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Hey, i know a bunch of you guys have talked about HTC phones before. Mudman, i know you have said you've owned an htc ...if im remembering right anyway....

anyhow, im trading up from a blackberry storm 2 (iphone users can tell me all they want that theirs is better, i consider that a lie LOL)....anyway, im getting the htc incredible. anyone use it before?

anyone use the htc sense along with droid 2.1? i know 2.1 is a little out dated right now but i figure its not that important and i can always get an update later on if i so need it. if not, then i guess im screwed huh lmao.

anyway, let me know what you guys have had with htc and if the incredible is as good as i've seen through the research about it.


starship_troopers (RyanS.):headbang:

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Hey, i know a bunch of you guys have talked about HTC phones before. Mudman, i know you have said you've owned an htc ...if im remembering right anyway....

anyhow, im trading up from a blackberry storm 2 (iphone users can tell me all they want that theirs is better, i consider that a lie LOL)....anyway, im getting the htc incredible. anyone use it before?

anyone use the htc sense along with droid 2.1? i know 2.1 is a little out dated right now but i figure its not that important and i can always get an update later on if i so need it. if not, then i guess im screwed huh lmao.

anyway, let me know what you guys have had with htc and if the incredible is as good as i've seen through the research about it.


starship_troopers (RyanS.):headbang:

If you look here http://www.engadget.com/2010/12/10/smartphone-buyers-guide-the-best-phones-for-atandt-verizon-spr/

Its Verizon's best phone, but you shouldn't be getting 2.1, it should come with 2.2, or update once you get it to 2.2.

Its a good phone, but if you get one of the AMOLED ones the screen is hard to read out doors. Other then that its pretty good and the camera in it is ok.

But... If you scroll to the bottom list on engadget you will notice this "the best of the best is still Apple's iPhone 4". And thats no lie :grin2:

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thanks i know iphone 4 is awesome, but im just not a fan enough to use it as my own phone. but thanks again for the link, and yeah i noticed that about the AMOLED, and i was suprised that it was in the phone, but all in all i use it indoors mainly anyway, but im still researching so far. any other info would be appriciated, i've been to sites and so far engadget is the only one i can remember now that i havent gone to.

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But... If you scroll to the bottom list on engadget you will notice this "the best of the best is still Apple's iPhone 4". And thats no lie :grin2:

i might've agreed with that until the Nexus S came along. Anyway...

I used to have a droid incredible, its a pretty solid, dependable phone. If possible, you should consider the Samsung Galaxy S Fascinate, but I won't completely recommend that because many people (including me) have issues with lag due to the memory system and also many people with galaxy s devices (including me) report a bad gps experience. Some people tho say they get no lag and their phone works seamlessly. I currently have the AT&T version of the fascinate. The screens are arguably better than the ip4 screens and easily the best screens for an android phone.

Compared to the incredible, the galaxy s has a bigger, better 4" Super AMOLED screen versus the 3.7" Super LCD screen on the incredible. Super AMOLED is much brighter, but still has the same color depth. Also, even tho the galaxy s screen is glossy, it handles glare much better. It has a hummingbird processor which is better for 3d gaming. The galaxy S has a 5mp camera vs the 8mp camera in the incredible. IMO the galaxy s's camera handles light much better and the 720p video is much smoother due to a higher frame rate. Also the galaxy s has a 1500mah battery vs the 1400mah battery in the incredible.

I don't know if you are limited to the incredible because of the price or what not, but I'm sure, if u have an upgrade, the fascinate is $80 on amazon wireless.

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I still have the HTC Touch Diamond. Why ? Because I have flashed more ROM's on that thing then cousin vinnie has had canolies. I used droid os before most people knew what it was , and had more apps on it then ten people might have in there lifetime.

HTC is one of the most modded devices out there. The hardware is solid, I wouldnt worry to much about the newest software , other then the screen issue of course. Because if your a nerd like myself you'll soon be flashing an unlocked firmware version and the latest ROM with the latest apps that the wireless ISp's don't come close to having.

I'm exited for you and hope you get it. !!!!!!!!!!

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  • 4 weeks later...

I still have the HTC Touch Diamond. Why ? Because I have flashed more ROM's on that thing then cousin vinnie has had canolies. I used droid os before most people knew what it was , and had more apps on it then ten people might have in there lifetime.

HTC is one of the most modded devices out there. The hardware is solid, I wouldnt worry to much about the newest software , other then the screen issue of course. Because if your a nerd like myself you'll soon be flashing an unlocked firmware version and the latest ROM with the latest apps that the wireless ISp's don't come close to having.

I'm exited for you and hope you get it. !!!!!!!!!!

My last phone was a HTC Touch Diamond and I had mine flashed too. What ROM do you use? I liked MightyROM myself :-D

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the only thing so far i have to complain about is the horrible battery life. ive tried tweaking every setting i can think of, including turning off every service i dont need at the time...my phone has been unplugged for a couple hours and im already down to like 70 something percent battery life. any suggestions on how to make this battery last longer?

edit/ also all i have done since the phone was unplugged was check one email in my inbox and look at one facebook notification. other than that the screen has been locked.

Edited by RyanS
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Ryan , thats precisely why so many people that are technically or so inclined , search out alternative roms to begin with, the battery life stock rom stinks on ice !!!!!

ca3le I used almost everything out there before going back to mighty rom. I initially switched from the original mighty rom because i couldnt bear looking t that silly micky mouse on boot lol , then after beating myself up and grew sick of pukin the battery life out , i went back. Although i was never able to complete a test here at tmn with mighty rom , it was the only workable solution.

I used off top the head , caulkins, mighty, conflipper was a freak of nature , I loved it ! but mighty had way more possibilities built in, and many other vanilla flashes to get a scope.

I started in learning to cook with conflippers , just got lost on other things , as usual.

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HTC Needs to step up IMO ! Better gpu, big screen phones are not innovative, add a better lcd display, bigger battery life,

quit being cheap on construction. Seems they have gotten use to being at the top they lost some sight of things. As for Faildroid, any phone maker can shove as much power into that phone as they want that OS will still bottleneck.

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ive already been searching roms, just havent done anything yet.

and as for HTC, their build quality is still great, sure it may lack a few cosmetic things, but come on, ive abused many phones and so far the ones everyone bashes online are the ones that have stayed together the longest.

on the other hand i can agree that htc has become a "ok lets add one thing and ship out the phone" kind of company, but they still are one of the better phones out there.

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Havent had a lick of trouble with my HTC , in fact quite the opposite, it's been dropped countless times in two years , with it's aluminum body , it takes it like a man , worst thing is the back flew off once forcing me to chase it into busy street before traffic got a chance to eat it.

And i didnt stick to the stock rom for more then a week , couldn't take it.

Not in use anymore , maybe I'll put it up for sale. I'm sure a dev would love to have it

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if its not the Last WM Phone (HD2) no Dev would buy it. WM itself is dying if not dead. Using the HD2 to port WP7 seems a success so far give few bugs here and there from what i have seem myself. Devs have moved from WM to Droid or Mac when MS has not given anything new to use for the time being. As far as WP7 they are growing steady. Only thing that pisses me off is the majority of Lazy Devs just porting WM apps to the WP7 interface.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I've had my htc incredible for about a month now ; or should i say my second incredible anyhow.. Had the phone for about 3 weeks in a friggin GPS case in fear id break it like all my others, never once left it out. Went to a company xmas party here on the 15th and stuck the phone in my pocket ; for the first time. Was good all night. the wife asked me to help pull her chair out ( being pregnant and all ) so i did, she said " thats a bit too far" so i nugged the stool in a little bit with my leg , realizing my phone was still in my pocket. Didnt push hard, just enough to tell me " Hey idiot, move ur phone! " so i pulled my phone out and set it on the table. Pushed her stool in and went to check email's . Low and behold, my screen was fkn black on one side. Just completely liquidized on ½ the left side . Took it to verizon after they told me the 30 day policy covered whatever happens to it. That was a lie. Took the phone into verizon and they said " Pressure cracks are not covered!" Even though the screen was not at all damaged, the lcd inside had a "pressure crack" and was not covered. Lucky we bought the $200 insurance and only had to pay $50 bucks for a new one. After that i spent the well worth $60 bucks on the "Otter Box" . Seen here :

- http://www.otterbox.com/HTC-DROID-Incredible-Defender-Series-Case/HTC2-INCRD,default,pd.html

If nothing else i would absolutely recommend that case ; Not only is it a rubberized case like all others , but it is also a hard plastic, semi-protective screen protector, clip , & reverse mountable ; Meaning you can put the FACE of the phone INSIDE the case :D

But I absolutely love my incredible. Only difference i found between the incredible and the droid X is the X has a slightly bigger screen , hdmi port & $100 bucks. XD

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I got sick of the chase for a better phone and a million things on it , chucked them all but a cheap plastic old ass flip phone. I love it ! I dont have to stop and check emails and see how long I can wait for a webpage to load. If I'm not in the office , guess what , either text me or give me a call , I might even answer the phone if it rings , maybe lol

And for less then 2 bucks a month It's better then that age old crack donalds tv commercial about lovin it.

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  • 4 weeks later...

the only thing so far i have to complain about is the horrible battery life. ive tried tweaking every setting i can think of, including turning off every service i dont need at the time...my phone has been unplugged for a couple hours and im already down to like 70 something percent battery life. any suggestions on how to make this battery last longer?

edit/ also all i have done since the phone was unplugged was check one email in my inbox and look at one facebook notification. other than that the screen has been locked.

Ryan I would highly recommend upgrading your battery. I used the droid incredible before switching to my samsung captivate and the weak 1300mah battery was also the one thing that bothered me. HTC makes great phones but has a bad habit of putting weak batteries in their powerful phones.

I would recommend buying the 1500mah batter that is used the the touch pro 2. You can find them on ebay, just make sure they are new and not used. I bought mine from the seller bidaillies, just search for him on ebay. Some people might recommend the 1750 mah batter but for the price, it's not worth it and some argue that it won't perform as good as it should anyway. If you haven't already check out the phandroid forums for more tips about your phone.

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I agree mttfrog13 , I test drove one of a friends , only thing it nearly doubles the thickness of the device. Which wasnt something i was willing to have pokin out of my dockers.

've found that nearly all of the ROM's developed by the community out perform stock ROM's in performance , usability and by ten fold battery life. Thats if the user is willing to unlock and flash the thing, which is very simple.

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