customers are being suckered into spending $95 or $119 for an unneeded

service call which fixes nothing. This actually means WildBlue is benefiting and making

money on service calls for a problem they themselves created - more stealing.

In conclusion, this response from WildBlue’s legal department is not good enough. How

long have sales in my area been suspended? Has it been longer then 60 days? All

customers on Beam 125 have had their contracts with WildBlue abrogated because of

WildBlue’s failure to meet contractual obligations. For their legal department to say in

summary: “We have a problem and cannot provide service as agreed but it is the customers

fault for using our service.” Is double-talk and allows WildBlue to continue the practice of

over subscribing their Beams which is tantamount to stealing from their existing customers.

I want WildBlue to take responsibility for what has happened to those of us stuck on Beam

125. The solution is straight forward. WildBlue oversold Beam 125, whether accidentally or

on purpose. Contact customers on Beam 125; disclose to them why service is not up to

contracted specifications. Offer to cover the cost of migrating enough subscribers away

from Beam 125 so that those who remain get the service they are paying for."

I need help from a lot of squeaky wheels!

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  • 2 weeks later...

hey im in central texas extreme sticks. here its wild blue or hughs net

when i hooked up hughs was full so all i had was wild blue as far as speed i might ge what i pay for once or twice a week the rest of the time its around 650 to 750 Kb which is about 80 to 90 KB a second

the only other choice is dial up as i have no cell signal if i want to use my cell phone i have to either drive about a mile or climb up on the roof but i love my computers and what good are they without the net.

to answer your question no and i dont think anyone gets advertised speed. the other is th FAP im only allowed 17 gb of data on a rolling 30 day scale and thats with the platinum package thanks for letting me vent

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Three-year Wildblue customer here, living in rural Oregon. Every night (starting about 6:30 or 7PM, PST) my speed drops like a rock. I can't tell when it returns to "normal" because I just get pissed-off, turn off the computer and go to bed. For example, right now it's just after 9PM and (per the testmy.net test) my download speed is 117kbps (.12Mbps) and my upload speed is 92kbps (.1Mbps). I've had faster dialup back in the day.

Calling Wildblue customer service ended about a year ago, when I was often assured that "everything seems normal on the system" and then they implied the problem must be with my computer. WTF? So now I just put up with it and try to get all my internet stuff done before dinner, when the speeds are relatively high and the frustration level is low :)

Sure will be glad when the phone company strings some DSL out my way. Thanks for letting me vent!

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  • 2 weeks later...

if i can figure out how i will post my results from today

:::.. Download Stats ..:::

Download Connection is:: 1041 Kbps about 1 Mbps (tested with 3064 kB)

Download Speed is:: 127 kB/s

Tested From:: https://testmy.net/ (Main)

Test Time:: 2010-05-12 01:44:58 GMT

Bottom Line:: 18X faster than 56K 1MB Download in 8.06 sec

Tested from a 3064 kB file and took 24.118 seconds to complete

Download Diagnosis:: Awesome! 20% + : 23.05 % faster than the average for host (wildblue.net)

D-Validation Link:: https://testmy.net/stats/id-0DQJA17FL

User Agent:: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 7.0; Windows NT 6.0; WOW64; Trident/4.0; SLCC1; .NET CLR 2.0.50727; Media Center PC 5.0; .NET CLR 3.5.30729; .NET CLR 3.0.30729) [!]

.this is a better than normal test still below what i pay for as i have the platinum package which is supposed to be 1.5 Mb down and .5Mb up

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this is 715 amnot much different from last night but still not what im paying for

:::.. Download Stats ..:::

Download Connection is:: 1295 Kbps about 1.3 Mbps (tested with 1544 kB)

Download Speed is:: 158 kB/s

Tested From:: https://testmy.net/ (Main)

Test Time:: 2010-05-12 12:10:24 GMT

Bottom Line:: 23X faster than 56K 1MB Download in 6.48 sec

Tested from a 1544 kB file and took 9.766 seconds to complete

Download Diagnosis:: Awesome! 20% + : 53.07 % faster than the average for host (wildblue.net)

D-Validation Link:: https://testmy.net/stats/id-YAPG3XDS2

User Agent:: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 7.0; Windows NT 6.0; WOW64; Trident/4.0; SLCC1; .NET CLR 2.0.50727; Media Center PC 5.0; .NET CLR 3.5.30729; .NET CLR 3.0.30729) [!]

i guess its not bad considering the way they treat some clirents but i rarely get less than 800 Kb

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  • 4 months later...

Well I have to admit Wild Blue did get their speeds up according to the speed tests but nothing seems to be moving any faster on the net, still no streaming video, pictures won't load on emails for a start, I think there is a smoke screen here when it comes to testing Wild Blue's download speed, then today my browser wouldn't even start, when I finally got on and after four or five tries got Test My to load, it showed my download at no higher than 500KBPS all day long had a update trying to download and the speed on it was down to 25KBS, guess these folks will never get it right, I have worked with their tech support off and on for the last year and a half to no avail, oh my speed would go up for a few days and then right back down, for about the last month or so my speeds have been testing from 1000kbps to 1500kbps but nothing has actually sped up except the downloads the websites were still dead slow and video was out of the question, the websites keep reloading all the time. They even quit selling new subscriptions in this area for a very short time but a week or so wasn't long enough to make any difference to the overcrowding in this area. They have just over sold their service so bad in this area that no one get's what they are paying for, I am paying for the Pro Pack and getting the basic pack speeds guess they figure that is being fair? Wonder how slow the basic pack is? If I have trouble signing on with the pro pack bet they can't get on the net at all. Well there's my rant for tonight. DC

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Well I have to admit Wild Blue did get their speeds up according to the speed tests but nothing seems to be moving any faster on the net, still no streaming video, pictures won't load on emails for a start, I think there is a smoke screen here when it comes to testing Wild Blue's download speed, then today my browser wouldn't even start, when I finally got on and after four or five tries got Test My to load, it showed my download at no higher than 500KBPS all day long had a update trying to download and the speed on it was down to 25KBS, guess these folks will never get it right, I have worked with their tech support off and on for the last year and a half to no avail, oh my speed would go up for a few days and then right back down, for about the last month or so my speeds have been testing from 1000kbps to 1500kbps but nothing has actually sped up except the downloads the websites were still dead slow and video was out of the question, the websites keep reloading all the time. They even quit selling new subscriptions in this area for a very short time but a week or so wasn't long enough to make any difference to the overcrowding in this area. They have just over sold their service so bad in this area that no one get's what they are paying for, I am paying for the Pro Pack and getting the basic pack speeds guess they figure that is being fair? Wonder how slow the basic pack is? If I have trouble signing on with the pro pack bet they can't get on the net at all. Well there's my rant for tonight. DC

Read this >> about Satellite ;)

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  • 2 months later...
angry.gif I for the 1st time can say, Wild Blue your system sucks for sure. I've been with them for some 4 years, maybe getting my posted speeds of 1meg knuppel2.gif 6% of this entire time. Well I'm done with you and your shit. icon_smile.gif I now have 3G service and its nice to run at 3meg 95% of the time..... smitten.gif Thank you ATT for 3G
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  • 2 weeks later...

angry.gif I for the 1st time can say, Wild Blue your system sucks for sure. I've been with them for some 4 years, maybe getting my posted speeds of 1meg knuppel2.gif 6% of this entire time. Well I'm done with you and your shit. icon_smile.gif I now have 3G service and its nice to run at 3meg 95% of the time..... smitten.gif Thank you ATT for 3G

If you have other [better] options, that would be the logical thing to do. Good luck!

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angry.gif I for the 1st time can say, Wild Blue your system sucks for sure. I've been with them for some 4 years, maybe getting my posted speeds of 1meg knuppel2.gif 6% of this entire time. Well I'm done with you and your shit. icon_smile.gif I now have 3G service and its nice to run at 3meg 95% of the time..... smitten.gif Thank you ATT for 3G

You mean the scientist couldn't convince you not to use your system only in the wee hours or that your system was installed incorrectly but worked in the early am hours. :2funny:

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angry.gif I for the 1st time can say, Wild Blue your system sucks for sure. I've been with them for some 4 years, maybe getting my posted speeds of 1meg knuppel2.gif 6% of this entire time. Well I'm done with you and your shit. icon_smile.gif I now have 3G service and its nice to run at 3meg 95% of the time..... smitten.gif Thank you ATT for 3G

4G by Sprint is available here now. Can't wait, supposed to be real fast. Gonna try it out in a month or two. :smitten:
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4G by Sprint is available here now. Can't wait, supposed to be real fast. Gonna try it out in a month or two. :smitten:

Will be able to get 4G here too but with the cost and verizons low fap I think I will stay where I am for now. If verizon ever gets real and decides to let people have reasonable amounts of bandwidth then I might switch. Oh and if they ever drop the $500 deposit thing.

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I was told the only difference would be the price of a modem, and a new two year contract. I could do that part for those speeds. But like you said I have to check out the limits of it, I don't ever get fapped. But maybe thats the difference between Verizon and Sprint. Boht are availble here. In fact we also have crickett here too. So enough choices available.

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  • 1 month later...

Read this >> about Satellite ;)

:::.. dcroc84375's Combined Test Results ..:::

Download Connection is:: 392 Kbps about 0.39 Mbps (tested with 512 kB)

Download Speed is:: 49 kB/s

Upload Connection is:: 93 Kbps about 0.1 Mbps (tested with 193 MB)

Upload Speed is:: 12 kB/s

Tested From:: https://testmy.net (Dallas, TX USA)

Test Time:: 2011-02-03 18:12:48 GMT -7

Validation:: https://testmy.net/db/GFKABTEDH&q2=Z75HSUBGM&dual=yes

User Agent:: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 6.0; en-US; rv: Gecko/201012

I wouldn't consider this test as the speeds being up would you, this was done on your website just a few mins. ago.

This is not what I would call speeds up, and I have the pro pack which is supposed to be 1.5mbps down and 256kbps up it only lacks 1.11mbps to get to 1.5mbps. You must be on Wild Blue's payroll saying their speeds are up, right now the average on your site says Wild Blue's average down load speed is 800kbps, is that a average of all their beams or just 34 that I am on? check it out I am on beam 34 that is about 200% oversold. I would like to what you posted backed up, I have kept tests for the last 2 years or so and only a couple months before Christmas the speeds were up for around 2 or three weeks and they managed to pile enough new contracts on the already oversold beam to get everyone down below 600kbps I don't call that having their speed up their income yes but speed no. You are welcome to check my speed tests since I have been with wild blue. Now I'm through with my rant. Thanks, funny I don't feel any better.

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